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英语牛津教材上海版2B-Unit3教案 UNIT 3 Let’s learn Period 1

teaching aims:1.basic aims: a. to learn the letters: rr ss.           b. to learn the words: rubber, sweet.            c. add a new word: chocolate.2.developing aims: using the words to make some sentences, make some dialogues or some rhymes.main points: to learn the letters and the words.difficult points: the pronunciation of ‘rr’.materials: letter cards, picture cards, cassette.teaching procedures: pre-task preparation1.    sing a song.2.    ask and answer. e.g. what’s your name? what’s this? do you like…? look at the… what colour is it?  3.    read the letters: b d    a h   b d  c e   i l   b d while-task procedure1.  let’s learn the new words.(1)    rubbera. show a realia object and ask: what’s this?       b. read it.       c. make some dialogues.          e.g.----show me a rubber, please.            ----o.k. (2)    sweeta.    show a realia object: what’s this?b.   read it and make some sentences.c.    ask and answer.e.g.---is this a sweet?   ---yes, it is.(3)    chocolatea.   show a realia object and ask:is this a sweet?   to elicit: chocolateb.   read it.c.   make some dialogues.---do you like chocolate?---yes, i do.---have a chocolate.---thank you.(4)    read the words together.a.    clap and say.b.   listen and touch.c.    match the pictures and the words.            2.to learn the letters.(1)    r ra.   show the students the picture card for ‘rubber’.say:  look at this word. the first letter sounds/ r/.b.   read it.c.   compare the capital letter ‘r’ with the small letter ‘ r ’.d.   game.teacher holds up the capital letter. students hold up the small letter.e.   say something about writing.    (2) do the same with ‘ s & s ’ post-task activity1.    game.four students a group.teacher says ‘aa hh ii rr’ to a student.pass the letters.  if the last student says the same. they win.  assignment1.    read the words and letters.2.    write the letters.   活跃气氛。训练学生口头表达能力。同时复习巩固已学知识。     通过实物引入,直观清楚。增加语言练习的密度。        丰富语言词汇,增加摄入量。       运用多种方法操练和巩固,激发学生的学习兴趣。 在单词认读的基础上学习字母,避免枯燥。  衔接自然。  训练学生的快速反应能力。     在竞赛热烈气氛中进行反馈。  teaching essay       
英语牛津教材上海版2b-unit3教案 unit 3 let’s learn period 1 来自皮皮范文网。