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Module 6 Save our world

Module 6 Save our world

module 6 save our world

class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配

period 1 listening and speaking  (unit 1)

period 2 reading and writing  (unit 2)

period 3 language in use      (unit 3)

teaching plans for each period分课时教案

period 1 listening and speaking

unit 1 it’s wasteful to throw away paper and metal.

target language 目标语言

1. words & phrases生词和短语

metal  pollution   ocean  reader  enviroment  reusable

hopless  whenever   heart  electricity recycle  protect waste

throw away   write about   hope that…  should do for

2. key sentences重点句子

hey, you guys!

guess what!

nice idea!

such as…?

when are you going to write about environmental education?

it’s wasteful to throw away glass, paper and metal, so every class collects reusable waste.

ability goals 能力目标

maching words with photographs & discussing rnvironmental problems.

teaching important/difficult points 教学重难点

talking about the environment.

teaching method教学方法

task-based activities.

teaching aids教具准备

a projector or some pictures, a tape recorder

teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

step i lead-in

show students pictures of pollutions and ask “can you find pollutions around yourself? what knids of pollutions are they? ” ask students to do activity 1 and activity 2.

step ii listening and pair work

in this procedure, students will listen to the passage. ask them to listen to the conversation and answer “which words in the box can you use to describe them?”. play the tape and ask the students to listen carefully. and then answer the questions.

play the tape again and go through answers with the students.

step iii listening and reading

1.in this procedure, students will listen to and read a dialogue(activity 3), then they will answer some questions and do some exercises to further understand the dialogue. at the same time, they will learn some new words and expressions.

read slowly to make sure the students understand the meaning of each word and write the new words and expressions on the blackboard. ask the students to repeat.

2. ask students to listen to the tape recorder and answer the questions.

after listening one or two times, ask students to do activity 5 and 6.

step iv pronunciation and speaking

in this procedure, revise the pattern in this unit and make sure students pronounce the sentences properly.

play the tape recorder twice. give students a few minutes to read the sentences by themselves. then ask them to work in groups of four. every student must pay attention to the linked sounds according to activity 73页,当前第1123

Module 6 Save our world

step v discussion

in this procedure, practice some words and expressions in activity 7 by having a discussion. choose a picture and let the students talk about the ways to solve the pollution problems..

in turns, give instructions how to use it.

ask one student to report his.


• 1.finish the exercise in your workbook.

• 2. write down the discussions you have just given.

period 2 reading and writing

unit 2 remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.

target language 目标语言

1. words & phrases生词和短语

necessary  plastic  repair  latest  simple  difference

abroad   energy  produce  pollute  last

make a diffence to   do harm to   air conditioning

2. key sentences重点句子

it’s better to use a plastic lunch box and a cup because can use them again.

don’t throw bottles away because it’s better to recycle them.

do turn out lights so that you use less energy.

try to use recycled envelopes because it saves energy.

although it takes energy to change something into something else, it’s better than throwing things away or burning them.

ability goals 能力目标

predicting what a passage will include & making suggestions and giving reasons using because, so and so that.

teaching methods教学方法

task-based learning.

teaching aids教具准备

a projector or some pictures and a tape recorder

teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

step i revision and lead-in

in this procedure, revise something that was studied in unit 1 by doing pair work. after that, lead in activity 1 of this unit. 

1. show the picture and guess: which things are better for the environment and why?

2. look at the title of the passage and the words in the box. ask the students: what suggestions do you think the passage will make? (activity 2)

step ii listening and matching


read the passage first, guess the new words’ meaning and try to finish activity 4. check the answers and go through answers with the students. deal with any difficulty point in understanding. explain the meaning of the difficult sentences if necessary.

ask the students to read the sentences carefully and loudly.

listening and answering  

in this procedure, ask the students to listen and read the passage and finish activity 5. give reasons for what they should or shouldn’t do.

step iii reading

in this procedure, ask students to read more carefully to find out some important and difficult sentences. explain these sentences and give some other examples. then do some exercises.(activity 6)3页,当前第2123

Module 6 Save our world

step iv writing

come to activity 7, ask the students to write the passage down. ask one student to write on the blackboard. correct mistakes after writing.

step v homework

read your partner’s writing and correct the mistakes.

finish the exercise in workbook. 

period 3 language in use

ability goals 能力目标

enable students to talk and write solutions of environmental pollutions.

teaching methods教学方法

task-based learning.

teaching aids教具准备

a projector, some pictures and a tape recorder

teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

step i revision

in this procedure, check the homework.

have a dictation of some new words and expressions.

ask some students to read the passage about his or her partner’s story.

in this procedure, ask students to finish activities 5, 6 and 9 by doing pair work.

ask the students to complete the sentences and passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box..

check the answers by themselves first, and then go through the answers with the students.

step i i listening

in this procedure, ask students to listen to the conversation and check the true sentences in activity 7.

step iii

let the students learn something from around the world. read it and explain it to the students.

step iv  writing 

in this procedure, ask students to read around the world first. make sure they understand the meaning of the passage. explain some difficult sentences to the students if necessary.

then ask them to work in groups plan and discuss what they can do about pollutions.

step iv homework

ask students to

1. revise this module.

2. finish the activities in the workbook. 3页,当前第3123