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Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

unit 1 how often do you exercise?

section b


     a bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半)



words: milk, junk food, health, unhealthy, habit, exercise, most, result, try, different maybe, although,

phrases: junk food,  as for,  on weekends, no students,  try to do,  look after,  kind of

sentences: 1.but my mother wants me to drink it.

2.she says it’s good for my health

3.i try to eat a lot of vegetables.

4.is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?

能力目标: 能描述课余时间的活动安排;会描述基本饮食结构。

情感目标: 培养学生的逻辑表述能力,激发学生的积极思维,并使学生互相了解,增进友谊,加强人际交往,以形成良好的人际关系。


 区分  how many /how much,  health/healthy,   different/difference


1. 预习导学或自测

1) 很少/几乎不曾__________________2) surf the lnternet _______________________

  3) 大部分学生_____________________4) as for ________________________________

  5) 一周两次_______________________6) be good for ________________________

  7) 照顾___________________________8) eating habits ______________________

  9) 六到八次_______________________10) try to do sth ________________________

2.自主学习 exercise的用法。


做早操                         做眼睛保健操                                   


eg:i have to                              .  我必须做大量练习


      eg:—how often do you exercise? 我天天锻炼                                             

3.合作探究   课文解析. 3a

1) pretty表示“十分”作副词用,我们以前学过quite和very也有这种意思。其中它们的程度由浅入深为quite→pretty→very. 相当健康:                                    7页,当前第11234567

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

2) i exercise every day, usually when i come home from school.我每天锻炼身体,                 

3) eating habits:                        

4) try to do sth意为                      


5) of course.:                 

6) so you see, i look after my health. 所以你看,我很在意我的健康。

look after 意为                           

eg:can you                      when i leave? 能帮我照顾一下孩子吗?


(1) look at                eg:please look at the blackboard.                           

(2) look for              eg:我在找我的笔                                              

(3) look like               eg::你爸爸长什么样?                                                                                     7页,当前第21234567

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

7) good food and exercise                        好的饮食和锻炼帮助我学得更好。


8) be good for              be good at =do well in                  be good to sb.              

9) 和…相同                       与……不同                    

不同: (n.)difference .there are many                (不同点)between the two pictures.

10) although虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句,与          同义,

但不能与        同时出现在一个复合句中,可与still, yet同用。

11) 保持健康:                        = be in good health =keep/ be healthy

4.拓展创新  注意sometimes与几个形似的词的区别。

a.sometime是副词,意为“在某个时候”,“某时”  b. sometimes:有时候是副词。

   c.some time是名词词组,意为“一段时间”,做时间状语用

  d. some times是名词词组,意为“几次,几倍”。

eg:(1)i met him                in the street last month.

(2) will you come again                  next week?

(3) i will stay here for                          

 (4) i                           watch tv on weekends.7页,当前第31234567

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

5. 梳理归纳 section b 词组归纳:

1) be good for 对什么有益               2) be bad for对什么有害

3) want to do sth 想做某事               4) want sb to do sth想某人做某事

5)try to do sth 尽量做某事               6) come home from school放学回家

7) of course = certainly = sure当然         8)get good grades取得好成绩   

9) some advice                         10)hardly=not nearly / almost not几乎不

11) keep/be in good health保持健康        12)pretty healthy 相当健康

13) my eating habits 我的饮食习惯        14)drink milk 喝牛奶

15)so you see 正如你所看到的           16)look after 照顾

17)my healthy lifestyle 我的健康饮食习惯  18)help sb.do sth 帮助某人做某事

19)the same as 和….一样                20)be different from 与….不同

6.达标检测  根据句意填词.  


1.eating junk food is bad for your ______(healthy).

2.please find out the _____ (different) between this picture and that picture.

3.there is little light in the room. i can ______ (hard) see anything.

4. mr wang goes to shanghai ______ (one) a year.

5.—do you want to meet that ______ (interview)?    —no, i don’t.

ii. vi.根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词。


  doing eye exercises _______ _______ _______ your eyes.


  we _______ _______ get there on time.


  walking helps to keep ______ _______ ________.

4.—你多长时间看一次电影?     —我一个星期看两次。

  — ______ _______ do you watch tv?

  — i watch tv twice a week.


  it’s good for our health ______ _______ every day.


1..but my mother wants me to drink it. 但是我妈妈让我喝(牛奶)。


eg: katrina wants                               .卡特里娜想和我们一起去看电影。7页,当前第41234567

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

david wants me                                  . 大卫想让我帮助他学英语。

2.she says it’s good for my health. 她说这对我的健康有益。

be good for表示                ,其反义词组是                      

be good at表示                 ,其同义词组是                      

eg:it                          to go to bed early. 早睡对你有好处。

he                  chinese now.他现在擅长于中文。

3. i try to eat a lot of vegetables. 我尽量多吃疏菜。

try to do sth. 意为                            

eg: i’ll try                                   . 我要设法学好英语。

注意:try后也可接v.ing形式。try doing sth. 意为                     表示想知道结果而尝试着做做看。eg: let’s try                              咱们敲敲门试试。

4.. ...and i think i’m kind of unhealthy. ……我认为我有点不健康。

词语辨析kind of与 a kind of

(1)kind of 相当于一个程度副词,用来修饰形容词的原级,意为               ,是一个固定短语,不能变形,=                    

eg: you are                      你有点累.7页,当前第51234567

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

the panda is                 这只熊猫有点机灵。

(2)a kind of 是一种起限定作用的短语,意为            用在名词前。其中的kind为可数名词,意为         ,有单复数变化。

eg: an elephant is                              .大象是一种动物。

there are                              fish in the river. 河里有各种各样的鱼。

(3 )kind用作形容词,意为        。常见结构be kind to sb.,意为“对某人和蔼(友好)”。

eg:the teachers in our school                      .我们学校的老师对我们很和蔼。


1.i didn’t go to the park with my classmates, because my mother asked me to ____ my little sister at home.(吉林省)

  a. look after       b. look at      c. look for        d. look like

解析:四个选项中只有look after符合题意。选a。

2.can you speak a little louder?  i can _____ hear you. (辽宁)

  a. hard             b. really        c. hardly         d. clearly


3..we hope your children grow happily and _____ (health).(山东)




我的不足:                                                                        7页,当前第61234567

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?


unit1  section b



1.hardly ever 2. 上网3.most of the students 4. 至于5. twice a week 6. 对…有好处 7. look after 8.饮食习惯9. six or seven times a week10. 尽力做某事

2.自主学习 exercise的用法。

(1)do morning exercise do eye exercise (2)do so much exercise (3)

i exercise every day.


1. pretty healthy.2.通常放3. 饮食习惯4. 尽力去做某事/he tried to pass the exam.5.  当然  6.照顾、照看/look after my baby(1)看,认真地看/请看黑板(2)寻找 i’m looking for my  pen/(3) 看起来像what does your father look like?   7. help me to study better./ .help sb. (to) do /with sth.  8. 对…有好处/ 擅长于,在…学得好/ 对…很好9 the same as /be different from /differences10. though/but 11. keep in good health

4.拓展创新  1.some times /好多次2.sometime 某个时间

3.some time.一段时间4. sometimes 有时候



1. health  2. differences  3. hardly   4. once   5. interviewer

ii. vi.根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词

1.is good for   2. try to   3. in good health   4. how often 5. to exercise


1. to go to the movie with us. / to help him with his english

2. 对….有益/好处/ be bad for;/ be bad for;/do well in/

/is good for you// is good at

3.设法、尽力去做某事// to learn english well

//试着做某事knocking at the door.

4. 有点儿、稍微/ a little /kind of tired// kind of smart.

一种/种类/a kind of animals/ all kinds of//好心,仁慈的 / are very kind to us
