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Where did you go on vacation教案

Where did you go on vacation教案

unit 10 where did you go on vacation


i. 重点短语集结号:写出动词过去时态

1. 待在了家里           stay(     ) at home

2. 去了夏令营/ 海滩/ 纽约/中央公园/山区  

go (     ) to summer camp/the beach/ new york

city/central park/the mountains

3. 整天/整个早上           all day /all morning 

4. 做某事非常开心   have(    ) gr eat fun doing     

5. 决定做某事       decide (      ) to do sth. 

6. 在角落里                 in the corner    

7. 帮助某人做某事   help(     ) sb.( to) do sth.  

8. 迷路了/ 丢了某

be/get(     ) lost ;lose(    ) sth. 

9. 去参观博物馆/去拜访某人的叔叔      visit the museum/ones uncle        

10. 为测试而准备  study (      ) for exams 

11. 我发现一个小男孩在角落里哭泣。               

 i find(      ) a boy crying in the corner.          

find sb./sth. v-ing  发现某人/某物正在做某事

12. 我没有钱乘出租车。 i didn’t have any money for a taxi. =i h ad no money for a taxi.             

13. 使他感到快乐/疲惫 

make (    ) him feel happy/ tired

14.步行回到旅馆/家 walk(    ) back to the hotel


walk(     ) back home /here /there

16. 下雨了.  it rained = it was rainy




①stay_____② say _____③wear_____④study___

⑤ fight____ ⑥shop_____⑦go____⑧think ____ ⑨ take____ ⑩ get_____⑾wear____ ⑿write___

⒀see____⒁run____ ⒂ buy_____ ⒃draw___

teach____  stand ____  tell_____ 



un-:不友好的_______  不高兴的_______

dis-: 不喜欢________


1)a: ____he study for exams?

   b:yes,he did./ no ,_____ ____.

2)a:_____ ______you _____on vacation?

b: i went tosummer camp.

a:____ ____your vacation? b: it was _____ good.

3)a:______ _____she _ _____on vacation? 5页,当前第112345

Where did you go on vacation教案

b:she _____  to the beaches.

 a:______ ______ the beaches?        

b:they were f__________(迷人极了)

3.make --made,  现在分词:____________

(make sb. do) (make sb. adj.)


that makes me _________ very __________.

2)老师常让我们大声的读英语。the teacher often ________me _______ english_________.

3)what makes you _____ we’re new here?

a. think  b. thinking c. to think d. thinks

4) books make me ______ when i’m at home.

 a. relaxed b. relaxing c. happily d.pleasure

5) the news ___him ___ sad.   a.made, feel    

b. made, to feel. c. make, feel d. makes, to feel

4.decide 过去式______

决定做某事decide _______ ________ sth.



we ________ to _________ doctors.

2) the teacher decided ______ a test of unit 4.

  a. have  b. having  c. to have  d. has

5. find sb.(宾) doing发现某人正做某事

(类似于此结构的还有watch, see, hear等)

1) i _______ a small boy _________ in the corner.       我发现一个小男孩在角落里哭。

2)we saw _____  _____ eggs.看到他正吃鸡蛋。

3)we often hear her ______ after class.

  a. sing   b. to sing  c. sings  d. sang

6.  be/get  lost  

the dog _________ _______(丢了)

that little boy lost himself= that little boy _______  ___________.

7.  help sb. with sth.= help sb (to) do sth.


could you ________ ________ with math?

=could you help me _______ _________ math?


could you please ________ me ________ _________ ?


8.have fun doing

 we often have fun  ______ (speak) english.


did they ____  ____  _____  in the water?



1. she _______ /rəut/a letter to her father.

2. at the ______ / 'kɔ:nə / of the street, a boy stood here ,  _____ / krai iŋ/.

3. she _______ /felt/ very sad today .

4. yesterday we ______/ sɔ: / a talk show on tv.


1.yesterday was a ________(sun) day.

2.she ________(stay) at home last night.

3.please write a ________(reporter)

4.on my way home, we had great fun ______(sing)

5.the old man ____(be) ill and went to see a doctor.

6.who ________(come) to school late yesterday?

7.where ___ you ____(see) your teacher yesterday?

8.the boss made me ___(work) for 12 hours a day.

9.my father ______ (not come) to see me yesterday.

10.he _____(take) many photos in beijing last year.5页,当前第212345

Where did you go on vacation教案

11.china's ___(friend) to all the people in the world.

12.the boy was ________(lose).

ⅲ、单项 选择:

(  )1 ______ you busy last week?

 a . are  b. was  c.  were d. do

(  )2.where did vera go  vacation?a.for b.inc.on

(  ) 3did he go to central park ?  a.yes, he didn’t b. no, he didn’t c. yes, he does d. no, hedid

(  )4a: _______ ? b: it was snowy.  a what was the weather like yesterday ? c how was the food?b how was the weather yesterday ?  d a and b

(  )5__ you __ soccer last weekend? a.did, played b. do, played c. did, play d.did, plaied

(  )6who cooked the supper today? i _____ .

a. did   b. was     c. am      d. do

(  )7.do you know how much i __buying this dress.  a.paid  b.took  c.cost  d.spent

(  )8 .where were you _____ last friday evening ?

 a. in  b. at    c. on   d. /

(   )9. _______ was the weather like yesterday ?

a. how b. what c. what a d. how a

(   )10. lucy usually _______ on vacation in shanghai. but last year she ________ to guanghou.

a. goes, wentb. g oes,goesc. go, wentd. went, went

(    )11. where did she go on vacation ? ______ . a. she stays at home . b. she visits her uncle . c. she went to new york city . d. she wants to go to hainan .


1.she went to the beach last sunday.

_________ ________she ________ last sunday?

2.she bought a book for me.(改为否定句)

she ________ ________ a book for me.

3.what was the weather like yesterday?(用sunny作回答)________ _________ sunny.

4.the people in new york were friendly.

______  _______ the people in new york?

5.mary  does her homework every day.(一般疑问)

______ mary _______ her homework every day?

6.the student stayed at home

 = the student ______ _____ ______ school.

7.how was the weather?

=what _______ the weather_________?

8. i found a little boy crying in the corner.

________ _________ you ________ crying in the corner ?

9. she had much fun on vacation . (否定句)

she__________ __________ much fun on vacation.



she        her uncle        her vacation.


it ____ hot _____,they ____  ___  ___  ____。

3) 我们在为语文考试而学习。

we              ______ chinese exams.

4)公车太挤,我们发现很多人站着the bus ___ too ____. we _____many people _____  on it.5页,当前第312345

Where did you go on vacation教案


we have fun  _____  with ____ .


we __________ _______ go to xi'an. the food there_________________, but the_________ _________ __________ .


i .ch oose 20*2 

(   )1.what__dean__last sunday night?

a.is; doing b.does;doc.did;do d.was; do

(   )2.it is a beautiful city. there are many people here ___vacation every year.a.inb.on c.for  d.to

(   )3. ______ was the food in the restaurant?[来源:z##]

 a.how many  b.why  c.how  d.where

(   )4.we  usually go to school __monday __ friday.

a.from; to b.from; or c.from; and d.from; between

(   )5.everyone _____ an english story book.

    a.have  b.are having  c.has  d.is have

(  )6.he didn’t have__money for a taxi, __he walked back home. a much; so.b.much; because c.any;but

(   )7.on sunday morning, i helped my mother ___ the cooking.a.dob.to doing  c.does  d.doing

(   )8.it was time__ a class.a..have b.to have c.had 

(   )9.after a long walk, i ______ a little tired.

    a.feeling  b.to feel  c.feels  d.felt

(   )10.they enjoyed ___ very much.

  a.swiming b.swam c.swimming d.to swim

(   )11when he ____ young, he _____ a good kid.

   a.is; is  b.was; was  c.is; was  d.was; is

(   )12.we like beaches because they are ______.

  a.humid  b.fantastic  c.awful  d.expensive

(   )13.staying at home ____ boring. a.is kind  b.are kinds of  c.is kind of  d.is kinds of

(  )14.i found him_on the floor.

a.lie b.lyingc.lies d.lay

(   )15.too much work makes him ______.

    a.happy  b.healthy  c.tired  d.hungry

(  )16.-who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, nick? -john ___. a.cleaned  b.does c.did d.is

(  )17.they arrived there __ 5:00 ___ a cold morning.a.at; in  b.at; on  c.on; at  d.on; in

(   )18.it’s too hot outside, so we decide ___ ___ at home. a.stay  b.to stay  c.stayed  d.staying

(   )19.i’m sorry, i’m late. the street is ______.

a.hard  b.rainy  c.crowd  d.crowded

(   )20..-i’m going to spend the holiday tomorrow. -____. a.congratulations  b.that’s true  c.have a good time  d.that’s nothing

ii词形填空 (7*2)

1. ____ the girls ___ (give) you a warm welcome ?  5页,当前第412345

Where did you go on vacation教案

2.he found his dog ____ (play)with a cat at that time.

3. we often practice ______ (speak) english.

4. i had a ________(relax) vacation.

5. what about _______(stay) at home

6.she is  ____ __ (friend), so we dislike her.

iii.句型转换。(9* 2)

1.he read a book last month.(疑问句)____ he ____ a book last month.

2.kim did her homework at home . (否定句)

 kim _____  _____ her homework at home .

3.they went to beijing last ye ar.(画线提问)

____  ____ they ____ last year.

4.i had an awful trip .________ ______ your trip ?


1. 昨天我看一个脱口秀度过了一整晚yesterday i ___  ___ night ___ a __  ___ .

2. 我们在拥挤的购物中心买东西,很愉快。we had fun _______  _______ in the ______  malls .

3. 我们决定晚饭不吃四川菜,太辣了!

we _____ not ___  eat sichuan food _____ dinner , it makes us _______ too hot !

4.我步行回的家i ___  a  ____  ____ home.

5.那个女孩正坐在角落里the girl is __ __the __

v reading 5*2

most american ②_____(family) like having a vacation. summer’s a good season for vacations.

  many families take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or a nice lake. some people have enough time and money to travel to other countries like france, japan and australia. they usually fly there. many families travel by car or train to see interesting places in their own countries. their favorite cities are new york, chicago, miami, san francisco and los angeles.not everyone likes to go to busy cities. some families travel to mountains or beautiful valleys(山谷).

1.____ is a good season for vacations.填空


(  )3.people in america like to have their lunch _____ during their vacation. a.in the office  b.near a cinema  c.near a big factory  d.near a nice lake

(  )4. which is“芝加哥”?   a. miami. b.newyork. c. chicago.   d.los angeles.

5. if you want to travel to other countries, what should you have ?______________
