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8B Unit1导学案及教案1

8B Unit1导学案及教案1

8b unit2 导学案


comic strip& welcome to the unit


1. 富士山:位于东京的近郊,是日本的象征。夏季适于露营、游泳、钓鱼等,冬季则是滑雪的好场所。

2. 比萨斜塔:位于意大利古城比萨,高54.5米,直径16 米,重约1.4万吨。塔内有294 级台阶,供游人登塔,远眺全城风光。

3. 美人鱼铜像:位于丹麦首都歌本哈根,是根据安徒生童话《海的女儿》中的女主角用青铜雕铸的。这座鱼尾人身的铜像现已成为丹麦的标志。

4. 自由女神像:是一位擎炽烈火炬的庄严女子,立于美国曼哈顿外海的自由女神岛。铜像是1884年法国人民为纪念《美国独立宣言》发表100周年赠送给美国的礼物。

5. 塔桥:是英国伦敦泰晤士河上一座哥特式风格的吊桥。塔桥是伦敦标志性的建筑物,于1894年建成通车。游人可与上层桥上鸟瞰泰晤士河两岸的景色。


一、 预习p24—p25,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。

1.去旅行                       2.肯定很有意思              

3.带...出门                      4.看美景           

                       5.加入某人                      6.日本的象征

7.快点                         8.照相                      

9.随身带…                     10.和某人讨论….




14.喜欢游览不同的地方            15.受欢迎的旅游景点


1. mount fuji                    2.the great wall               20页,当前第11234567891011121314151617181920

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3. the little mermaid              4.the leaning tower of pisa

                      5 . the tower bridge.               6. the statue of liberty    

7. find out more about different places around the world




教学内容 8bunit2comicstrip&welcome to the unit 课型 新授课

教学目标 1. 了解外国城市著名的旅游胜地和受欢迎的景点。

2. 熟悉人们在不同景点从事的各种活动。

教学重难点 1. 外国城市著名的旅游胜地和受欢迎的景点。

2. have/has been的用法。

教学方法 情景交际法、归纳法

教具准备 课件

教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 个性化补充

step 1 lead in

 first show the students some photos that i

have taken during holidays. and then ask them some questions:

1). (i like travelling.)where have i ever been?

2). do you like travelling?

3. what’s your feeling when you go on a trip?

4).when will people go on a trip?

5).what things would you prepare for your trip?

step 2 .presentation

1.tell the ss: most of us like travelling. our friends eddie and hobo also like travelling. they’ll go on a trip for their holiday. will eddie have a happy holiday? why or why not? let’s listen to their conversation.

2. play the tape again .ask them to read after it. then tell ss to read the comic strip, and ask some questions in detail to check understanding, e.g.,

1). is eddie happy in the first picture? why? (yes. he is going on a trip.)

2). does hobo want to go too?(yes.)

3).how does he feel?(he’s very excited)

4).why is eddie unhappy in the last picture?(he has to carry a heavy bag.)

3. after that, ask ss to act the dialogue out. then ask three or four pairs to perform this conversation before the class.

(the joke in this dialogue is that eddie wants to go on holiday to relax. instead he will be working harder than he would if he had stayed at home.)

4.pay attention to some useful expressions:

1).  join sb.=go… with sb.

2).let sb do sth: let me take you out.

3).‘take’ and ‘bring’ 

4).have/has ever been…

step 3.presentation

1. there are many other places of interest in china. tell ss that i would like to travel around our country. show them some pictures and make them tell where i want to go. tell them my dream is to travel around the world one day. but i have never been abroad. ask them if they have ever been abroad/if they can help make my dream come true./   whether they know any famous attractions in china or other parts of the world? let ss speak out the names of some places of interest that they’ve learned.20页,当前第21234567891011121314151617181920

8B Unit1导学案及教案1

2. after that, show ss some pictures of  other popular tourist attractions around the world one by one. and introduce the background information at the same time:

mount fuji: it is a symbol of japan. there is snow on top of this mountain.

the leaning tower of pisa: this tower is in italy. it is leaning.

the little mermaid: it’s s statue of a girl in denmark. the girl has a fish’s tail instead of legs.

the statue of liberty: it is in new york city, usa. it stands for liberty.

the tower bridge: it is a large bridge over the river thames in london, it has twin towers.

3. divide the class into pairs. talk about the photos in part a on page25 tell ss to work together to fill in the blanks with words from the box. then check the answers with them. make sure they can speak out the names, and then show some of them on the screen.

4. ask ss to write down the country where each of the sights can be found. show the countries on the screen in random order and ask some ss to match the places with their corresponding countries. then check the answers with them.

5. ask ss to work in pairs to talk about what people usually do when they visit some place. make them speak out some phases like see the beautiful view, go skiing and so on. then ask them to work in pairs to talk about each of the photos. tell them to use daniel and millie’s conversation in part b as a model. encourage more ss to expand the model conversation to include things they know and want to do themselves.


s1: what’s this?

s2: it’s the great wall of china—a symbol of china.

s1: what can people do there?

s2: they can see the beautiful view there.

step 4 .finding and writing expressions

ask ss to go over page 24 and 25 again to find out and write down all the useful expressions. 

go on a trip to…, join…, take…out for a few days, bring...with me, come on, take the bag,  visit different places, do a project on…, find out more about…, discuss one’s ideas with…, prepare a fact file, write about one’s dream holiday, talk to…about…, use…as a model, replace….with…, go hiking, go skiing, see the beautiful view( show some of them on the screen.)

step 5.practice

do some exercises :

1. translation.

2. write a short composition.

step 6. activities

divide the students into groups of four. take turns to make a plan:

suppose two of ss are eddie and hobo, the other two are guides from different travel agencies/people who live there…,

ask them if they can introduce the places to eddie and hobo .e.g.

places: the tower bridge…20页,当前第31234567891011121314151617181920

8B Unit1导学案及教案1

activities: go hiking

         see the beautiful view

ask three or four groups to speak out their arrangements before the class.

step 7.mainly conclusion

1. have/has been

2. some important phases and sentences.

3. popular tourist attractions that we have learned today. 






















8b unit 1 导学案

welcome to the unit



交通规则 traffic regulation  路标 guide post   里程碑 milestone

停车标志 mark car stop红绿灯 traffic light 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light

红灯 red light绿灯 green light  黄灯 amber light 交通岗 traffic post岗亭 police box

交通警 traffic police打手势 pantomime单行线 single line双白线 double white lines

双程线dual carriage-way斑马线 zebra stripes交通干线 artery traffic车行道 carriage-way

辅助车道 lane auxiliary双车道 two-way traffic自行车通行 cyclists only

 单行道 one way only窄路 narrow road潮湿路滑 slippery when wet

陡坡 steep hill不平整路 rough road弯路 curve road ; bend road连续弯路 winding road

之字路 double bend road 之字公路 switch back road 下坡危险 dangerous down grade

道路交叉点 road junction十字路 cross road左转 turn left右转 turn right靠左 keep left

靠右 keep right慢驶 slow  速度 speed超速 excessive speed速度限制 speed limit

恢复速度 resume speed禁止通行 no through traffic  此路不通 blocked

不准驶入 no entry不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead不准掉头 no turns

让车道 passing bay回路 loop  安全岛 safety island  停车处 parking place

停私人车 private car park只停公用车 public car only不准停车 restricted stop

不准滞留 restricted waiting  临街停车 parking on-street 街外停车 parking off-street

街外卸车 loading off-street当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing

当心牲畜 caution animals  前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead  拱桥 hump bridge

火车栅 level crossing修路 road works 医院 hospital儿童 children  学校 school

寂静地带 silent zone非寂静地带 silent zone ends  交通管理 traffic control

人山人海 crowded conditions拥挤的人 jam-packed with people  交通拥挤 traffic jam 20页,当前第41234567891011121314151617181920

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水泄不通 overwhelm顺挤 extrusion direct冲挤 extrusion impact  推挤 shoved

挨身轻推 nudging让路 give way粗心行人 careless pedestrian

犯交通罪 committing traffic offences  执照被记违章endorsed on driving license

危险驾驶 dangerous driving    粗心驾车 careless driving 

无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor 无证驾驶 driving without license

未经车主同意 without the owner's consent  无第三方保险 without third-party insurance

未挂学字牌 driving without a "l" plate    安全第一 safety first 

轻微碰撞 slight impact  迎面相撞 head-on collision  相撞 collided

连环撞 a chain collision  撞车 crash  辗过 run over

肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver  冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement

cars never takes the place of(取代)bicycles

bicycles, as a means of transport, are indispensable companions(不可取代的伴侣)of most chinese. each chinese family possesses (拥有)at least one bicycle. china is therefore called “the bicycle kingdom”. the popularity(普及)of bicycles in china, i think, is mainly due to the economy of the country and its people. china, as one of the developing countries, has no financial potential(经济潜力) to expand its roads and to manufacture (生产)so many cars to satisfy(满足) the need of so many chinese.

   compared with cars, bicycles, however, have their own distinctive advantages(独特优势). firstly, they are very convenient(方便的). for their small size, they do not need special parking space. they can be parked almost everywhere. for their light weight, they can be carried upstairs and downstairs. secondly, driven by man power, they don’t need fuel. hence they have nothing to do with air pollution and energy crisis. finally, as china is still a developing country, most people can afford a bicycle rather than a car.

    with so many advantages, bicycles will remain to be an important means of transport in china in the many years to come. but i think with the rapid development of chinese economy, more and more chinese will own a car though cars will never completely substitute(取代) bicycles in the future.


一、 预习p 6—p7,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。

1.过去和现在                                        2.与某人一起玩

3.不再                                              4.做个历史课题20页,当前第51234567891011121314151617181920

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5.在过去的一百年里                                  6.收集信息

7.不同形式的运输                                    8.画时间线

9.从……到……                                      10.轻轨

二、完成p7,parts a、b练习。


1. _______________________________    2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________    4. _______________________________

5. _______________________________    6. _______________________________

7. _______________________________    8. _______________________________

9. _______________________________    10. _______________________________


教学内容 8b unit 1 welcome to the unit 课型 新授课

教学目标 1. to introduce the present perfect tense generally.

 2. to introduce the different forms of transport at different times in hong kong.

教学重难点 1. to introduce the present perfect tense generally.

  2. to introduce the different forms of transport at different times in hong kong.

教学方法 task-centered approach

教具准备 课件

教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 个性化补充

step 1: free talk

 in the past, hobo and eddie were

 good friends. but now something

happens between them. do you want

to know what’s wrong with them?

step 2: presentation

read the dialogue, and find out the answers to the following questions.

1)what was in the bowl an hour ago?

2) what did eddie do?      

3) why did he do that thing?      

4) why does hobo think eddie has


explaining the new tense :

the present perfect tense

  eg: 1) have you seen my food?


     2)i’ve (i have) eaten it.


     3) we have not seen him for a

long time ……        

4) how has he changed?

let ss read the dialogue in pairs. 20页,当前第61234567891011121314151617181920

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step 3:  presentation

1. show the pictures . discuss them with the ss.: what’s the use of it?

   where do you usually see it?

    is it a special one? why?

 which transport do you like best?

2. write the correct names under the pictures.

step 4: practice

     finish part b (back to the past)   &  complete the timeline.

 进行free talk

1. what time is it?

2. are you hungry?

3. would you like something to eat?

4. which is your favourite food? 导入到comic strips的教学。



1) what was in

the bowl an hour


2) what did eddie


3) why did he do

that thing?  

4) why does hobo

think eddie has changed?



hobo’s food ____ in the _____ an hour ago. but it isn’t there now. why? eddie has just ______ it because he was ______. hobo thinks eddie has ______ and he is _____ bad now. he doesn’t want to _____ with eddie any _____.









作业设计 1. 背诵本课的单词与词组

2. 完成《导学案》上本课时的作业

3. 预习reading,完成预习作业

板书设计                      8b unit 1 welcome to the unit

past and present      an hour ago      play with       transport at different times

over the past 100 years    not...any more

see-saw-seen   be(am,is,are)-was,were-been  eat-ate-eaten   change-changed-changed  

现在完成时 have/has+过去分词




1. the f__       __ leaves france at 10 o’clock.

2. i have been there many times in the p__       __ .

3. i’m afraid i can’t help you at p__       __.

4. if you miss the t__       __, there is another one hour later.

5. if there is no electricity, the t__       __cannot move.

6. the p__       __is going to land(着陆).


1. welcome to my party. just help ___________(you) to the food and drink.20页,当前第71234567891011121314151617181920

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2. he is really _________(interest) in maths.

3. _________(luck), he passed the exam.

4. don’t you think life is ___________(good) than before.

5. it is __________(healthy) to eat too much fat food.

6. i think it’s ___________(possible) for a primary school to solve that junior high maths problem.

7. it is ___________(polite) to ask a woman how old she is.

8. i __________(like) football, but i like basketball very much.

9. we should not be ______________(honest).

10. he feels ___________(happy) because he has no friends.


 1. _________he ever____  ____(be) to beijing?

 2. his father________________(teach)at this school since ten years ago.

 3. they lived in the country when they got_____________(marry).

 4. he was late and____________(miss) the last train.

 5. some day, you___________(feel) sorry for this thing.

 6. i have never ___________(visit) hongkong before.

 7. don’t forget ___________(post) the letter for me.

 8. we’d better ______________(try) our best to study.

 9. we used to _______________(swim) every day when we were children.

 10. i _____________(know) the man for many years.



               history of beijing

beijing is an ancient city with a long history. back in 3000 years ago in zhou dynasty, beijing, which was called ji at the moment, had been named capital of yan. thereafter, liao, jin, yuan, ming and qing dynasty all made beijing their capital. therefore, beijing was famous for "capital of a thousand years". the long history leaves beijing precious cultural treasure. winding for several kilometers in beijing area, the great wall is the only man-made structure that could been seen in the space. the summer palace is a classic composition of ancient royal gardens, and the forbidden city is the largest royal palaces in the world. tiantan is where the emperor used to fete their ancestors, and also the soul of chinese ancient constructions. the four sites above has been confirmed world cultural heritage by unesco. however, the best representatives for beijing are the vanishing hutongs and square courtyards. through hundreds of years, they have become symbol of beijing's life. tian'anmen square being still brilliant today with cloverleaf junctions and skyscrapers everywhere, the old-timey scene and modern culture are combined to present a brand new visage of beijing. as beijing has been confirmed home city of olympics , the spirit of "green olympics, scientific olympics and humanized olympic" will surely bring more and more changes to beijing, promote the development of sports and olympics in china as well as in the world, and strengthen the friendly communications between chinese and foreign people. 20页,当前第81234567891011121314151617181920

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华表ornamental pillars  人民英雄纪念碑the monument to the people's heroes

毛主席纪念堂chairman mao memorial hall  人民大会堂the great hall of the people

乾清宫the palace of heavenly purity  坤宁宫the palace of earthly tranquility

御花园the imperial garden  九龙壁the nine dragon screen 回音壁echo wall

祈年殿the hall of prayer for good harvest  颐和园the summer palace

佛香阁the tower of buddhist incense  十七孔桥the 17-arch bridge

谐趣园the garden of harmonious interests居庸关juyongguan pass

北海公园: beihai park  故宫博物院: the palace museum

革命历史博物馆: the museum of revolutionary history天安门广场: tian’anmen square

保和殿: the hall of preserving harmony  中和殿: the hall of central harmony

午门: the meridian gate乾清宫: palace of heavenly purity

紫金山天文台: purple and gold hills observation 紫禁城: the forbidden city

御花园: imperial garden  颐和园: summer palace天 坛: temple of heaven

少年宫: the children’s palace 烽火台: the beacon tower

人民大会堂: the great hall of the people清东陵: easten royal toms of the qing dynasty

民族文化宫: the cultural palace for nationalities  护城河: the moat

劳动人民文化宫:worker people’s cultural palace北京工人体育馆:beijing workers’ stadium

故宫 the palace museum天坛 the temple of heaven长城: the great wall

八达岭长城 the great wall at badaling居庸关长城 the great wall at juyongguan pass

慕田峪长城 the great wall at mutianyu司马台长城 the great wall at simatai)

明十三陵 the ming tombs北海公园 beihai park雍和宫 yonghegong larmasery

白云观 the white cloud taoist temple北京孔庙 beijing confucius temple

国子监 the imperial college圆明园 the ruins of yuanmingyuan

周口店北京猿人遗址 peking man site at zhoukoudian世界公园 beijing world park

中华民族园 chinese ethnic culture park 中华世纪坛 china century altar


一、 预习p8—p11,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。

1. 从那时起                              2. 在……的南部

3. 在市中心         4. 改变许多                           

5. 变为          6. 一个很严重的问题 20页,当前第91234567891011121314151617181920

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7. 在某些方面                            8. 像以前一样经常

9. 有时;不时地                          10. 对……采取行动                       

二、完成课本p10—p11, parts b、c、d练习。


1. the ______________ of goods by air is very expensive. (运输)

2. most of the _____________ (wife) do housework at home.

3. i felt very ______________ (please) when i met my old friend.

4. the little girl lost her toy bear, so she cried ___________. (sad)

5. we lived together until 1997 when i got ___________. (marry)

6. ____________ (pollute) was a big problem in this city ten years ago.

7. he lost his wallet. he was _____________. (luck)


教学内容 8b unit 1 reading 课型 新授课

教学目标 1. to grasp some useful expressions

2. to retell the main idea of the text

教学重难点  to understand the use of some words through the exercises.

教学方法 task-centered approach

教具准备 课件

教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 个性化补充

step 1: free talk

where is your hometown?

has it changed a lot?

can you tell us something about the changes to your hometown?

as you know, i am a teacher now. but five years ago, i was a teacher, too. so i have worked here for 3 years. i think our school changed a lot. do you think so? everything has changed a lot?

step2: presentation

have you been to beijing? now, look at some pictures of it. witness great changes to it over 100 years. show pictures .

step 3: reading

1. would you like to listen to mr chen, daniel’s grandpa? play the tape for ss 2 times. answer the following questions.  

how long has mr chen known sunshine town?   

did mr chen live there all the time? why?   

does mr chen think the place changed a lot?   

what are the differences between the past and present?

2. check the answers if they can not answer.

3. explain some difficult points.

in fact. 实际上i thought this answer was right. in fact ,it’s wrong.

live together/there  一起生活  live on the fifth floor

get married to sb. = marry sb. 与某人结婚。

e.g.: tom got married to mary last year =tom married mary last year.  20页,当前第101234567891011121314151617181920

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they got married last year.

until 直到…   not …until 直到…才

e.g. : he did his homework until 7

o’clock yesterday evening.

he didn’t do his homework until

7 o’clock yesterday evening.

change a lot 

change v. 改变our city has changed a lot  .             

change n. 变化,零钱great changes have taken place in our city .

( the changes to sunshine town , the

answer to…, the key to…the entrance



turn into变成

4. ask ss to read in pairs and try to act it out.

step4: practice

1. do the exercise on page 10 b

 match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

2. finish off the exercises of partc1,2 on p10-11.(t/f).correct the sentences.

step 5: homework 

finish part d on page 11 free talk,

1) where is your hometown?

2) has it changed

a lot?

3) can you tell us something about the changes to your hometown?


安排学生快速阅读reading 部分


what’s the main idea of the passage?

2.让学生找出陌生的单词,教师讲解,带读生词并完成p10 b部分的练习。


1.when did mr. chen’s family move to sunshine town?

2. where did mr. chen live before 1965?

3. how many people lived in the sunshine town in the past?

4. why did mr. chen move last year?

5. were there any shops in the sunshine town in the past?

6. what did people say about the shoe factory?

7. does mr. chen think life is better now? why?


布置学生完成part b,c,d的练习,并检查答案

学生回答free talk的问题,





学生完成part b,c,d的练习,并检查答案

作业设计 背诵本课的单词与词组


板书设计                      8b unit 1 reading

                     times have changed

since then     over the years    in some ways    from time to time

move house   get married     in the center of town

turn ...into...     reduce the pollution    feel a bit lonely




 1. let’s make a plan to stop the noise__________(污染).

 2. ______________(不幸地是), his leg was badly hurt last sunday.20页,当前第111234567891011121314151617181920