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Module 1 Hobbies

Module 1 Hobbies(通用4篇)

Module 1 Hobbies 篇1

unit 1 do you collect anything?warm up by learning about sentence components.hello, class. a sentence is made up of several parts. the subject comes at the beginning part. the predicative comes after the subject. and the object follows the predictive.look at the following sentences.i (subject) bought (predicative) a new car (object) for my collection.he (subject) gave (predicative) me (indirect object) an old sports car(direct object).his collection (subject) made (predicative) me(object) very happy(object complement).listen and check.turn to page 2, class. listen and answer the three questions.now let’s make sentences with each of the word(s) in the box.he likes to collect (up) the empty glasses, dirty plates, waste paper 他喜欢收集空瓶、 脏碟、 废纸。the dustmen collect the rubbish once a week. 垃圾工每周运走一次垃圾。there are two collections a day from this letter-box, ie the postman empties it twice a day. 这个信筒每天收信两次(邮递员每天取走两次)。* the council is responsible for refuse collection. 市政局负责清除垃圾废物。you are invited to view our autumn collection. 秋装展销, 敬请光临。it was not a real face, but the face of a doll he had. 这不是真人的脸,而是他的一个洋娃娃的脸。the football fans cheered their team.足球迷们给他们的队加油。my brother is a film fan. 兄弟是个电影迷。his hobby is collecting stamps. 他的业余爱好是集邮。it is a very interesting hobby! 这是一项很有趣的(业余)爱好!on the table we have a model of the eiffel tower. 我们在桌子上放了一个埃菲尔铁塔模型。 this factory has produced a new model machine. 这家工厂生产了一台新式机器。the two house were built after the same model. 这两所房子是按同一式样建筑的。 thank you for the wonderful stamps. 谢谢你给我的非常精美的邮票。 you must put a stamp on the envelope before you post it. 寄信以前,你必须在信封上贴上邮票。 two return tickets to london, please. 请给我两张到伦敦的来回票。he bought a ticket at the railway station.  他在火车站买了一张车票。 let nobody in without a ticket. 无票者免入。 i have two tickets for the theatre. 我有两张戏票。 the pupils tidied up the classroom. 学生们清扫了教室。he began to tidy up his desk and finish off the week's work. 他开始整理书桌,结束一周的工作。 comb your hair-it's untidy. 梳梳你的头发——它很乱。 this is an untidy room. 这是一间不整洁的房间。tell me about the components of these sentences.now i play the recording thought once. you just listen.i am to play it again for you to complete the table. you can then check with your partner.i play the tape once more for you to check.read and listen.on page 2 in the box is a conversation between among lingling, sally and daming. now let’s go on to read it first. while reading, try t cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expression_rs. (阅读过程中,断开/意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭配。)now we will listen to the conversation.talk as they do. (仿说)we are going to make a conversation of our own. we shall make use of the conversation.read and answer questionsnext you are going to read a short passage and answer my questions about your hobbies.tony bought a new car for his collection, but now he’s lost it. it's an old sports car. it shows how cars have changed. they're much smaller and faster now. it's an interesting hobby. it's fun to play with his cars. some people like tony collect things. but others don’t collect anything. sarah’s hobby is making cakes. that's a good hobby! other people can enjoy it as well. sarah’s kitchen is very untidy. that's the problem with making cakes. he has to clear up the kitchen afterwards.一do you collect anything?一yes, i do. i collect old books. / no, i don't. my hobby is going swimming.1 what is your hobby? →my hobby is clearing up rooms.2 why do you enjoy your hobby?→because i like tidy rooms.3 when did you start doing it?→i started clearing up rooms last year.4 how often do you clear up you room?→i clear up my room four times a day.close up acting out the conversationto end this class we are to act out the conversation in pairs. who will be sarah? who will be lingling? who will be daming?ok. let’s begin!

Module 1 Hobbies 篇2

unit 1 do you collect anything? 学习目标: 基础目标: 1.谈谈你自己的爱好?你的父母、亲友、同学的爱好又如何? 2.运用已学的时态询问别人的爱好; 发展目标:运用“w”开头的疑问词及how进行问答; 教学重点: 1.want sb to do sth 想某人做某事 the teacher wants him to clean the classroom today . (p147⑤) want to do sth 想做某事 the boys wanted to have a picnic on sunday . 2.tidy up (v.) 收拾 when school is over, we must tidy up our things . tidy (adj.)----untidy (adj.) 3.collect (v.)-----collection (n.) collect stamps\ tickets\ books… 收集 4.all the time = always总是、一直 the students in our class help each other all the time. 5.at the end of this term \ this month \ last week\ the road 在……末尾 we will \shall finish learning ten modules of grade two at the end of this term . in the end = at last 最后 6.sth happen to sb .某人发生某事 a traffic accident happened to him yesterday . 难点: 1.which hobby do you think takes up the least space ? take up 占用 the man took up these houses. 2.what made you so interested in music ? make sb + adj. \ do sth 使某人……\ 让某人做某事 his mother made her baby happy.  (p147⑤) the boss made him work ten hours a day . be \ become interested in sth \ doing sth对……感兴趣 the girl is interested in music \ singing . see \ hear sb do sth  听\ 看到\ 听见某人做某事 play the violin play basketball 3.i’m going to radio beijing .i’m giving an interview on starsearch! 我要去北京电台。我将在“明星大搜寻 ”节目中接受采访 give an interview  接受采访 课前预习: (一)向同学介绍你自己的爱好? 你的父母、亲友、同学的爱好又如何? 1.what’s your hobby? what about your parents …..? 2.why does he \she do these? 3.whose hobby is expensive \interesting….? 4.when \where did you start doing it ? 5.how often do you do it ? (二) 1.预习单词; 2.预习part 3,划出重点的短语、句型;划出自己不懂的地方; 3.完成part 4 \ part 5 。   自主巩固 一.选择填空: (  )1._______ his hobby ? a:where’s    b: what’s   c:when’s (  )2.he wants me ________ .     a:to play the piano   b: play a piano  c: playing the piano (  )3.she _________ a bus ticket .     a: doesn’t has   b: haven’t   c: hasn’t got (  )4.do they do ______ wrong?     a:something   b:anything   c: things (  )5.she ________ ten stamps before .     a: corrects    b: corrected    c: has corrected 二.单词拼写: 1. she likes ________ (收集) books. 2. the boy bought many __________ (娃娃) yesterday . 3. he sent two _________ (邮票) to his uncle last week . 4. the cup has the _________ (最少的) water of the three . 5. he is giving an __________ (会见) in beijing. 6. there is only one _______ (风扇) in the house . 三.完成句子: 1. 他天天收拾衣服。   he ____________________ his clothes every day . 2. 我们喜欢听电视节目。   we like _____________________________tv programme . 3. 本周末她准备参观长城吗?   is she going to the great wall __________________ this week? 4. 什么东西使他想出这个主意?   ____________________________ think of this idea ? 5. betty对踢足球不感兴趣。   betty _____________________________________ football.

Module 1 Hobbies 篇3

unit 3 language in use学习目标:1.能熟练运用已学的时态谈谈你的特别爱好?2.熟练掌握language practice;3.掌握句子的基本句型  (p146---147)。达标:1.熟记module1的单词及重点短语;2.正确运用句子的基本句型。3.熟练掌握language practice;重点:1.熟记module1的单词及重点短语;2.正确运用句子的基本句型。3.正确运用as a result ,as well as ,such as 及重点短语造句。 课前预习:(一) 复习句子的基本句型  (p146---147);1.阅读、理解language practice;2.通过完成part 1 \ part 2,深刻理解句子的基本句型。3.阅读并理解around the world.重点:1.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 给。。。买某物make sth for sb = make sb sth给。。。做某物cook sth for sb = cook sb sth给。。。某人做。。。。饭2.save money 省钱、攒钱、存钱他们永远也攒不到中够的钱来买房子。they will never save enough money to buy a house.练习:一.选择填空:(  )1.which hobby do you like _______ ?a: good   b: well   c: best(  )2.no one can _______ who stole the bag .    a: find   b: find out  c: look for  (  )3.some hobbies are very _______ .     a: relax   b: relaxed  c: relaxing  (  )4.the student spent two hours _______ the book.    a: reading    b: read   c: to read(  )5.i like playing ______ piano ,but my sister likes playing _____ table tennis .    a: the ,the    b: \, \   c: the, \ 二.单词拼写:1. she ________ (想象) that she will make good marks .2. his father got a good _________ (结果) in the factory .3. the man brought his son _________ (成功) and enjoyment .4. __________ (青少年) should often have sports.三.完成句子:1. 这本书在XX年1月25日出版。  this book __________________________ january 25th ,.2. 这个故事使每个人伤心。this story __________________________________ .3. 杯子有些水吗?   ______ there ______________________________ in the cup?4. 本月底我校将有一次英语演讲比赛。   ___________________ this month ,there will be an english speech contest in my school.5. 他不但能游水,而且会打篮球。he can ______________________________________ basketball .

Module 1 Hobbies 篇4

复习要点 一、词汇   见书后附录 二、重点词组 tidy up 收拾 take up 占用(时间或空间) a bit +adj. / a bit of +n. 一点儿…     (区别于a little +adj. / n. ) a collection of stamps / collect stamps 集邮 play the violin / the piano / the drum / the flute 拉小提琴/弹钢琴/打鼓/吹笛子 play football / tennis / volleyball 踢足球/打网球/打排球 listen to music 听音乐 all the time 一直, 总是 be / show/ become interested in sth. 对…感兴趣/显示出/变得感兴趣 next time 下一次 at the end of … 在…末尾 need to do sth. 需要做某事 start doing sth./ to do sth. 开始做某事 how often  多久一次(询问频率) grow vegetables 种菜 look after… 照顾, 照看 such as…= for example 例如 grow as a person 成长 develop one’s interests 发展兴趣 come out 出版; 出现; 结果是 as a result 结果 like doing sth. / to do sth. 喜欢做某事 in the future 在将来 try to do sth. / try doing sth. 尽力做某事/尝试做某事 in one’s free/ spare time 在某人业余时间 bring sb. great success 给某人带来成功 { 注意词性success  n.          successful  adj. successfully  adv.     succeed (in doing sth.)  v. } be popular with … 在…中受欢迎 write to sb.  给某人写信 all over the world  遍及全世界 think about…  考虑某事 find out ( about )…  查明有关某事 dress in…  穿着…衣服 in the past  在过去 not only…but also…  不仅…而且… 三、重点知识点 ²        make +sb. / sth. +adj.  使…怎么样 e.g. the news made her happy / sad / excited. his words made the teacher angry. ²        使役动词make / let / have sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 e.g. hobbies can make you grow as a person.    the joke made us laugh.    the bad news made her cry.    let’s go home. ²        感官动词hear / listen to / see / watch / feel sb. do / doing sth. (其中do强调动作的全过程,而doing强调动作正在发生。) e.g. i heard someone singing in the next room. i often listen to him play the violin. have you seen the book fall off the desk? i saw some boys playing football over there just now. the robot watches the professor eat and sleep every day. i felt my heart break. ²        双宾语give / bring / lend / hand / send / show / leave / teach / pass sb. sth. = give / bring / lend / hand / send / show / leave / teach / pass sth. to sb. e.g.  pass me the sugar, please. = pass the sugar to me, please. buy / cook / read sb. sth. = buy / cook / read sth. for sb. e.g. my father bought me a new bike as my birthday present. =    my father bought a new bike for me as my birthday present.  ²        help sb.  (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 e.g. some hobbies can help you learn new skills.    tom often helps his classmates clean the classroom. help sb. with sth. e.g. my brother often helps me with my math. jack often helps his mother with the housework. ²        spend …(时间或钱) on + 名词 spend …. (时间或钱) (in) doing sth. e.g. david spent four weeks on a summer camp.    i spent five dollars on the book.    shall we spend some time (in) playing tennis on saturday?    we usually spend one hour (in) surfing the internet.  辨析四个“花费”spend, cost, take, pay spend主语是人,花费的对象可以为时间,也可以为钱,多用于spend …(时间或钱) on + 名词 / spend …. (时间或钱) (in) doing sth. 这两个结构中。 e.g.  i spent five dollars on the book. cost主语是物,花费的对象只能是钱。 e.g. the book cost me five dollars. (注意这里的cost是其过去式) take的花费对象多为时间,偶而为钱, e.g. the journey by car will take half an hour. 另外,take多用于下面的结构中: it takes / took / will take sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人一些时间做某事。 e.g. it took me two hours to finish my homework last night.    it will take the workers one year to build this bridge. pay 主语是人,花费的对象为钱,多用于下面的结构中: pay (sb.) (some money) (for sth.) e.g. i paid him 20,000 dollars for the house. ²        as well as… we all want to visit beijing as well as shanghai. he as well as his friends is coming to see me. (这里注意as well as…在句中做状语,不是主语成分,所以谓语动词要看前面的主语中心词。) ²        ask sb. (not) to do sth. / tell sb. (not) to do sth. e.g. the teacher asks us to be quiet in class.    my parents told me not to go out at night. ²        what do you think of…? / how do you like…? e.g. what do you think of the great wall? how do you like chinese food? ²        why not do sth?  =  why don’t you do sth? e.g. why not go to the concert? = why don’t you go to the concert? 三、语法 句子: 简单句       并列句:由并列连词and, but, or等连接两个简单句,两个句子是并列关系。       复合句:由if, when, while, because, although等引导从句,两个句子有主句与从句之分。 简单句的六种基本句型 1.主语+系动词+表语 (+状语) these books are great. he looks worried. 2.主语+谓语(不及物动词vi)(+状语) the first book came out in . we didn’t go to the cinema yesterday. 3.主语+谓语(及物动词vt)+宾语(+状语) i bought a very good book yesterday. every morning my mother prepares breakfast for me. 4.主语+谓语(及物动词vt)+间接宾语+直接宾语(+状语) his hobby has brought him enjoyment. last week, my aunt sent me a box of chocolate. 5.主语+谓语(及物动词vt)+宾语+宾语补足语(+状语) we can help you develop new skills. the news made everyone happy. 6.there be+主语+状语 there are many story books in his schoolbag. 各位家长,您的孩子是否已掌握了本模块的知识,请签字或留下您的建议,谢谢!