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Unit 10 Can you play the guitar ?

Unit 10 Can you play the guitar ?

unit 10 can you play the guitar ?


 a: want 句型

    (1)--what club do you want to join ?

          --i want to join the sports club.

    (2)--what club does he want to join ?

          --he wants to join the art club.

    (3)--do you want to join the chess club ?

          --yes , i do. / no , i don’t .

    (4)--does she want to join the music club ?

          --yes , she does . / no , she doesn’t.

 b: can 句型

    (1)--can you play the guitar ?

          --yes , i can . / no , i can’t.

          --can you play it well ?

          --yes , i can . / no , i can’t.

    (2)i can dance and play the piano.

    (3)i can play chess but i can’t paint.

    (4)he can sing and dance.

    (5)he can paint but he can’t play the guitar .


  二. 词汇

    guitar , dance , swim , sing , chess , paint , speak , can’t , piano , swimmer , job , children , kid , summer , camp , summer camp , drum  trumpet , violin , musician , then , maybe , talk information , rock , band , rock band , talent , show , talent show , sunday , auditorium , act , kung fu , japanese , may , contact , e-mail , address , draw , a little , fill , fill out (fill in)



  1. 情态动词can的用法:情态动词是辅助动词帮助说明能力、意愿等的词,并且它不随主语人称的变化而变化。eg.




  2. want(想要的用法)

    (1)想干什么用want to …

    eg. i want to play ping-pang.

       they want to join the sports club.



  3.复习like的用法,喜欢什么,我们用like something / somebody .

    喜欢干什么用   其它用法同want. 



  1. -__(1)__ you dance ?

     -yes , i can.

  2. what club does she ___(2)___ to join ? 2页,当前第112

Unit 10 Can you play the guitar ?

  3. we want to __(3)___ the guitar club.

  4. a: what club ___(4)___ you want ___(5)___ join.

    b: we ___(6)___ to join the chess ___(7)___.

    a: can you ___(8)___ chess ?

    b: no , i ___ (9)___.

    a: i can.

  5. she can speak english but she ___ (10) ___ speak it very well .


  1. 弹钢琴                 2. 踢足球

  3. 打篮球                 4. 打鼓

  5. play chess            6. swimming club.

  7. summer camp.       8. 才艺展示

  9. 中国工夫             10. 吹喇叭

  11. 电子邮件           12. 摇滚乐队



  1. do you like music ? ______________

  2. can your parents speak english ? ______________

  3. what can you do ? ______________

  4. can you play the violin ? ______________

  5. do you want to join a music club ? ___________
