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I’ll help clean up the city parks教案

I’ll help clean up the city parks教案

unit 8 i’ll help clean up the city parks.

第1课时(1a—2c)          时间:


1. 掌握p60-61页单词: cheer up , clean up, homeless, hunger, give out, put off, set up

2. 学会用英语提供帮助


task1: 小组自学单词并背诵



1. the kind man always helps the h_______ children.

2. we often see the s_________ of “no smoking” in public places.

3. the city library was e________ three months ago.

4. around fifty people die of h_______ every day in the camp.

5. if you wait to sell your old sofa, why not put an a_______ in the local paper?

task2: 小组讨论用什么方法帮助别人

task3: 听录音,完成课本1b, 2a, 2b 听力任务

task4: 大声朗科听力材料

task5: 学生分角色表演3b.


1. will you help ___________ (clean) up the classroom?

2. tom could put off ______ (make) that plan.

3. clean-up _________ (day) is only two weeks from now.

4. we need ___________ (come) up with some ________ (idea).

5. they plan ___________ (buy) a big house.

6. _________(sing)aloud so that everyone can hear clearly.


一. 单项选择

1.the class room is so dirty, i decided ____________.

a.clean it up b. to clean it up c. clean up it 

2. you should visit the sick kids to __________.

 a. cheer up them b. laugh at them c. cheer them up d. take after them

3. we have to _______ our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain.

a. put up b. put off c. put up d. put down

4. we have to put off ______ plans for the vacation.

a. make b. to make c. making d. made

5. the teacher is giving ______ the new books to the student.

a. to b. out c. in d. off

unit 8 i’ll help clean up the city parks.

第2课时     编写: 郝玉平    时间:


1. 掌握p62-63 单词: major , coach, take after, similar, fix up, repair, think up

2. 讨论作为一名志愿者应该做什么


task1: 小组自学单词


1. the students plan _____ (buy) some flowers for miss wang.

2. the old man is an expert. he can r________ kinds of machines.

3. my clothes seem s_______ to bob’s because we like the same design.

4. the radio should be f________.

task2: 1.快速阅读3a掌握大意     

2. 朗读短文,小组讨论遇到的问题


task3: 合作探究


1. not only do i feel good about helping other people , but i get to spend time doing what i love to do. 4页,当前第11234

I’ll help clean up the city parks教案

task4: 根据3b内容,模仿3c作对话,分角色表演



1. let’s cheer _______ (they)up, ok?

2. i’d like _____ (visit)my english teacher tomorrow.

3. i’ll feel good about _______ (help)the old people.

4. he _____(spend) every morning _______ (do)some sports.

task5: 学生完成p63 1a,掌握短语: fix up , take after, run out of, give away


task6: 1. 听录音,完成2a, 2b 的听了任务

      2. 大声朗读听力材料

task7: 利用2a,2b的信息表演2c



1.they finally thought ______ a plan and solved the problem.

 a. up b. over c. away d. off

2. how dirty your room is ! you must _______.

  a. clean it up b. clean them up c. clean it up d. do some cleanings

3. when do you plan to set ______ an interest group.

a. off b. out c. up d. to

4. i tried my best, but i couldn’t ________.

a. cheer up them b. cheer his up c. cheer he up d. cheer up he

5. at the beginning of a new term, new test textbooks are ______ to students.

 a. give out b. give off c. given out d. given off

6. not only_______ polluted but ______ crowded.

a. was the city, were the streets b. the city was, were the streets c. was the city , the streets were

d. the city was, the streets were

7. he handed ______ the pens to everyone in the class.

a. to b. up c. out d. with


unit 8 i’ll help clean up the city parks.

第3课时     编写: 郝玉平                  时间:


1. 掌握p64-65单 :put up , ask for, hand out, work out, website

2. 掌握出现的短语及短语的结构和特点

3. 热爱公益事业,培养乐于助人的优良品质


task1: 小组自学单词


1. 要,邀请____________ 2. 分发___________ 3. 起作用___________


1. 快速阅读3a熟知大意

2. 阅读3a回答问题

⑴ what problem did jimmy have ?

⑵ how did he solve the problem?

3. 大声朗读3a,找出下列动词短语

使振作__________  用完___________ 张贴__________ 要求某物__________

分发_____________  建立_____________  想出____________ 修理_________

分发给____________  产生结果_____________

task3: 完成s elf check , 小组核对答案

task4: 根据2提供的内容,讲述sally 发生的事情,并互相修改,大声朗读


1. ----- peter, i think we need to buy a new car.

----- oh, no. we are _____ out of money ,you know?

a. trying b. going c. getting d. running

2. -----these problems are too hard to_______. will you give me some advice?

   ----- there are many ways ,but the most important is to have a careful plan.4页,当前第21234

I’ll help clean up the city parks教案

a. work out b. look out c. hand out d. look up

4. my parents often _______ some clothes to charity.

a. come up with b. hand out c. give away d. put up

5. the volunteers often _____ ads calling for less pollution.

a. handing out b. handing in c. hand out d. hand in

6. ----do you know the man?

----yes, he is the doctor_______ saved the boy’s life yesterday.

a. he b. whom c. who d. then

7. would you please give me _____ orange juice, bill?

  a. a bit b. a bit of c. a few d. a little of

8. she will _____ continue her lessons when she has money.

a. can b. could c. be able to d. able to


1. when she was walking in the street, she met a friend of _______.

a. she b. her c. hers d.her’s

2. he put up a map on the wall and then______.

a. put it on b. put it off c. take it off d. took off

3. everyone, including my parents,_______ going to be at party.

a. was b. are c. were d. will

4. the plan _____ they came up with was very good.

a. then b. it c. / d. what

5. ----what was jimmy going to do?

a. up; to ask for b. on; to ask to c. up; asking to d. down; asking for

6. ----it’s time for sports._______ your sport shoes, please.

---- ok, i’m coming.

a. put on b. put up c. take away d. take off

7. i can’t see the words clearly. can i ____ the light?

a. turn on b. put off c. hold on d. take off

8. -----hi, betty?shall we go swimming this sunday?

-----this sunday? i am sorry. i have a lot of homework _____ this sunday.

a. to do b. doing c. do d. to be done


1. they had to _____ the 800 meter race because of the bad weather.

a. put on b. put off c. get on d. get up

2. ---- look, mary looks sad. let’s go and ____.

  ---- all right.

a. cheer up him   b. cheer him up c. cheer up her d. cheer her up



unit 8 i’ll help clean up the city parks.

第4课时(reading)                        时间:


2. 句型:i’d like to thank you for…………

          i’ll send you a photo of ……….

you see you have helped make it possible for me to have a lucky.

3.  语法: 动词短语的运用

4. 学会如何向别人表示感谢


task1: 小组学习p66页单词,并掌握重点单词:fill, pleasure, blind, deaf, imagine, shut, carry, specially, fetch, at once, help sb out



1. tom went into his room and s________ the door behind him.4页,当前第31234

I’ll help clean up the city parks教案

2. the boys often help the old man c________ water and sweep the floor.

3. the dog f_______ the stick that we had tossed(仍)。

4. it’s impolite to laugh at the b_________.

5. our journey is full of joy and p________.

6. he can’t hear anything because he is d______.

task2: 快速阅读课文并回答下列问题

1. what does the writer thank miss for?

2. who is lucky?

3. what is “animal helpers”?

4. how long did liz have the training with lucky?

5. how does lucky help the writer?

task3: 精读课文并找到下列短语

1. lucky 的一张照片___________________2.帮助残疾人_________________

3. 使我的生活充满快乐_________________4.将给你我的故事___________________

5  搬运东西______________________      6;帮我摆脱困境________________



task4:完成p67 3 b



1. the blind man wants to get _______ ________ ________ (特殊训练)dog.

2. ________ __________ ________ _________ (又聋又瞎) is unlucky.

3. i miss you very much. please _______ _______ (寄给我) a photo of you.

4. money is well used ______ _______ _______ ______ (帮助残疾人)like me.


一. 单选

1. “i don’t know where wenchuan county is” “ let me _____ a map of china for you”

a. take b. bring c. fetch d. carry

2. the box is _______ books.

a. fill with b. full of c. filled of d. full with

3 i’d like to thank you for ______ money to “animal helpers”.

a. sending b. send c. to send d. sent

4. i’m ______ at this dog.

a. amazing b. amaze c. amazed d. surprising

5. they improved the software to make ______ easier for people to use computers.

a. that b. this c. these d. it

6. please ______ the cup _____ milk or water.

a. filled; with b. fill; use c. fill; with d. fill; of

7. i’m going to see my friend ______ is ill in bed after school.

a. which b. whose c. who d. whom


1. there are many political and social _________(organize) in the world.

2. your _____ (donate) is greatly appreciated.

3. this math exercise isn’t difficult. i can finish it ______(easy).

4. everyone’s life is filled with ________(please).

5. i feel lucky _______ (study) at no.14 middle school,

6. the dress is made________ (special) for the art festival.

