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When was he born教案

When was he born教案

when was he born教案

unit 9

section a 1a---2c



2、学会对多长提问(howlong)和对时间提问(when)的用法,when was he/she born?  he/she was born …..

how long did he hiccup ? he hiccupped for 69 years.

二、预习目标:自己学会单词,写出下列单词的过去式play       start          

do        stop       hiccup(现在分词)            



一位很棒的乒乓球运动员             国际体育明星            在1976年            


四、导学:停止做某事stop doing sth , stop to do sth停下来去做某事



1. 世界纪录___________  2. 开始打嗝___________  3. 篮球运动员__________

4. 一位中国运动员_____________  5. 他哪一年出生?_________________

6.他打嗝打了多长时间? 69年零5个月_____________________________________.


1. when ______ deng yaping born? in 1973.

a. is     b. was  c.were  d.am

2. he started sneezing _____ january 13. 1981.

 a. in    b. on  c. of  d.  at

3. ___ did charles hiccup?  about 69 years and 5 months.

a. hong long  b. how old  c. how many  d. how much

4. there_____ many people in the library yesterday. but there _____ not many people today.

  a .were; are  b. were; were   c was; are   d. are; are

5. bill can play _____ basketball. jim can play _____ violin.

a. the, the  b. a, the  c. /,the  d. the,/

6. she was born____amrerica____june 2,

a. on, in   b. in, on   c.in , in   d. on , in

7._____did he stop running?—in1978

a. when  b. what c. who  d. why


1. jim was born in 1981. (画线提问)____________________

2. he hiccupped for ten years. (画线提问)______________________

3. he stopped sneezing in 1992.(否定句)________________________

4. they visited the museum last year. (画线提问) (一般疑问句)

_______ _______ they ______ last year? 

______ they _______ the museum last year?

5. my sister started learning skating in 1993.(画线提问 )

______   _______ your sister _______ learning skating?3页,当前第1123

When was he born教案

6. i was born in shanghai in 1990(一般疑问句)

_______ _______ ______ in shanghai in 1990?


unit 9

section a 3a-- section 2c

一、 学习目标:

掌握p55-56单词,学会词组too..to,write music,ten months old

start doing sth = start to do sth开始做某事  learn to do sth 学习做某事

二、 预习目标:


三、 预习检测:

译成汉语:you are never too young to start doing things .

mozart started writing music when he was four years old

四、 导学:

1. when he was four years old.=at the age of four

2. too..to  太。。。而不能。。。,多表示否定,可以与so …that转换

he is so young that he can’t go to school= he is too young to go to school

3. spend some time (in) doing sth 花费某些时间做某事

spend some time on sth 花费某些时间在某事上



1. 你从不因为年龄太小而不能做些事._______________________

2. 我四岁时就开始读书了.i ______ _____ _______ ______ ______ ____.

3. 她因为什么出名? what ______ she _____ ________?


1. you are too old ________ (swim).

2. let’s ______ (start) ______ (have) an english party.

3. i learned _______ (ride) a bike when i was eight.

4. she ______ (win) a gold medal when she was 17 ______ (years) old.

5. i know a man ____(call) jim smith. 7.he learned ______(ride) a bike, when he was .

6. the twins ____ (be) ten years old when they ________(become) movie star in 1981.

(三) 单项选择

1. _______sixteen, edison began to sell newspapers on the train.

a. when the age was  b. at the age of  c. by the age of

2. as we all know, one is never _____ old ______ learn.

a. so, that can’t     b. enough, can’t   c. too, to

3. when did mozart ___music ?

  a. start write      b. start writing    c. started to write

4. --_____ did you play basketball? --- more than five years.

a. how long  b. how often  c. how far


1. 他太胖了而不能跳舞。_________________________

2. 当我十岁的时候,我第一次参加了一个晚会.______________________

3. 你们太懒了,没有学好英语._______________________________

4. he can’t do the work because he is too young.(改同义句)

5. when he was 17 years old, she became famous around the country.(同上)

教学后记 :

unit 9  section a 1a--2c

预习目标: played   started    did  stopped    hiccupped     

预习检测:  1.a great pingpong player   , international sports stars  ,   in 1976   3页,当前第2123

When was he born教案


i.翻译短语   1.the world report       2.start to hiccup   3.basketball players               4.a chinese players       5.which year was he born ?

6.how long did he hiccup?  sixty-nine years and five months.



1.when was jim born?  2. how long did he hiccup?  3. he didn′t stop sneezing in 1992?    4.what, did ,do ; did ,visit    5.when did, start     6.were you born

unit 9   section a 3a--section 2c



1.you are never too young to start doing things.

2.started read ing when i was 3.was famous for      


1.to swim  2.start ,having\to have 3.to ride 4.won ,years 5.called, 6.were,became 7.to ride

(三)   单项选择 b cba

(四)  按要求完成句子

1.he is too fat to dance.     2.i went to my first party at the age of 10.

3.you are too lazy to learn english well.  4.he is too young to do the work..

5.at the age of 17, she became famous around the country.
