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Unit 3 Online travel( Speak up and Study skills)学案

Unit 3 Online travel( Speak up and Study skills)学案

unit 3 online travel( speak up and study skills)学案

一、learning aims

1、to improve the abilities of listening and speaking

2、to develop sorting and categorizing skills

3、to develop an understanding of relationships between a variety of words and ideas

4、to categorize vocabulary and ideas according to different types of information

二、learning importance and difficulty

1、to develop sorting and categorizing skills

2、to develop an understanding of relationships between a variety of words and ideas

三、learning method

listening,speaking and understanding

四、learning aids

tape-recorder, pictures, a small computer and learning cards

五、learning steps

part one : preview exercises and preview exchange


1. my new k_______ is very comfortable and i can type very easily.

2. a computer has a s_________ like tv and we can see words and pictures on it.

3. a h_______ disk can store more information than a floppy disk.

4. if you have p________ ,you can put the words and pictures onto paper.

5. if you want to control the computer you have to know some i_________ first.


      (   )1.a. apple    b. mango   c. cake   d. banana

      (   )2.a.pencil    b.eraser    c.radio    d.ink

      (   )3.a.doctor    b.teacher   c.reader   d.worker

      (   )4.a.shirt      b.skirt      c.shoes    d.short

      (   )5.a.music     b.english   c.subject   d.maths

      (   )6.a.wednesday b.weekend  c.sunday   d.thursday

      (   )7.a.tie        b.neck     c.shoulder  d.knee

      (   )8.a.feet       b.ears      c.eyes     d.mouth

      (   )9.a.baseball   b.football   c.chess     d.tennis

      (   )10.a.radio    b.recorder   c.tv      d.ruler3页,当前第1123

Unit 3 Online travel( Speak up and Study skills)学案

part two : exchanges show and directions improve


            ask students to prepare their own conversation about how to use daily english  .


        2、playing a game

           divide the class into five teams. give each team a card showing these headings:

          ‘vegetables’, ‘sports’, ‘colors’, ‘items of clothing’’ ‘fruit’, ‘jobs’, 

          ‘animals’,‘countries’, ‘weather words’.


          sports   :____________________________________________________________

          colours  : ___________________________________________________________

          cities   :____________________________________________________________

          clothing :____________________________________________________________

          fruit   :_____________________________________________________________

          jobs   :_____________________________________________________________



          weather :_____________________________________________________________

         ask each group to think of as many word as possible.

part three: have a test for the class:



         fruit    :_____________________________________________3页,当前第2123

Unit 3 Online travel( Speak up and Study skills)学案

         animal  :_____________________________________________


         cities   :_____________________________________________

         food    :_____________________________________________


my best holiday

        1、who did spend your holiday with you?     5、where did you go?

        2、what places of interest did you visit?      6、what was your feeling?

        3、what time was it?                     7、what was the weather like that day?

        4、what activities did you have?            8、what food did you eat that day?

        introduction:__________main body: __________   conclusion:_______________


    1. review what we have learnt and do some exercises about it.

    2. try to think of some headings and remember more words in the same categories.

    3.preview "main task" and do some preview exercises about it. 
