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MODULE 7 My Past Life unit2学案

MODULE 7 My past Life unit2学案


language knowledge objects


function:  功能     


grammar:  语法 


vocabulary: 词汇

bathroom   bedroom  garden  living room  east  coast  ago  store  movie  theater  bored  president  comfortable  last  yesterday  lake





1 复习温固


1 jack was my first friend. (  就划线部分提问)

   _______ was ______ first friend?

2 what was your teacher’s name? (改为同义句)

   what was ________ name _______ your teacher?

3  li lei was very friendly. ( 该为一般疑问句并 作否定回答)

      ________ li lei very friendly? no, he _______.

4  i was born in shanghai. (就划线部分提问)

     ______ _______ you born?

5  the boy was very naughty.(就划线部分提问)

      _______ was the boy _______?

2 大声读词.    注意音标.                              记忆永远要亲自劳动.

   bathroom   bedroom  garden  living room   east  coast  ago  store  movie  theater  bored   president  comfortable  last  yesterday  lake 


1  learning  the new words.

学以致用:  match these words with their meanings.

 bedroom   garden    kitchen   living room    movie theater   pond  store   tree

1 somewhere you relax at home_____________

2 somewhere you sleep___________

3 somewhere you cook ___________

4 somewhere you see films ______________

5 somewhere you buy things _______________

6 somewhere with water for fish __________

7 something you see in the forest _____________

8 somewhere in front of and behind a house________

2 do activity 1,check the answers.

3 reading:

a  the first reading:(速读)read and say sth. about the two people and quincy3页,当前第1123

MODULE 7 My past Life unit2学案

b  the second reading:(跳读)read the passage and answer the questions:

(1)where was betty born?

(2)who were john adam and john quincy adams?

(3)when was the last time betty was in quincy?

(4)was betty looking forward to coming to china?

c  the third  reading: (细读)   my life in quincy        by betty king

read and choose the correct answers.

  1). were there lots of children?

      a. yes, there were.    b. no, there weren’t.

  2). was anyone famous born there?

      a. yes.   b. no.

  3). who are they?

      a. betty rixon and john adams

      b. john adams and john quincy adams

  4). was there a garden?

      a. yes, there was.  b. no, there wasn’t.4. what was betty’s house like?

   a. it was small.   b. it was big

  5). how many rooms were there?

   a. six.    b. seven.

  6). when was the last time betty was there?

   a. betty was there in .

   b. betty was there in .

4  read and retell


           was born in ,

          on the east coast

          lots of things to do…

          with stores, two …

          wasn`t bored

          was  very happy

passage2:    two presidents…

             were born in quincy

              visit …old …

passage3:   our_______was big and________,  there ______ a _______living room _______  a tv,a kitchen,...and  three __________, on my________ ________, there were pictures_____ my ____________movie stars.

passage4:  behind the house,________ ______ a big garden________lots of trees and there ________ a small lake___________ fish_________ ________._______ _________great _____ _____ there.

passage5:   there ______lots of children in quincy, ______ _______ ________ are  my friends, this was  our_______ ________ in the us and i was there________last time  in ________. _______  _________ i`ll_______  _______,and  i`m __________ ___________  _____ seeing my friend __________.3页,当前第2123

MODULE 7 My past Life unit2学案

5 精讲点拨

1)  there were lots of things to do in quincy.不定式 to do作后置定语,修饰things.在英语中,不定式放在所修饰的词后面作后置定语,构成逻辑上的动宾关系.

i have many student to teach.

there were some clothes to  wash.

2)  构词法:英语中有classroom,bathroom,schoolbag等合成词。

3)  拓展学习  一词多意



  the last month of the year

 (2)动词 ,“持续” 

  the meeting will last three hours.


  he was the last to come to school.

 6   do activity  4 , then  check


1)写作训练:  do activity  5, then  check

2) do activity  6, then  check

3) 将你的答案巧妙加工将会是一篇好的描述过去生活的文章,赶快试一试吧!相信你能行!

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7  summary


homework  for today : 



达标练习:  请做到堂堂清,日日清.

