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Me and My Class教案

Me and My Class教案

me and my class教案

unit 1 me and my class

lesson 1 li ming is back to school

teaching steps

step 1. li stening

    this is the first lesson of this term, there are many students i don’t know, so list their name. when class begin, say: “ this is the first lesson of this scho ol year, so i don’t know al your names. now i will call your names, please stand up and say “ i am here” when you are called.. then call their names, and often say” nice to meet you! how are you!” and such greets. then play the audios, let the students listen once, then open the activity book and read through exercise 2 one or two minutes, play twice. when it is done, check the answers one by one.. make sure the students all understand the paragraph.

step 2. revision

1. play the video and ask the students “how did you spend your holiday”operation:how did you spend your holiday

aim:practice how to use the present past tense ,describe how to say sentences using the tense.

talk about how to spend the holiday and talk about students’ interesting day during the holiday.

discuss the questions below:。

(1)what did you do on holiday?

(2)where were you go?

(5)why did you go there?

(7)did you like it?

(8)was it very interesting?

after the students answer the questions,ask the students make the answers into composition.

2..lat term we have leaned that li ming went to canada to learn english and lived with jenny and danny. he lived there for about 1 year. there he lived happily with his friends. now it is september again, where is li ming now? read the lesson 1 , and find out where li ming is. give the students three minutes to find the answer, then play the tape and ask the students to follow the tape and read aloud.

step3. presentation

1.the form of the e-mail. from                 to                 subject                 date                                  tell the students how to send e-mails in english..

2. back  be back = come back

    jenny is back from canada=jenny comes back from canada.

3. it’s bigger than yours.  bigger related to better, when adjectives meet than we should add –er to the adjectives . such as more.4页,当前第11234

Me and My Class教案

4. there be 

5. i was happy to see the e-mail. it is fun to get e-mail from china..

6. just like me .

step4. read and act

ask one group to read the fist letter, and ask another grou p to read the second letter. then let the students read aloud the e-mails. and  remember where brian comes from.

step5. explanation

•1. “li ming is back to school!”•(1) be back to…意为“回到什 么地方”,to后接名词

•如:i'm rlad you are back to wuhan. 很高兴你回到武汉。

•(2) 后面的地点如果是home, here, there等副词,则不用to。

•如:he is back home. 他回家了。

•li ming was back there. 李明昨天回那儿了。





•date:时间。顺序一般为日/月/点/分,如:03 / 08  9:50。


•2. date: 01/09 9:04 pm

•(1) 这句话的主语是today(今天),而be动词用了过去式 was,表明这封e-mail是在晚上写的,“白天上学” 已成为“过去”。当一天快结束时,描述白天的活动通常用一般过去时。相反,在一天开始之际,预测、描述将要发生的活动时,可用一般将来时。

•如:today  was my lucky day in school.i got an a in the test.今天是我在学校中幸运的一天。我测验得了a。

•(2) today is/is not my day.是一句常用口语,表示“今天我运气好/不好。”•如:today is my day. i passed the exam今天是我的好日子。我考试及格了。

•3. today was my first day of school in china.




•如:this room is bigger  than that one. 这个房间比那个房间大。   

•she is taller than me. 她比我高。   

•(2)此句中yours你的,是名词性物主代词,在此意为"your school"。   


•4. it’s bigger than yours


•如:whose dictionary is this?——it's mine. 这词典是谁的?    一我的。  


•如:our room is on the first floor and theirs (is) on the second. 我们的房间在二楼,他的房间在三楼。


•如:you may use my pen. i'll use hers . 你可以用我的笔,我用她的好了。    4页,当前第21234

Me and My Class教案


•如:he is a close friend of ours. 他是我们的一位亲 密的朋友。   

•this is no fault of yours. 这不是你的错。    •5. there are about 900 students in my school.


 •“there is十单数名词+地点状语”•或者“there are+复数名词+地点状语”。

•注意:当be动词后的主语为单数名词,动词用is; 当主语为复数名词时,动词用are。

•如:there is a bed in my bed room. 我的卧室里有一张床。

•there are three pictures on the wall. 墙上有三幅图画。

•the re is a pen and two books on the desk. 书桌上有一支笔、两本书。


•6. have our class

•(1)此句中have our class意为“上课”。


•如:have lunch吃午饭;have a look看一看;

•have a word with… 和……讲句话。

•(2)当have表示“有”的意思时,指的是“某某拥有……’’。而存在有的句型there is…或there are…,表示的是“在……有……”。

•如:i have two books. 我有两本书。

•there are two books on the desk. 书桌上有两本书。

•7. i was happy to see your e-mail.

•be happy to do sth.表示“很高兴做某事”。这是一个常用句型,即:be+形容词+to do sth.该句型的主语是人,形容词指happy,glad,sad,surprised,thankful等描述人的情感的词。

•如:i‘m so glad to see you again. 再次见到你真是太高兴了。

• he was surprised to meet his son in the net bar. 在网吧里遇见了儿子,他很吃惊。

•8. it’s fun to get e-mail from china!

 •(1) fun多用在be动词后面作表语,常用句型为:it's fun to do sth./sth is fun for sb。

•如:surfing is great fun. 冲浪太有趣了。

•it's fun to play computer games. 打电玩很有趣。

•cartoon movie is fun for children. 对孩子们来说,卡通片是一种乐趣。

•what fun!  多么有趣呀!



•其句型为 :it+is+名词形容词+to不定式

•如:it is our duty to save these children. 拯救这些孩子们是我们的责任。

•9. we go from room to room for our class


•如:she is surfing the internet,going from website to website for news about her favorite star. 她在网上冲浪,一个网站一个网站地搜寻她所喜爱的明星的消息。4页,当前第31234

Me and My Class教案

•they went from door to door to beg for food. 他们挨家挨户地讨饭。


•如:i come back for my car. 我是回来取车的。

•he goes there for a visit. 他是去那里旅游的。

•arrive 属不及物动词,意为“到达”,需与介词连用,表示到达某地。

•10. my cousin brain arrives from the u.k.

•(1)arrive at+小地点(如小城,村子、车站等)

•如:i arrived at my hometown that evening. 我那天晚上到达我的家乡。

•(2)arrive in+大地点(如州,国家,大城市)

•如:we arrived in london in the morning. 我们早晨到达伦敦。

•(3)但是如果是接副词表示地点,则不需加介词,必须说arrive here,arrive there,arrive home.

•11. just like me!


•如:the sky was like ink over my head.    我头上的天空漆黑一片。

•she was very much like maxim about the eyes and jaw. 她的眼睛和下巴非常像马克西姆。

•mary,like her mother,likes dressing up.  玛丽像她母亲一样,也喜欢打扮。

•like the father, like the son. 有其父,必有其子。

•that’s just like him! 他就是干那种事情(或说那种话)的人!


•如:that’s just what i want. 那正是我想要的。

•this is just the point. 这正是关键所在。

step 6. exercises

1. they have a lot of          (不同)teachers.

2. she is getting          (更) beautiful.

3. i’m very          /glad/ to see you.

4.she has a          /5feutgra:f/ for that picture.

step 7. homework

    finish off the activity book and read lesson one by heart. then preview lesson 2: many faces, one picture.4页,当前第41234