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Unit 5 Abilities(Checkout)

Unit 5 Abilities(Checkout)

unit 5 abilities(checkout)

teaching goals

1.to check the use of modal verb “can/ could”, the use of imperative sente nces

2. to revise key vocabulary


1.  to practice the grammar items well


to use the language points fluently


step 1 revision

1. dictate the vocabulary learnt in the unit, check with the whole class.

2. revise the useful patterns in the unit by asking ss to give the english one by one.

step 2 part b

ss practice page91 part b individually and check as a whole class.

1.tell  ss a bout crossword puzzles if they are unfamiliar with them.

2.ask ss to complete  the puzzle.

3.ss who finish early can make a crossword puzzle  of their own, using the task as a model.

4.ask ss to check their own work.

step 3 part a

1.explain the context and instructions carefully.

 this is a challenging exercise because either answer is grammatica lly correct.

however, one of the choices is more suitable than the o ther semantically.

2.tell ss to look at the table on the left first and read all the class 1,grade 7 ss’ plans.

  ensure they understand that the heading ‘can’ refers to ability rather than possibility here.

3. ask ss to read what daniel is thinking and then select the best modal verb from  the two choices .

tell them to refer to the ta ble on page 80 for guidance.

  remind them that ‘can’ refers to p ossibility, not ability here.

4. ask ss to read out  one sent ence each.

  review the answers and give reasons for the choices.

step 4 consolidation work

  do the exercises together in class.

step 5 homework

 review  unit 5 after class for a test.