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How long have you been collecting shells

How long have you been collecting shells

八年级下unit 6 how long have you been collecting shells?


1, 知识目标:

  1)remember words & phrases of this unit:

     verbs: collect  raise  store been  miss   run out of  be interested in

     nouns: shell  pair  skate  skater stamp kite coin capital thousand foreigner  cake globe                   monster collector dynasty character emperor jew

    adj: several extra certain common jewish

    adv:  particularly   quite  

    prep & conj: since 自从 自…以来

    adj & n:  european  russian  australian

    pron : anyone ( someone  no one  somebody  anybody  nobody)


3)since与 for的区别

 4) how long与 when 的区别。


3  情感目标:做任何事情要持之以恒,要有毅力。



 1,你第一次溜冰马拉松赛                   2,得到第一双溜冰鞋              

3,自从我七岁以来                 4, 为慈善机构募捐钱             

5,第一个开始的             6,整整五个小时               7,三年半                    

8,搜集贝壳/风筝/硬币/毛绒玩具                             9,事实上         

10,用尽了空间储藏它们                                  11,在我七岁生日时             

12,其他什么人            13,组建雪球收集者俱乐部             14,顺便问一下            7页,当前第11234567

How long have you been collecting shells


16,在学校比赛中获一等奖                     17,一些欧洲影响                       

18,具有俄罗斯风格                    19,一千多年前                        

20,受到…的欢迎                   21研究澳大利亚或西方历史                          

22,能够明白任何一种语言                     23,想念你的家人                       


任务二 翻译句子

1, 自从我七岁以来一直溜冰。

2, 是第一个开始的并且溜了整整五个小时。

3, 他搜集风筝十年了。

4, 如果你认识其他什么人收集雪球的话,请告诉我。

5, 我想告诉你关于我的爱好。

6, 你想有什么业余爱好

7, 我的爱好是收集古币

8, 我对当作者这份工作感兴趣。

9, 我听音乐七年了。

10,  它是一座有着丰富历史的有趣的城市。

11, 事实上,第一批犹太人很可能在一千多年前来到开封并且受到宋朝皇帝的欢迎。

12, 我的澳大利亚朋友说中国历史很难理解。

13, 对于像我这样的外国人,对中国历史了解得越多,就越喜欢住在中国。

14, 如果外国人来到中国,他们会遇到语言麻烦。




你的疑惑:                                                                          7页,当前第21234567

How long have you been collecting shells


1.搜集,收集(verb)             . 搜集者                搜集,收集(noun)        


link with the text:

your own sentence:

2.筹集,募集         。为慈善事业筹集钱                                       

link with the text:

your own sentence:

3.store          . 把他们储存在盒子里                                       

link with the text:

your own sentence:


link with the text:

your own sentence:


link with the text:

your own sentence:


link with the text:

your own sentence:


link with the text:

your own sentence:

8.欧洲的,欧洲人的,欧洲人               、 。俄罗斯的、俄罗斯人(的),俄语                    

link with the text:

your own sentence:


1. 用所给词的适当形式填空

      -look ! what            alison                (do?)7页,当前第31234567

How long have you been collecting shells

      - he                    (skate)

  -when            you              (start )?   ---two hours ago.

  -how long           he                     (skate)?

  -he                                (skate) for two hours.

how long 对                  提问,when对                             提问

go ahead:

a) we have been playing football for 2 hours.(对划线部分提问)

                        have you been playing football?

b) --          did you first skate ?

--two years ago.  

  2. since 与 for

for + 一段时间, since+时间点/时间状语从句/一段时间+ago

l) lis has been studying medicine at university         three years.

                                                   three years ago.

2) dave has been playing the piano          he was seven years old.

3)they have been working here           .


   work in pairs, talk about the following topics. don’t forget to use “ how long have you been doing…?  for…/since…”.

  topic1 -what sport do you play?              topic2: a: what’s your hobby?

         - basketball.                                 b: i like flying kites.7页,当前第41234567

How long have you been collecting shells

         -when did you start?                          a: how long have you been doing that?

         -when i was ten.                             b: for about two years.

         -so how long have you been playing?

         -three and a half years.

topic3: a: what do you collect?

          b: i collect kites.

          a: how long have you been collecting them?

          b: since i was seven years old.

then :  make a short report, eg: i like…,i have been…for/since… but/while my friend likes…and she has been…for/since…



       how long have you been wearing glasses?

       how long have you been living in your village?

       how long have you been studying english?

       how long have you been doing eye exercises?

 how long have you been doing sports in the morning?

 how long have you been having a bad cold?


eg …has been wearing glasses for …has been living in the village since he/she was born…


不同的人有不同的爱好。有的人爱好集邮,有的人爱好养宠物,有的人爱好运动,听音乐,看电影….根据下面提示,以different people, different hobbies为题写一篇短文。

name hobby how long  more information

joe swimming for seven years strong and healthy

dennis collecting stamps since he was eight over 500stamps

julia watching english movies for four years a good way to learn english

                     different people, different hobbies

different people have different hobbies. i have three friends. they are joe, dennis and julia. joe likes           and he has been                  for                .he thinks it makes him                               .dennis enjoys                          .he has been                            since                            , and now he has over         from different countries. julia is interested in                            .she has been                  for                          ,she says watching english movies helps her                           .she thinks it is                                  .7页,当前第51234567

How long have you been collecting shells

模块六: 当堂检测

1, my sister has been learning english for           three years.

         a   more than     b    more over  c  than     

2, he raised         for the charity to help the poor children.

         a  thousand of dollars  b thousands of dollars  c  three thousands dollars

3,i have been skating         two hours.

         a  for          b  in            c  since

4,there’s much             on the train.(room)

5,he’s a famous                   .(write)

6, his father is a                    . (collect)

7,is there                     (someone) in the classroom?

8,the girl has been                     (wait)for three hours.


 i                                                               .


        he has been playing tennis for                                                    .


对于现在完成进行时不明白的地方:                                                    7页,当前第61234567

How long have you been collecting shells


homework: review unit5

do you know?

  hold on to your dream ,never give up, and you’ll make it.7页,当前第71234567