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On the radio教案

On the radio教案

module 3 on the radio

一. 教学内容:

module 3 on the radio


二 重点内容:



三. 具体内容:


 动词不定式与动名词(to+v.与 v.+ing)作宾语,非谓语动词中只有动词不定式和动词的-ing形式可以做宾语。

1. 作宾语的区别

(1)like,love之后接v.ing 形式、不定式均可,且意义差别不大。



i like singing, but i don’t like to sing today.




let’s begin singing(to sing).


 但是当begin,start本身是-ing形式或跟feel,know, understand等表示心理的动词连用时,常用不定式作宾语。


i’m beginning to feel hungry.


(3)forget, remember, stop. go on 等之后接v.-ing形式和不定式意义差别较大。

 stop to do sth.停止做一件事去做另一件事

 stop doing sth.停止正在做的事

 remember to do sth.记得去做某事

 remember doing sth.记得做过某事

 forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事

 forget doing sth. 忘记已做了某事

regret to do sth.遗憾要去做某事

regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事

mean to do sth. 打算做某事

mean doing sth. 意味着做某事

try to do sth. 努力去做某事

try doing sth. 试着作某事

go on to do sth. 继续去做另一件事

go on doning sth. 继续做同一件事

(4)agree,decide,hope,learn,wish,would like之后只接不定式作宾语,不用v.-ing形式。


would you like to go with us?


he decided to buy a new car.


(5)find/feel/think+it+adj./n.+to do sth.句型中,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。


i feel it my duty to help them.


the man downstairs found it difficult to get to sleep.


(6)decide, know, consider, forget, learn等动词+疑问词+不定式,构成不定式短语。


they haven’t decided whether to accept the invitation.



接不定式的单词多为“打算”、“计划”、“希望”、“想要”之类的动词,而这些动词都表示未来。所以,如果表示将来的行为,一般情况下应该用不定式形式。再看一下enjoy doing sth., love doing sth., like doing sth., stop doing sth., 我们就会发现,v.-ing形式要么表示是正在进行,要么表示一般性或经常性的行为。其中enjoy doing sth., stop doing sth.中用v.-ing形式,表示“我们是从我们正在做的行为中得到快乐”,“我们停止的是正在进行的动作”; like doing sth., love doing sth.中用v.-ing形式,是因为自己的喜欢、爱好,一般说来是经常性的,而不一定表示将来。因此,我们可以简单总结出一下规律:一般来说,动词不定式表示将来的动作或行为,而v.-ing形式表示经常性的、一般性的动作或行为及正在进行的动作或行为。3页,当前第1123

On the radio教案

2. 常用必背


ask要求     wish希望   offer提供 

decide决定    help帮助    learn学会

 agree 同意    refuse拒绝   hope希望

 want想要    expect 期望   promise答应

 plan计划     afford承担起   prepare准备

 manage成功    arrange安排


 advise建议    allow允许    miss错过

 resist抵抗    mind介意    delay推迟

 enjoy喜欢    finish完成    keep保持

 put off推迟    include包括    give up放弃

 keep on持续    permit允许    practice练习

 imagine想象    consider考虑   can’t help禁不住

 look forward to盼望  suggest建议   can’t stand禁不住



一.   用所给动词的适当形式填空

1. on june 1st, parents usually spend money in __________(buy)picture books for their children as presents.

2. if you set your mind __________(do)it, you’ll be successful in the end.

3. mr. smith asked us ________(wear)old clothes to school the next day.

4. jim decided _________(leave)polly to lin feng when he was back to england.

5. would you like _________(buy)a bottle of orange for me?

6. if you are tired, you can stop _________(have)a rest.

7. he found it not easy _________(do)it well.

8. i don’t feel like ________(have)medicine even though i am ill.


二. 单项选择

1. i’m sorry i forgot ________ the book to you.

a. to bring   b. bringing   c. bring   d. brought

2. the artist said that he hoped ________ drawing the picture soon.

 a. his son to finish     b. to finish

 c. finishing      d. his son will finish

3. it was very late. she stopped the children ________tv.

 a. watches   b. to watch   c. watched   d. watching

4. —do you still remember _______me somewhere in beijing?

      —yes, of course. two years ago.

 a. to see   b. see    c. seeing   d. saw

5. listen! can you hear a baby ________?3页,当前第2123

On the radio教案

 a. cry    b. to cry   c. crying   d. cries

6. would you mind ______ me how _______ english words?

 a. tell; to remember     b. telling; remember

 c. telling; to remember     d. tell; remember

7. i have finished _______ this book. you can take it away.

 a. to read   b. read    c. reading   d. reads

8. no matter how hard it is, we’ll keep ______ until we make it.

 a. failed   b. failing   c. tried   d. trying

9. the young lady watched her daughter _______ a yo-yo yesterday afternoon.

 a. to play with  b. playing with  c. to play   d. plays

10. —can you answer the telephone? i’m busy ________ the internet.

    —ok, i’ll get it.

 a. search   b. to search  c. searching  d. searched



1. now, i want to answer your questions, but remember to look out for the red light…


精讲:look out for 表示“注意,留意”


look out for spelling mistakes when you check your homework.


2. and this is where we prepare the weather reports.


精讲:该句中where we prepare the weather reports作表语从句。表语从句的关联词有that, whether; 连接代词有:what, which, who, whom, whose; 连接副词有:when, where, why, how等。


the question is that he doesn’t like to recite the new words.


that was why he left his parents and went abroad.


3. when i was about four or five years old, i remember sitting close to the radio in the living room, listening to my favourite programmes, and to the voices of my favourite presenters.


精讲:listening to my favourite programmes, and to the voices of my favourite presenters是动名词短语,在句中作伴随状语,修饰主句的动名词短语sitting close to the radio in the living room.

my favourite programmes 和the voices of my favourite presenters 并列作listening to 的宾语,and后面省略了listening.

4. it seemed that they were speaking to me in person.


 精讲:it seems that 句型中,it 为形式主语,that从句是真正的主语。


it seems that it will rain soon.


in person 表示“亲自;亲身”,作状语,修饰句中谓语动词。


the president will attend the party in person.


