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九年级英语上册module 11导学案

九年级英语上册module 11导学案

九年级英语上册module 11导学案

module 11 导学稿 (  a 层 )

班级 _____________  姓名 _____________  学号 ______________

editor liu sanfeng team members: liu sanfeng, he zhuoting

aims (学习目标)

1. 能正确使用本模块的重点单词和短语

2. 能掌握数词和冠词的用法

3. 能谈论有关人口话题

unit 1


1、预习课文,做书本p89 no. 4、5。

2、熟读单词,完成《学考精练》p93 词汇专练。

3、在课文中画出重点短语,完成《学考精练》p 94 第一大题。


1.听力训练(activity 2)

2.听力训练(activity 3)

what’s this week’s homework? ①_______________

how many cities are mentioned? ②______________

what problems do cities have? the crowds, the ③_________ and the transport.

some facts 259 babies are born every ④___________.

 ⑤_______________ babies are born every year.

the students are talking about _________“homework help” for new standard. this week’s homework is ___________. there are too many people in the city but there isn’t enough ________. there is too much _________, noise and pollution in some big cities like beijing. the increasing population is an ______________ problem as well as the crowds and the transport problems.

3. 完成句子:

1) 多亏了老师,我通过了考试。

_____________________ the teachers, i passed the exams.     

2) 如果你不认识这些新单词,你可以在字典里查一查。

if you don’t know the words, you can ________________________ in the dictionary.

3) 现在的学生有太多的科目要学习,有太多的压力要面对。

nowadays students have __________________ subjects to learn and ______________

pressure to face.

4) 中国的人口是世界上最多的吗?

   is _________________________________________________ in the world?


(    ) 1. china has ________ population than any other country in asia.

        a. a smaller   b. a more    c. a larger

(    ) 2. don’t read in the sun, because ________ sunshine will harm your eyes.

        a. too many   b. too much     c. much too

(    ) 3. the _______ population causes a lot of social problems.

   a. increase    b. increased    c. increasing

(    ) 4. the supermarket is always _______ at weekends.

        a. crowd     b. crowded    c. crowding

(    ) 5. can you help me _______ the phone number in the yellow pages? 5页,当前第112345

九年级英语上册module 11导学案

        a. look for       b. look at         c. look up

(    ) 6. over 40 percent of the students _______ glasses in our school.

        a. wears        b. wear          c. wearing

(    ) 7. the teacher along with her students _______ beijing twice.

        a. has gone to         b. have been to    c. has been to

(    ) 8. ---- yaoming is coming to foshan next week.  ---- ________!

        a. i don’t believe it   b. no idea        c. it was ok

(    ) 9. thirty percent of the rice _______ from the north of china.

        a. are    b. were    c. is

(    )10. ---a football match _______ next sunday.  ---i’m looking forward to it.

        a. is coming up     b. comes up       c. has come up

unit 2


1. 预习单词,做《学考精练》p95 词汇专练。

2. 画出课文的重难点,完成《学考精练》p96 第一题。

3. 理解课文,完成课本p91 no. 3.



1.管理一所学校不容易。 it’s not easy ___________________________________ .

2.坏天气增加了她的困难。the bad weather ______________________ her difficulties. 


many factories have ____________________ because of the recession.

4.我们看到远处有灯光。   we saw a light ___________________________.

5.他住在广州市郊。he lives _____________________________ guangzhou.


  my home _______________ to the museum. it is _______________________ the city.


parents always try their best _____________________________________________.

二、用pay, cost, spend与take的正确形式填空。

1. she ____________ two hous (in) cleaning the room yesterday.

2. how much did you ____________ for the dictionary?

3. i ______________ ten yuan on the new bag.

4. the pen _____________ me three yuan.

5. it ____________ them three weeks to find the missing kid.


(    ) 1. –there isn’t enough ____ for us in the lift.  –no hurry. let’s wait for the next.5页,当前第212345

九年级英语上册module 11导学案

  a. floor    b. ground    c. room

(    ) 2. –who broke the cup?   --it’s my _________. i dropped it.

  a. mistake    b. fault        c. wrong

(    ) 3. fireworks ______ the happiness of the festival night.

  a. added   b. added to     c. added up

(    ) 4. we should protect animals _______.

  a. of danger   b. from danger    c. to danger

(    ) 5. –do you have enough boys to plant the trees?  -- no, i think we need ___ boys.

       a. two more   b. two others    c. more two

(    ) 6. i study at a school ________ my home.

  a. closed to    b. closing to    c. close to

(    ) 7. it takes her ______ to go to school every day.

        a. sometimes         b. sometime    c. some time

(    ) 8. he _________ at that time.

        a. was watching tv  b. is watching tv        c. watches tv

(    ) 9. if we have _____ private cars and make ____ pollution, our environment will be better.

        a. fewer, fewer    b. less, fewer    c. fewer, less

(    )10. i ______ fifty yuan for the t-shirt yesterday.

        a. cost              b. paid            c. spent

unit 3


(   )1.mary is __ englishwoman. she was ___ university student. there's ___ animal in her house.

a. an, a, an                    b. a, an, the                   c. an, /, an       

(   )2. ____browns are very friendly. they usually have a party in _______evening.

      a. the, /                       b. the, the                      c. the. a           5页,当前第312345

九年级英语上册module 11导学案

(   )3. his father is ___old doctor. he often tells him not to smoke in _____ public.

      a. a, /                           b. an, /                         c. an, the         

(   )4. man can't live without__ air or __ water.

      a. an, a                         b. the, the                      c. /, /

(   )5. they have  ____ english test once ___week.

      a. an, an                      b. an, a                        c. a, a            

(   )6. tom likes playing ____ violin. frank likes playing ____ football.

      a. the, /                      b. /, the                       c. /, /           

(   )7. she can't do so much. she is only __.

       a. a twelve years old girl      b. a twelve year's old girl    c. a twelve-year-old girl

(   )8. mrs. lee goes to help mr. black __.

     a. once a month             b. a month once              c. a month one      

(   )9. we should remember __ people are still very poor.

       a. millions of               b. million of                   c. millions           5页,当前第412345

九年级英语上册module 11导学案

(   )10. mary is  _____ girl in her class.

       a. the second shortest              b. a second shortest         c. second shortest 

(   )11. as you know there are ____ in the world.

       a. thousand reporters      b. thousands of reporters   c. thousand of reporters

(   )12. english is ______ useful language.

     a. a                    b.  an                 c. the

(   )13. this classroom is ________ ours.

     a. as big three times as     b. as three times big as     c. three times as big as 

(   )14. i'm so tired after ________ walk.

     a. three hours              b. three hours'                c. three hour's     

(   )15. ________ is less than ________.

     a. one-third; two-thirds       b. two-thirds; one-third    c. one-third; two-third


  british milkman steve leech saved some shops and flats with milk and won a national bravery award.

leech, 35 years old, said that when he was sending out milk as u_________(1) along pine street, he s___________(2) heard a loud, strange sound behind him and then he saw smoke coming out of a shop in cornwall, southern england. "that must be a fire, i t__________(3)," leech said."then i quickly d__________(4) to do something. so i p_________(5) the door in and then i s___________(6) for the people inside. then i started pouring milk e______________(7). "he used 320 pints of milk to stop the fire. when fire¬fighters r____________(8) the shop, the fire was under control.

leech helped save the 1________ (9) of eight people in the flats above the shops. "it was hard work o___________(10) all those bottles. but it was even harder trying to tell my boss where all the milk had gone," leech said jokingly.
