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仁爱版八年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 3 Many things can affect our&nbsp

仁爱版八年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings复习课教学设计

仁爱版八年级英语 unit 5 topic 3 many things can affect our feelings复习课教学设计


(一) 教材的地位和作用

      本课是在学习了“如何与人分享快乐及如何安慰心情不好的人”的基础上,围绕语法“使役动词let及 make的多种用法 ”展开讨论,以“复习、讨论、应用”课形式继续学习、巩固目标语言,同时还通过编写对话或短文训练综合语言运用能力。



a. 掌握并能比较熟悉地应用本课的重要单词与词组:

nervous, bored, happy,unhappy,pleased,surprised…

calm down., get along with, fill with / be filled with / be full of,  put on,  in a good mood …

b. 掌握并能熟练应用主要句型:                      

(1)review describing personal feelings: illness usually makes us sad, worried and frightened.

(2)go on learning the usages of “make + object + adj./v./n.” and “let + object + v.”

(3)talk about the influences of different things on feelings and how to reassure others::

i think the moon can affect my moods.    don’t worry.

the environment can change my feelings.  take it easy.  …



b. 通过引导学生观察、归纳、分析、摄取有关材料,并能举一反三,能理解或撰写相似题材的对话或短文,培养学生听说读写能力。





(1)掌握含make 和let的句式结构并能熟练应用。



1. 图片教学法:通过卡片、图片复习单词、词组。                             

2. 情境教学法:通过图片以及学生自己生活经历创设情景,复习重要句型。                          

3、motivation: 激发学生参与探讨、分析、比较、归纳总结,引导学生学会自主学习,合作学习。


三、教具    多媒体辅助


教 学 过 程 设计意图

step 1  revision

1. dialog show

ask the students to make up a dialog in pairs, then ask some of them to share with the others.


( what hobbies did you use to have? what about now? why? ) see a doctor5页,当前第112345

仁爱版八年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings复习课教学设计

( what’s the matter?

feel terrible, how long , nothing serious, take some medicine) which do you like better, plants or animals? why?

(friend,   share…with ) how do you feel when you do badly in the english exam or have few friends in a new school .

2. word and phrase revision

revise the key words and phrases with the help of some cards and pictures, and encourage students to make some sentences with some of them.

words:  nervous, bored, happy,unhappy,pleased,surprised,lonely, lively, angry, mad, sad, worried,excited,relaxed,calm,  sleepy,  confident …


担心,烦恼       be worried about / worry about

照顾             take care of ,

自学             teach oneself / learn …by oneself

在去……的路上   on the / one’s way (to)

calm down.,     get along with,    fill with / be filled with / be full of,     put on, in a good mood ,  in good health,   in high / low spirits,  a sense of happiness,  make a decision,   think over,      take turns to do sth. ,  prepare...for,   smile at life … 


encourage the students to find out and discuss the difficult or important points.


be afraid of sth. / doing sth  

be afraid to do sth.

be afraid that…

think about / think of /think over …

step 2.  key sentence practice

1.present some pictures to set up situations, ask the students to make sentences.

教 学 过 程 





(1) his classmates make him monitor.

(2) the rainy day always makes me have sad thoughts.

(3) green is the color of nature. it can give us more energy

(4) you should think it over before you make a decision.


 step 3  grammar focus

ask the students to sum up the forms of the grammars in this topic.

the movie makes us happy.

wearing red often makes me active.

the pet dog makes us feel funny.

his classmates make him monitor.

let’s give michael a surprise!

the doctor let him rest for a few days.                            5页,当前第212345

仁爱版八年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings复习课教学设计

                   v.  (do)

make + n. +         n. 


let + n. + do sth.       

step 4  listening practice

listen to the tape and fill in the blanks to practice listening skill and familiar with the useful expressions.

step 5 topic talking

1.ask the students to talk about their own feelings and moods.

2.encourage the students to talk in pairs with the help of the dialog model and the pictures.

a: how do you feel?

b: i feel very…

a: why do you feel…

b: because …

a: oh, you can…

b: …






教 学 过 程 设计意图

step 6   exercise

ask the students to do some exercises by themselves, then check them one by one.

step 7 summary

encourage some students to sum up what they have learned.

step 8 homework

oral work:

1. go over today’s lesson.

2.  recite the words and phrases.

3.  preview topic2.

written work:

discuss things which affect your moods.  when you are in a bad mood, how do you deal with it? give your advice and make a report.





unit 5 topic 3

1. words:  nervous, happy,unhappy,pleased,surprised,lonely, lively, angry, mad, sad, worried,excited,relaxed… 

2. phrases:

calm down., get along with, fill with / be filled with / be full of…   discussion:

be afraid of sth. / doing sth

be afraid to do sth.

be afraid that…


make + n. + adj./ v. / n. 

let + n. + do sth.       

…     竞赛表



第一组同学: 复习好八年级上册unit 3, 编个关于“hobbies” 的对话。 ( what hobbies did you use to have? what about now? why? )

第二组同学: 复习好八年级上册unit 2,编个关于see a doctor的对话。 ( what’s the matter?  feel terrible, how long , nothing serious, take some medicine)  5页,当前第312345

仁爱版八年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings复习课教学设计

第三组同学: 复习好八年级上册unit 4, 编个关于which do you like better, plants or animals? why? 的对话。( friend, share…with)

第四组同学: 复习好八年级下册 unit 5 topic 1, topic 2, 编个对话,讨论how do you feel when you do badly in the english exam or when you have few friends in a new school。

二、认真复习unit 5 topic 3,并归纳重要的单词、词组。 如:

1、请补充一些表示喜怒哀乐等形容词. 如: 




(使)平静                   照顾                 担心,烦恼          

自学                     与……团聚              在去……的路上             

上演 ; 穿上              充满            




三、请列出本话题重要的句型(五句以上)。 如:

 1、 i think the weather can affect my moods.


1. make + … + n.           5页,当前第412345

仁爱版八年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings复习课教学设计



阅读下列短文,判断正(f) 误(t):

as we know, many things around us can affect our moods or feelings, such as weather, music, movies, news, the environment and so on. some things make you happy and some things make you sad. good moods can keep you healthy, but bad moods will make you ill. so we should learn to make ourselves happy and healthy.

   when the rainy weather makes you unhappy, you can listen to the beautiful rock music and make yourself excited. when you get the bad news about your parents, friends or teachers, maybe you can get help from them and feel better. if the noisy city and dirty air make you angry, you can go to the suburbs, walk in the forest or sit by the river at weekends. then you’ll feel calm and happy.

(   )1.  according to the passage, only our lessons can affect our moods or feelings.

(   )2.  all the things around us can make us happy.

(   )3.  we can listen to the beautiful rock music and make ourselves excited in rainy days.

(   )4.  we’ll feel calm and happy if we walk in the forest or sit by the river at weekends.

(   )5.  the passage tells us how to make us happy and healthy when we are in bad moods.
