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The way we look教案

The way we look教案

the way we look教案

  module 4 the way we look

    unit 1 i really like these shoes.

lingling: i’m really looking forward to the shakespeare play.

look forward to + doing

betty: me too! and the school trip to the great wall.

lingling: yes, but i need a thick jacket, and some warm gloves and socks.

need 情态动词 + do

need 实意动词 + to do/ n.

betty: in may?

lingling: i get really cold.

betty: ok. let’s go shopping!

lingling: how about that new shopping centre in wangfujing? you know, turn left and go along wangfujing, and it’s on the right.


go along…street/ road

then go into …street/ road

turn left/ right at…

turn right/ left into…street/ road

you can take bus no. 9 to…

get off the bus at…

betty: sure. we’ll go by bus, ok? and have you decided what to wear to the school leavers’ party?

疑问词+不定式(what, who, how, where, when),在句中充当不同的成分,该结构作主语时,谓语用第三人称单数形式。


when to start is not known.

i don’t know what to say.

the problem is where to go.

lingling: i’ve got a really nice long dress. what about you?

betty: i’ll probably wear a dress, too, but i need some shoes. ok, i’ll meet you in front of school at two o’clock this afternoon.


betty: how about this jacket?

lingling: it’s the right size but it’s a bit bright.

a bit/ a little+ adj./ adv.


i’m a bit/ a little tired.

a bit of/ a little+ 不可数名词


could you lend me a bit of / a little money?

not a bit / not a little


i’m not a bit tired. 我一点也不累  

i’m not a little tired. 我非常累

betty: let’s see if they have one in blue. where’s the shop assistant?

宾语从句:whether/ if 是否

one/ it

lingling: it’s that girl with long hair, over there. excuse me!

shop assistant: can i help you?

betty: yes, do you have this jacket in blue?

in blue  

be +颜色+in colour

shop assistant: no, i don’t think so. but we’ve got some overcoats over here. come this way.

betty: no, she doesn’t want an overcoat.

lingling: hey, i really like these shoes!

betty: oh, take a look at that amazing skirt!

amazing/ amazed

exciting/ excited

interesting/ interested

surprising/ surprised

pleasing/ pleased

tiring/ tired

lingling: i think we’re going to be here for some time.


unit 2 what helps you choose the clothes you like?

looking cool

what do you look for when you go shopping for clothes? do you choose something fashionable … or comfortable? do you like to look different? or do you wear the same clothes as your friend? do you go for this year’s colors? is it the logo – the company symbol – that catches your attention? or maybe film stars are wearing these clothes? what helps you choose the clothes you like?2页,当前第112

The way we look教案

look for/ find

look+ adj. (sound, smell, feel, taste)

the same… as

go for

it is … that 强调句

catch one’s attention

draw one’s attention to

pay more attention to

everyone spends money on clothes, and everyone has their personal look. the best-know clothing companies sell their “designer” clothes all over the world. but the number of these big name companies is in fact very small, and the clothes they make are more expensive than the clothes made by less well-know companies. many people even prefer them to cheaper clothes. why?

spend/ cost/ pay/ take

in fact/ actually/ in reality

made by… 过去分词作定语后置修饰the clothes


prefer sth

prefer to do

prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.

prefer+ that…

prefer sb. to do sth.

many young people today care about the way they look. they often buy “designer” clothes because they think they look cool. then the less well-know companies make clothes which look the same. but they don’t sell as well because they don’t have the logo.

care about

the way they look,省how

sell well

people also think designer clothes are better made. for example, many people think the right running shoes will make you run faster or play better. of course, this is not always true. it’s the training – not the trainers – that improves your speed or your score. but that’s not the point. people believe that it’s true … and then buy the shoes. the big companies only want to make a lot of money.

make sb. do

it is …that 强调句

make a lot of money

above all, designer clothes are more popular because of clever advertising. all of the international companies spend millions of dollars every year to make us buy their clothes. and they succeed!

most people dress in a way that shows off their personality. but if some of us buy expensive clothes just to look cool, what does that say about us? maybe it’s just clever advertising.

above all首先,尤其

after all 毕竟,终究

all in all 总而言之

first of all 首先,最先

in all 总共

in a way

show off 炫耀,卖弄

so next weekend, think about the clothes you put on. what’s the logo on your trainers? who made your jeans? and how many of your friends wear the same clothes as you do? and then think that maybe some of us could spend our money better.

think about/ think of
