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He said I was hardworking

He said I was hardworking

unit 4  he said i was hard-working.

1.teaching aims and demands

(1)knowledge object

in this unit students learn to report what someone said.

(2)ability objects

to improve students’ abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing.

to improve students’ ability of communication.

to improve students’ ability of integrating skills.

(3)sensibility and value

to enable to cooperate with other students,help each other to complete the tasks together.

to be able to express one’s feeling in english.

2.teaching key point

to master the key vocabulary and the target language in this unit.

3.teaching difficulty

to train students how to use the target language by reading and writing.

4.studying way

to teach students how to listen for key words.

5.language function

report what someone said.

6.target language

—what did your math teacher say?

—he said i was hard-working.

—i can speak three languages.

—what did she say?

—she said she could speak three languages.


reported speech.

simple past tense.

can for ability.




soap opera;house;drinks;snacks;lazy;beach;tomorrow;math;spanish;history;science

why... i can...


10.learning strategies

listening for key words.


11.teaching time

seven periods.

the first period

ⅰ.teaching aims and demands

1.knowledge objects

(1)key vocabulary

report;surprise;party;be mad at

(2)target language

—what did marcia say?

—she said she was having a surprise party for lana on friday night.


(3)listening practice

(4)speaking practice

2.ability objects

to train students’ ability of listening and speaking.

3.sensibility and value

to help students realize the importance of cooperation.

to raise students’ interest in learning english.

ⅱ.teaching key points

key vocabulary.

target language.

ⅲ.teaching difficulties


speaking practice.

ⅳ.teaching methods

listening and speaking methods.

cooperating method.

talking methods.

communicative approach.

ⅴ.teaching aids

a tape recorder.

a projector.

ⅵ.teaching procedures

instructional     design 

modification and remarks

step ⅰ

greet the class and check the homework.

step ⅱ

show the new words on the screen and learn the new words.first ask students read.correct the pronunciation.

read the new words to students and ask them to repeat the new words.


step ⅲ section a

ask four or five students to sit in a row in the front of the room.ask each of the students what they are going to do after school.[t=teacher,s=student]13页,当前第112345678910111213

He said I was hardworking

t:what are you going to do after school?

s1:i’m going home.

t:ok.and what are you going to do?

s2:i’m going to do my homework.

then write the words he said and she said on the board.

t:these students talked about what they are going to do after school.how would you tell a friend in another class what each student said?can you use the words he said or she said?what did sarah say?

s2:she said,“i am going home after school.”

t:that’s correct.the words she said were,“i am going home after school.”but when we tell someone else these words we sometimes say it this way:she said she was going home after school.class repeat.she said she was going home after school.

ss:she said she was going home after school.

repeat this process with the sentences of several other students.then write these two sentences on the board one under the other:i am going home after school.she said she was going home after school.circle the words going home after school in both sentences.point to what is left and say,in this unit we’re going to learn to use words like this to report what someone said.

step ⅳ 1a groupwork

this activity introduces some key vocabulary and provides oral practice using the target language.

first ask a student to read the four questions in the box.

s:what is a soap opera?

do you ever watch soap operas?

what are some soap operas you know?

what are some things that happen on soap operas?

then write the words soap opera on the board.explain what a soap opera is.

(a soap opera is a tv show that is on every day and that shows the good things and the bad things that happen to a group of friends and family members.)

for example,i love my family.

encourage students to say some soap operas in english or in chinese.

point to the tv screens in the picture.ask one student to read what marcia (the blond woman on the tv screen) says in the first picture:i’m having a surprise party for lana on friday night.then ask other students to read what the girls watching tv say:what did marcia say?she said she was having a surprise party for lana on friday night.

point to the other tv screens in the picture and have other students read the words in those tv screens.

s:i’m mad at marcia.

i’m not going to her house on friday night.

lana thinks she’s coming to my house to study.

t:now,answer these questions and talk about some soap operas.(point to the four questions in the box.)

help students form small groups.students begin to talk about the questions.

focus on the ideas the students are talking about.when a student starts to tell what another student said,help that student make a sentence,such as:anna said she didn’t watch soap operas.bill said people get mad at soap operas.13页,当前第212345678910111213

He said I was hardworking

step ⅴ 1b

this activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

ask students to look at the pictures in activity 1a.listen and number the statements in the picture.

then play the recording for students the first time.this time students only listen.

play it a second time.students write the numbers 1 through 4 in front of the pictures.

correct the answers.


the tv screens should be numbered in this order:

1 3 4 2

step ⅵ 1c

activity 1c provides guided oral practice using the target language.

first ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue.

sa:what did she say?

sb:she said she was having a surprise party for lana on friday night.

t:now work with your partner.ask and answer questions about each picture in activity 1a.

then ask several pairs of students to say a question and answer to the class.

step ⅶ summary

this class we’ve learned what a soap opera is and also we’ve learned the target language.

step ⅷ homework

please write a short soap opera scene.you can do the homework in a group of four.you can use the names of the characters in the book if you like.

next class i’ll ask some of you to say something about your class soap opera in dialogue form.clear?

ok.for example,(show some examples on the screen) 

the second period

ⅰ.teaching aims and demands

1.knowledge objects

(1)key vocabulary


(2)target language

ben told lana that marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.

lana said she would go to marcia’s house on friday night.

lana said she wasn’t mad at marcia anymore.

(3)listening practice


(4)grammar focus

2.ability objects

to train students’ listening and speaking ability.

to train communicative competence of students.

3.sensibility and value

to be interested in communicating in english.

ⅱ.teaching key points

key vocabulary.

target language.

listening practice.

ⅲ.teaching difficulties

oral practice.

grammar focus.

ⅳ.teaching methods

listening and speaking methods.

oral practice method.

inductive method.

ⅴ.teaching aids

a recorder.

a projector.

ⅵ.teaching procedures

instructional     design 

modification and remarks

step ⅰ

greet the class as usual and check the homework.

first ask students to show their short soap opera scene.then ask the students to say three or four problems or other statements in dialogue form.

step ⅱ

show the new words on the screen and learn the new words.

step ⅲ 2a

this activity provides listening practice using the target language.13页,当前第312345678910111213

He said I was hardworking

first ask five students to read the sentences to the class.

sa:ben told lana that marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.

sb:lana said she was not mad at marcia anymore.

sc:lana said that she wouldn’t go to marcia’s house on friday night.

sd:marcia called everyone and told them she wasn’t going to have the party.

se:lana told marcia she would bring some books to her house on friday night.

then tell students they will hear a conversation between two people who are talking about a soap opera on tv.get students to circle true or false after each statement.

play the recording for students.students circle their answers.

check the answers with the whole class.


1.true  2.true  3.false  4.true  5.false


a:did you see “young lives” last night?

b:no,what happened?

a:well,ben told lana that marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.

b:really?what did lana say?

a:well,lana was very excited.lana told ben that she wasn’t mad at marcia anymore,and that she would go to marcia’s house on friday night after all.

b:oh.then what?

a:marcia called everyone and told them she wasn’t going to have the party.


a:yeah,then lana called marcia and told her that she could bring some drinks and snacks to her house on friday night.

b:oh wow...and what did marcia say?

a:she told lana she would be glad....

step ⅳ 2b

activity 2b provides listening practice using the target language.

first ask students to look at the speech bubble and tell them they are going to circle the actual words people in the soap opera said.these are the words the actor in the soap opera said.

then play the recording.ask students to circle the correct word of the two choices in each speech bubble.

correct the answers.


1.is  2.am  3.will  4.am  5.will

step ⅴ 2c

activity 2c provides guided oral practice using the target language.

in this activity ask students have a conversation about last night’s episode of “young lives”.

first ask five students to read the sentences in activity 2b.

then point to the sample dialogue and ask two students to read it to the class.

have students work in pairs.as they ask and answer the questions,move around the room checking their work.

at the end check the answers by calling on different pairs to do one question and answer each.

step ⅵ grammar focus

show the grammar box on the screen.

review the grammar box and ask students to say the statements.

ask students to look at the grammar box on the screen and ask them what is the same and what is different about the words used in each pair of sentences.13页,当前第412345678910111213

He said I was hardworking

t:what is the same about am and was?

s:they have almost the same meaning.they talk about lana’s feeling.(help students to answer the question.)

t:what’s different about am and was?

s:(help students answer)am talks about a present situation and was talks about a past situation.

repeat the discussion for other pairs of sentences.in each case,the direct speech talks about present situation  and the reported speech talks about past situation.

ask students to tell what is special about reported speech.help students make a statement like this:when you report about what someone said,you use words that talk about the past.

step ⅶ optional activity

ask students to act out the situation shown in the pictures.three students pretend to be ben,marcia,and lana.draw a large tv screen on the board and have these three students sit in front of it.two other students pretend to be the two girls watching the soap opera on tv.they can sit on the floor.ask the soap opera characters to read a line from activity 2b.then have one of the girls report what that actor said.repeat for all five pictures in activity 2b.

step ⅷ summary

this class we’ve learned to report what someone said.i hope you can have more practice after class.

step ⅸ homework

watch a popular soap opera for a few days and report to the class on what happened.if you can’t watch it yourselves,ask your classmates to talk to a friend or family member who watched it.you must take notes each day about three or four important things that happened.you can write your sentences like these for your reports:on monday kim said that...and on tuesday mary said that...(write the sentence on the board)and next class or in a few days i’ll ask you to read your reports to the class.and other students who watched it can add other things using reported speech statements. 


the third period

ⅰ.teaching aims and demands

1.knowledge objects

(1)key vocabulary

first of all;however;pass on;message;be supposed to

(2)target language

first of all,marcia told ben she was having a surprise party for lana.

(3)writing practice


2.ability objects

to train students’ ability of reading and writing.

to train students’ ability of communication.

3.sensibility and value

to enable to ask for help when having difficulties in learning.

to be interested in taking part in activities in an english class.

ⅱ.teaching key points

key vocabulary.

target language.

ⅲ.teaching difficulties

writing practice.


ⅳ.teaching methods13页,当前第512345678910111213

He said I was hardworking

reading and writing methods.

role play method.

ⅴ.teaching aids

a projector.

role play cards.

ⅵ.teaching procedures

instructional     design 

modification and remarks

step ⅰ

greet the class as usual and check the homework.

ask students to read their reports at the moment or a few days later.

step ⅱ

show the new words on the screen.read each new word and ask students to repeat it.

step ⅲ 3a

activity 3a provides reading and writing practice using the target language.

in this activity first read the instructions.read the newspaper story and fill in the blanks.

read the article to the class,saying blank each time when coming to a blank line.

then ask students to fill in the blanks on their own.

show the newspaper story with the blanks filled in to check students’ answers.

“young lives” this week

    it was an exciting week for the people on the soap opera “young lives”.first of all,marcia told ben she 1 was having a surprise party for lana,and that lana 2 thought she was going to her house to study.then lana 3 told ben she 4 was mad at marcia,and that she 5 wasn’t going to her house on friday.so ben told lana that marcia was 6 going to have a party for her.lana told ben that she 7 wasn’t mad at marcia anymore,and that she 8 would go to marcia’s house on friday night.however,marcia called everyone and 9 told them that she 10 wasn’t going to have the party.

step ⅳ grammar note

students may ask when to use told and when to use said.write two said sentences and two told sentences from activity 2b on the board.circle the name following the word told in each sentence.ben told lana and marcia told everyone.after the told we say who got the information.after the word said we don’t tell who got the information.

step ⅴ 3b

this activity provides writing practice using the target language.

in this activity students can write anything they like.what do they think ben and lana and marica will do next?

ask some students to read their episodes to the class.

step ⅵ 4 groupwork

this groupwork lets students practice their speaking and listening skills in role plays.

ask students to work in groups of four.in each group give each student a role play card and ask them to have a conversation.then change roles and practice again.

get students to complete the role plays on their own.after going through the role play once,the students can switch parts and try it again.

ask a few students to show their role plays to the class.ask students to vote on the best role play.give them little presents to praise them for their work.encourage more students to show their role plays before the class.13页,当前第612345678910111213

He said I was hardworking

step ⅶ workbook

section a

1)unscramble these words.

1.illw will       








2)circle the correct words in these sentences.

1.mario said to bill:i play soccer every saturday.

bill says to alex:he said he (is playing/ ) soccer every saturday.

2.mario said to bill:i am going home at 5:00.

bill says to alex:he said he (goes/was going) home at 5:00.

3.mario said to bill:i am really hungry.

bill says to alex:he said he (will be/was) really hungry.

4.mario said to bill:i will be tired tonight.

bill says to alex:he said he (is/would be) tired tonight.

5.mario said to bill:you can play with us next saturday.

bill says to alex:he said i (could/would) play with them next saturday.

6.mario said to bill:i love playing soccer.

bill says to alex:he said he (loved/is loving) playing soccer.

3)read the cartoon.then check (√) the true sentences.

√ 1.he said lisa needed to work harder.

___2.he said lisa didn’t do all her homework.

___3.he said she could come for more help after school.

___4.he said he was in school until 5:00 p.m. every day.

___5.he said she should come at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow.

___6.she said she would see him tomorrow afternoon.

key to workbook

section a


2.can  3.could  4.would  5.thought  6.mad  7.told  8.said


2.was going  3.was  4.would be  5.could  6.loved


these sentences should be checked:

1 3 4 6

step ⅷ summary

today we’ve had some reading and writing practice.and also we’ve had role plays.all the activities can strengthen the target language we learned in the unit.

step ⅸ homework

have you prepared for your soap opera reports?if not,go on with your work. 

the fourth period

ⅰ.teaching aims and demands

1.knowledge objects

(1)key vocabulary

hard-working;better;do well in;average

(2)target language

—what did your teacher say?

—he said i was hard-working.

(3)listening practice


2.ability objects

to train students’ ability of listening and speaking.

to train students to learn how to cooperate.

3.sensibility and value

to enable to understand the feelings of others in communication.

ⅱ.teaching key points

key vocabulary.13页,当前第712345678910111213

He said I was hardworking

target language.

listening practice.

ⅲ.teaching difficulty

oral practice.

ⅳ.teaching methods

listening and speaking methods.

oral practice method.

communicative approach.

ⅴ.teaching aids

a recorder.

the multi-media.

ⅵ.teaching procedures

instructional     design 

modification and remarks

step ⅰ

greet the class as usual and check the homework.

ask a few students who have already finished their soap opera reports to read their reports to the class.and other students add some other things they heard using reported speech statements.

step ⅱ

show the new words on the screen and learn them.ask students to read the new words one by one.

step ⅲ section b 1a

this activity introduces new vocabulary and provides reading practice using the target language.

first read the five sentences to the class.then ask students which words they don’t understand.and write them on the board.

ask students to demonstrate or explain the meaning of some of the words on the board if they can.

then read each sentence to the class and ask students to raise their hands if they checked that answer.

step ⅳ 1b

activity 1b provides guided oral practice using to the target language.

in this activity first ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue.as students talk,move around the room checking their work and offering language support as needed.

at the end ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.give them little presents to praise them for their work.

step ⅴ 2a

this activity gives students practice of writing the target language and understanding it in spoken conversation.

first show the three pictures on the screen.ask students to say something about the pictures.and get students to guess which subject each teacher teaches.

help students understand that the teacher in the first picture is a math teacher,the one in the second picture is a spanish teacher and the one in the third picture is a history teacher.

play the recording the first time.students only listen.and then play it a second time.this time students write in the speech bubble what each teacher said.

answers math teacher:you’re hard-working.spanish teacher:you are good at speaking.history teacher:you can do better.

step ⅵ 2b

activity 2b gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

ask different students to read the information on the four report cards.

get students to listen to the recording again and ask them to say which is scott’s report card.13页,当前第812345678910111213

He said I was hardworking

then play the recording and check the answer.answer scott’s report card is number 3.

step ⅶ 2c pairwork

this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

read the instructions for the activity.

point to the example in the sample dialogue.ask two students to read the questions and answers to the class.

then have students work in pairs.as they ask and answer the questions,move around the room checking their work.

call on a pair to do the activity while the class listen.

step ⅷ summary

this class we’ve learned some key vocabulary and the target language.and we’ve had role palys.

step ⅸ homework

go on with your soap opera reports.

step ⅹ blackboard design 


the fifth period

ⅰ.teaching aims and demands

1.knowledge objects

(1)key vocabulary

grandma;grandpa;in good health;report card;nervous;disappointing;lucky;luckily

(2)target language

—how was your report?

—well,my math teacher said that i was hard-working.

—really?you’re lucky.my math teacher said i was lazy.

(3)reading practice

(4)writing practice


2.ability objects

to train students’ ability of reading and writing.

to train students’ ability of communication.

3.sensibility and value

to help students know the importance of cooperation.

to raise students’ interest of learning.

ⅱ.teaching key points

key vocabulary.

target language.

reading practice.

ⅲ.teaching difficulties

writing practice.

oral practice.

ⅳ.teaching methods

reading and writing methods.

oral practice methods.

communicative approach.

ⅴ.teaching aids

the multi-media.


a projector.

ⅵ.teaching procedures

instructional     design 

modification and remarks

step ⅰ

greet the class as usual and check the homework.

get students to go on with their soap opera reports.

step ⅱ

show the new words on the screen.learn the new words.

step ⅲ 3a

activity 3a provides reading practice using the target language.

read the instructions.ask students to read the letter on their own.when reading,ask students to point out the words and the sentences they don’t understand.explain them to students or ask other students to help explain these items if they can.

then ask students to read the letter again and find out judy’s report card in activity 2b.

then check the answer with the whole class.


judy’s report is number 1.

step ⅳ 3b

this activity provides writing practice using the target language.

show report card 3 in activity 2b on the screen.

tell students this is scott’s report card.use the information on the report card to write the letter.13页,当前第912345678910111213

He said I was hardworking

after students finish writing,ask a student to read  his or her completed letter to the class.

step ⅴ 3c

this activity provides writing practice using the target language.

first ask students to write their own report card.tell students they can  have fun and need not to tell the truth.have students use the comments in activities 2b and 3a for ideas.

then write the letter to a relative or a friend about their report cards.

let students complete the activitiy on their own.

step ⅵ 4

activity 4 lets students practice their writing,speaking and listening skills.

you don’t have to tell the truth.you can have fun.students work in pairs,making up their dialogue.then ask students to write what their teachers would say.then students take turns interviewing each other about the report card.

at the end have a few students share their conversations with the class.ask students to vote on the best conversation.give them little presents to praise them.

step ⅶ summary

this class we’ve had a lot of listening,speaking,reading and writing practice.i hope you are hard-working and get an excellent report card from your teachers.

step ⅷ homework

write down your report card down in your exercise books.

step ⅸ blackboard design 


the sixth period

ⅰ.teaching aims and demands

1.knowledge objects

(1)key vocabulary

(2)self check exercises

(3)reading practice

(4)writing practice

2.ability objects

to train students’ ability of reading and writing.

3.sensibility and value

help classmates form a good habit.

ⅱ.teaching key points

key vocabulary.

self check exercises.

reading practice.

ⅲ.teaching difficulty

writing practice.

ⅳ.teaching methods

reading and writing methods.

self-check method.

ⅴ.teaching aid

a projector.

ⅵ.teaching procedures

instructional     design 

modification and remarks

step ⅰ

greet the class and check the homework.

have every student show his/her written work in his/her exercise book.

step ⅱ

learn the new words.

show the new words on the screen.read the new words to the class and ask them to repeat.give them a few minutes and have them remember the new words.

step ⅲ self check 1

these activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.

first ask students to fill in the blanks with the words given.

then make your own sentences with the words.

ask students to use the words to make five sentences.

ask five students to write their sentences on the board.correct the mistakes if there are any.

step ⅳ 213页,当前第1012345678910111213

He said I was hardworking

this activity focuses on the grammatical structures and key vocabulary introduced in this unit.

in this activity first ask students to read the story on their own.check for comprehension.explain the difficulties students have.

ask one or two students to give the first phrase or the second as a conversation.

then students complete the task.

check a few students’ answers and ask them to share with the class.

sample answers

a:who’s your best friend?

b:my best friend is xiao li,but last week we had a big fight and now she isn’t talking to me.

a:how did it start?


step ⅴ just for fun!

this activity provides reading practice with the target language.

first ask two students to read the sentences to the class.

sa:what did you say?

sb:i said i couldn’t hear you.

then ask a student to say why the cartoon is funny.(neither person can hear what the other person is saying.)

ask students to read the dialogue once more.

step ⅵ workbook

section b

1)cross out the words that do not belong.

1.hard-working     lazy  busy

2.said  thought  told  goes

3.shouted  told  said  open

4.report card  soap opera  comedy  thriller

5.surprise party  snacks  homework  drinks

2)cross out the incorrect words.then rewrite the sentences correctly.

1.jenny:i’m going to babysit my little brother on saturday night.

incorrect:she said she    babysit her little brother on saturday night.

correct:she said she was going to babysit her little brother on saturday night.

2.bill:i can sleep 14 hours a night!

incorrect:he said he can sleep 14 hours a night.


3.amy:lisa and i are the best basketball players in the school.

incorrect:she said they are the best basketball players in the school.


4.john:i don’t watch tv.

incorrect:he said he doesn’t watch tv.


5.sarah:i am flying to new york next weekend.

incorrect:she said she is flying to new york next weekend.

correct:                        13页,当前第1112345678910111213