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Unit 4 Where is the backpack教学案

Unit 4 Where is the backpack教学案


课   题unit 4 where is the backpack( period 1)授课时间10.21

学习目标ⅰ.teaching objects:1. knowledge objects:a. vocabulary: table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, plant, on, under, behind, next to.  b. target language:  where’s the backpack?                  it’s under the table.where are the books?they’re under the desk.c. prepositions: in, on, under, behind, next to.2. ability objects:    a. train ss’ listening skill.  b. train ss’ communicative competence using the key vocabulary and the target language.3. moral objects: keep our room tidy and clean.weekly proverb:(每周谚语)      east, west, home is the best.   金窝、银窝,不如自己的草窝。

学习重难点ii. key points and difficulties:1.      the name of furniture items.2.      how to ask where things are and how to answer.3.      prepositions of place.4.      prepositional phrases.


教学过程设计(教案)1.知识探究:talk about where things are.2.预习过程:




4、读熟1a和grammar focus里的句子,并了解中文意思..step 1 greeting.t: hello, how are you?ss: fine, thanks. and you?t: i’m fine, too. thank you. who is that boy? is he your brother?s1: ….t: is this your sister?s2: ….t: nice to meet you, do you have qq? what’s your qq number?s3: ….t: do you have qq room. this is my qq room.  welcome to my qq room.step 2 presentations.1.       show my qq room. living room, bedroom, study and kitchen.2.       what's in these rooms?tv, sofa, video tape, bed, dresser, plant, drawer, bookcase, desk, table, chair.(teach the new words.)3.       t: i have 4 rooms. what’s in my living room/study/bedroom/kitchen?ss: they are a…, a …, a… and a….4. let’s read the new words together.step 3 exercises.(book open, p19 1a.)match the words with the things in the picture. and then check the answer.step 4 presentations.1.  t: (show a baseball)look! where is the baseball?where is=where’s it’s in the drawer.      where’s the plant?            it’s on the table.2页,当前第112

Unit 4 Where is the backpack教学案

where’s the backpack?         it’s under the chair.2. here are many things, look at the pictures and ask and answer with your partner.3. (show 3 rulers)   t: what’re these?            ss: they are 3 rulers.   t: where are the rulers?       ss: they are on the sofa. they are = they’rewhere are the books?       they’re under the desk.4.      pair work.get ss ask and answer and then try to get pairs to act. where are the … ?they’re on / in /under the … .step 5 game. t: well done. look! here is a box. what’s in the box?  some stars. where are my stars? can you find them, if you can fine the stars you can get an apple.ss: it’s in/on/under …. (it’s between the plants, in front of the car.)step 6 listening.book open. p19.listen and number the things1-5 in the picture when you hear them.(2354)step 7. homework.p17, 3b.用第三人称介绍照片中的人物.背诵p17, 3athe design on the bb:\unit 4-1 where is my backpack?living room      study            1. where is the baseball.  kitchen          bedroom            it’s in the drawer.plant            bedsofa            table             2. where are the rulers?chair           video tape          they are on the sofa.dresser         drawer                       desk           bookcasewhere is =where’s they are =they’re教后反思本节课学生对三个介词掌握的较好。主要是在练习上安排的较合理。2页,当前第212