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Why do you like koalas教案1

Why do you like koalas教案1


unit3 why do you like koalas.?


课时period 1 section a1a---1c


 年   月   日教学目标1. master the vocabulary

2. master and use: why do you like koalas? because they am cute.重点难点1.new words:tiger elephant koala dolphin lion penguin dirafffe  2.target languages: why do you like koalas教学过程:step1.revision    ask some students to tell us some interesting things about the animals.step2 la   this activity introduces the key vocabulary.focus attention on the map of the zoo showing pictures of animals. ask students to point to and name any animals they can.point to the animals one by one and say the name of each. ask students to repeat.point out the numbered list of words. say each one and ask students to repeat.then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures. say, write the letter of each animal in the blank by that animal's name. point out the sample answer.check the answers.step3 1 b   this activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.point to the animals in 1a- ask students to point to and name the animals.say, i'm going to play recordings of three conversations. listen carefully as you look at the words in la.put a checkmark in front of the name of each animal you hear.play the recording the first time. students only listen.play the recording a second time. this time students check each animal name they hear.correct the answers.step4 1 c   this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.call attention to the example conversation in the picture. ask two students to read it to the class. answer any questions they may have.point out the four description words. ask a student to read them aloud. review the meaning of each word.say, now you can make conversations about animals.your conversations can be like the example. use these description words.ask students to work in pairs. have them take turns saying both parts.if students need help getting started, demonstrate another conversation with a student. for example:teacher: let's see the elephant.student: why do you want to see the elephant?teacher: because it's very smart.ask some students to present their conversations to the class.step5 homework  copy the new words and read the conversations.教学反思: