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Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

unit 10 it’s a nice day, isn’t it?

一. 教学内容:

unit 10 it’s a nice day, isn’t it?


二. 教学过程:

1. 重点短语:

  tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事,hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事

  help sb. with sth. 帮助某人(做)某事,think of 想起

  hundreds of 数百,成百上千,in the future 在将来

  come true 实现,be careful 小心,当心;at least 至少

  get along 相处融洽,look through 浏览,be able to 能够,会

  space station 太空站,go skating 去滑冰

2. 交际用语:

  (1)it’s a nice day, isn’t it?

  (2)what a nice day, isn’t it?

  (3)it looks like rain, doesn’t it?

  (4)i hope so /not.

  (5)so do i.

3. 语法:学习反意疑问句。


三. 重、难点讲解:

1. do you think it’ll stop by noon?

  此句中的by noon 意为“在中午之前”,by 的意思是“不迟于,在……之前,到……为止”。

(1)please be here by 4:00 p.m. 请在下午四点钟之前到这儿。

  (2)by the end of last month 到上个月末

  by 还可以表示方式、方法、手段、通过等,也可用作介词,表示“在……旁边”。

  (3)jim got the news by phone. 吉姆是通过电话得到这个消息的。

  (4)he makes a living by selling vegetables. 他以卖菜为生。

  (5)you can sit by me. 你可以坐在我旁边。

  句中的noon意为“中午”,若表示“在中午”,则用at noon

2. there are two people looking through books in a bookstore.

  (1)look through 意为“浏览;仔细查看”。

  before the meeting, i looked through the report.


  please look through your papers carefully.


  (2)looking through books in a bookstore 是现在分词作后置定语,修饰people。

  look at the girl reading under the tree.


  do you know the man wearing glasses?


  there are many people lying on the beach.


3. two people are waiting to cross the busy street.

  句中的cross 意为“横穿、横过、越过”,用作动词,其介词形式是across。若表示“通过(纵向,内部)”,则用介词through。

  (1)be careful when you __________the street.

  (2)you can go in or out __________ the door.

  (3)he likes to see the buses and the cars go __________ the road.

  (4)turn left and walk __________ the bridge.

  (5)he is the youngest to swim __________ the river.

  (6)let’s go __________ the park.

  a. cross    b. across   c. through

4. at least it isn’t raining. 至少没在下雨。

  at least 意为“至少,最少,起码”。例如:3页,当前第1123

Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

  (1)the coat costs at least $200.

  (2)at least i have tried my best.

5. the traffic is very busy at this time. 车辆这时候非常多。

  traffic 用作不可数名词,意为“交通”。若表示交通繁忙,则用busy 或heavy。

  i’m late because of the busy/ heavy traffic.

6. friends like you make it easier to get along in a new place.


  (1)make it +形容词+不定式,意思是“使得做某事变得……”

  △reading aloud makes it easier to learn english.

  △the bad weather makes it hard to finish the work on time.


  (2)get along 意为“相处”,get along (well) with sb. 意为“和某人(友好)相处”,相当于“get on (well) with sb.”。

  △what should i do to get along well with my classmates?

  △how do you get along with your parents?

7. their prices are really low, aren’t they?


  low 指“低的”,其反义词为high,可用来修饰价格,声音,建筑物,温度等。

  (1)the temperature was very low/ high yesterday.

  (2)she always speaks in a low voice.

8. the line is slow, isn’t it?

  slow 在此处用作形容词,意为“缓慢的”,其反义词为fast.

  例如:slow music, a slow train/ walk.

  the clock is two minutes slow.

9. be careful to look both ways before you cross the street.

  be careful 意为“当心,小心”,相当于take care,可以单独使用,也可接不定式。

  (1)be careful! it’s dangerous.

  (2)be careful not to fall off the bike.

10. i hope so. 我希望如此。

  此句式常用来表示希望上面提到的情况发生,若不希望发生,则用i hope not。常用的类似句型还有:i’m afraid so/ not.

  i think so. /i didn’t think so.

  例如:(1)-it will be a fine day today.

  -i hope so.

  (2)-can you come to join us?

  -i’m afraid not. i have to take lessons.


四. 语法:反意疑问句:


1. (1)it’s a nice day, __________ __________?

  (2)tom exercises every day, __________ __________?

  (3)your parents will take a vacation, __________ __________?

  (4)you have eaten lunch, __________ you?

  (5)he isn’t watching tv, __________he?

  (6)tom and bob were late, __________ __________?

2. (1)what a lovely day, __________ __________? 3页,当前第2123

Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

  (2)what a nice girl, __________ __________?

  (3)what beautiful flowers, __________ __________?

  (4)how carefully he writes, __________ __________?

3. (1)tom knows nothing about it, __________ he?

  (2)you have few story books, __________ you?

  (3)he’s too tired to walk on, __________ he?

  (4)your father hardly ever watches tv, __________ he?

  (5)they can hardly speak chinese, __________ they?

4. (1)she looks unhappy, __________she?

  (2)they disagree with you, __________they?

  (3)the child is homeless, __________ he?

5. (1)there was a movie last night, __________ __________?

  (2)there is going to be a meeting today, __________ there?

  (3)there won’t be any lessons tomorrow, __________ there?

6. (1)let’s have a party, __________ __________?

  (2)let us get together, __________ __________?

  (3)please open the door, __________ __________?

  (4)don’t make any noise, __________ __________?

  (5)let the boy come in, __________ __________?

  a. shall we    b. will you    c. won’t you


  *以let 开头的祈使句,构成反意疑问句时,除let’s … 用shall we 构成反意疑问句外,其它均用will you。

  肯定祈使句表“请求”时,通常用will you;表“邀请、劝说”时,通常用won’t you,也可用will you。

7. (1)i think you have heard of that, __________ __________?

  (2)he thinks you are right, __________ __________?

  (3)i don’t think he can come, __________he?

8. 当陈述句的主语是everything, something, anything, nothing 等表示物的不定代词时,疑问句的主语用it。若陈述句的主语是everybody, nobody, somebody等表示人的不定代词时,疑问句的主语通常用they,也可以用he。

  (1)nobody came in when i was out, did they?

  (2)everything is ready, isn’t it?

9. 对反意疑问句进行回答:

  (1)-he didn’t come to school, did he? 他没来上学,是吗?

  -no, he didn’t. 是的,他没来。

  -yes, he did. though he was ill.


  (2)-you are a student, aren’t you?

  -yes, i am.

  -no, i’m not.

  (3)-tom hasn’t been to dalian, has he?


  -__________. he has been there twice.

  a. no, he hasn’t.    b. yes, he has.

  c. no, he has.    d. yes, he hasn’t.
