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Module 12 Traditional life

Module 12 Traditional life

unit 3 language in use■warming updifferent nations have different manners and customs. different places have different manners and customs.we have to behave ourselves according to the different manners and customs. that’s what we say in chinese: 入乡随俗。 today we shall put language in use. that is, to behave ourselves, not only according to the grammar rules, but also to the different manners and customs.■language practicedo more language practice.in china you must wait and open your present later.in australia you can't drop litter in the street.in britain you can't ride your bike on the pavement.in australia you can take photos of people1 listen and checklisten to a teenager talking about life. check (√) the things he must and mustn't do.1 clean bedroom   2 wash up3 stay out after 9:00 pm4 smoke5 do homework6 wash hands7 use the telephone without asking8 play music loudly after 10:00 pm√√√√××2 listen and write.what two things does he say he can do?he says he can use the telephone without asking.he says he can stay out after 9:00 pm.3 read and write.write some things you can, must, and mustn't do at home.i must do some housework.i must clean the room.i must keep away from dangers.i must enjoy myself.i must complete my homework on time.i mustn't be rude to parents.i mustn’t put the medicine in the wrong place.i mustn’t drop litter. i mustn’t lock the door without taking the keys.  i can do nothing.i can put down my parents’ words.i can shake the shelf for a book.i can talk loudly to my dog.4 talk and say.work in pairs. tell each other three things you must do at home and three things youmustn't do. are your home rules different or the same?i must visit my grandparents once a week. i mustn't smoke.i must write down all new words from the text. i must wear light shoes at home.i must wash up my bowls and cups at home.i must translate english into chinese. …i mustn’t look up all the new words in the dictionary.i mustn’t whisper in class.i mustn’t translate all my texts into chinese.… 5 think and write.write some things you must or mustn't do at school.you mustn't come to school late.1 you must take your shoes off in the gym.2 you mustn’t eat in the library.3 you mustn’t ride your bike in the playground.4 you must do your homework.5 you must listen to the teacher.6 & 7 read and complete. complete the sentences with can or can't. something we can do, and something we can’t do. now complete the sentences with can or can't.3页,当前第1123

Module 12 Traditional life

1 you can’t drive a car at the age of sixteen.2 you can’t get married at sixteen.3 you can leave china with a passport.4 you can’t leave school at the age of fourteen.5 you can’t have a job at twelve.6 you can learn english outside the classroom.write as they do. (仿写)8 read and complete.match the words in the box with the descriptions. there are words and expressions in the box. and you see eight sentences, too, on page 101. now try to match the words in the box with the descriptions.do more such practices.1 it's something nice to eat. → chocolate2 it's something you watch. →  video3 you wear it on your head. → baseball cap4 you eat with them.  →chopsticks5 you play a game with it. → chess set6 you wrap it and give it to someone on their birthday.  →present7 you can look up words you don't know in it. →dictionary8 you can put money in it. → purse9 choose and play.play a class game. choose a word from the box and describe it to the class. the class guesses what it is.a: many people have one.b: is it a chess set?a: no. you use them to get to places.c: is it a bicycle?a: yes!a: many people like to play it.b: is it a video?a: no. you play it on the playground.c: is it baseball?a: yes!a: many people like to wear it.b: is it a pair of shoes?a: no. you wear it in winter.c: is it a cap?a: yes!a: people play something on it.b: is it a bicycle?a: no. two people play on it.c: is it a chess set?a: yes!a: people love it.b: is it a purse?a: no. some people love to eat it.c: is it a chocolate?a: yes!a: many chinese people use them.b: is it dictionaries?a: no. you use them to eat chinese food in china.c: is it chopsticks?a: yes. 10 read and complete.complete the passage with the words in the boxes.write as they do. (仿写)11 look and say. look at the signs and guess what they mean.at the first sign, you mustn't walk.at the second sign, you mustn't shake.at the third sign, you mustn't smoke.at the fourth sign, you must stop.tell the class about other signs you can think of.■around the worldlet’s go around the world on page 103. this time we are going to learn signs around the world. read the around the world passage. while reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑) the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions. write as they do. (仿写)■module task→ writing advice for foreign guests to a chinese family12 think and note.work in pairs. make notes on what you must, mustn't or can do.1 what must you wear?→ you must nice clothes.3页,当前第2123

Module 12 Traditional life

2 what mustn't you ask?→ you mustn’t ask about a woman’s age.3 what presents must you bring?→ you must bring some small nice presents.4 what presents mustn't you give?→ you mustn’t bring big, expensive presents. 5 what mustn't you bring into the country?→ you mustn't bring into china drug, fruits and bad books?6 what mustn't you do in the streets?→ you mustn’t shout in the street. 7 what must you do when you visit someone at home?→ you must knock at his door first. 13 think and write.write your advice for people coming to china.you mustn't give a clock to a chinese family as a present. you mustn't give medicines to a chinese family as a present.you mustn’t use chinese number four to name a person. it is connected with death. you mustn’t visit a old person without giving him some presents.14 look and say.look at other students' advice. choose the five most important pieces of advice about customs inchina.3页,当前第3123