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牛津小学英语2A Unit 6 Christmas

words: in, on, under, bell, star, present, tree, room, find, bag
phrases: put…in…, put…on…, put…under…
main structures: merry christmas.
here are your presents.
thank you.
1、能听懂课堂指令put the tree in the room, put the star on the tree, put the present under the tree.并做出正确的反应,要求有能力的学生尽量认读句型。
2、能听、说、认读句型merry christmas,here are you present,并做出相应的回答:thank you.并能在实际情景中表演、运用。
3、能听、说、认读in, on, under, bell, star, present, tree.七个单词。
4、能正确认读字母k k 并能认读含有该字母的单词kite.
a yellow star,
i can see—
up so high,
on the tree!
a pink present,
i can see—
on the floor,
under the tree.
6、能够理解let’s play 中的故事,有能力的同学能够表演。
7. 了解圣诞节的一些文化特点。
teaching plans:
the first period
1. teaching contents(p29)
new words: in, on, under, bell, star, present, tree.
2. teaching procedures:
step one: warming up
1. greetings.
t: hello, boys and girls.
ss: hello, teacher.
t: how are you?
ss: fine, thank you. and you?
t: very well. thanks.
2. say a rhyme.
3. teacher gives the orders and the students follow the orders.
t: touch your …/ show me your…/ point to…
step two: presentation and practice.
1. t: point to the tree.
s: (listen and do)
t: what’s this?
s: a present.
t: yes. open the present. (do actions)
s: a tree!
t: yes. a green tree.再话一棵树。two trees.
s: listen and say.
t: look! what colour? (the star on the tree)
s: it’s yellow.
t: it’s a yellow star.
t: star, a yellow star.
s: (listen and say)
t: 2 star(s)
s: stars.
t: this is a bell. (从树上取下) it’s yellow too.
t: bell. bells.
s: (listen and say)
t: a bell. in the tree.
s: (在第一单元学习过in-in shanghai)在树上。
t: it’s in the tree.
s: (listen and say)
t: show me you pencil.
s: ok.
t: in the pencil-box/ book/ ...
2. 同法教授on, under
step three: consolidation.
1. play a game:
teacher says ‘under the desk.”, the students should put the things under the desk.
2. take out the word cards and ask some individual to read them out.
step four: homework.
1. 听读p29内容15分钟并背诵。
2. 预习p27.

the second period
1. teaching contents (p27)
new word: room
main structures: put…in…/ put…on…/ put…under…
2. teaching procedures
step one: warming up
1. greetings.
2. listen and do.
step two: presentation and practice.
1. t: (draws a tree) look, this is a tree.
t: (shows some little pictures) i want to decorate it.我想把它装饰得漂亮点。who can help me? 谁能做老师的小帮手?
t: put the star … (拿出星星的小图片) on the tree.
s1: ok.
s: (try to follow)3页,当前第1123
t: put the …in/ under the tree.
2. t: the tree is nice! i like to put the tree in the room. (画个房子)
t: room.
s: (listen and say)
t: put the tree in the room.
s: (listen and follow)
step three: consolidation.
1. listen and do.
2. read the passage p27.
step four: homework.
1. 听读p27内容15分钟。
2. 预习p28.

the third period
1. teaching contents (p30)
words: christmas, here
main structures: merry christmas!
here are your presents.
thank you.
2. teaching procedures:
step one : warming up
1. greetings.
2. listen and do.
step two: presentation and practice.
1. teach a christmas song. 通过教授歌曲来渲染一下气氛:一,比较有趣味性,二,学生积极性提高.
2. t: (shows the tree)拿出上次装饰好的树。
this is a tree. it’s a christmas tree.
s: 圣诞树!
t: this is a christmas present.
s: 圣诞礼物。
t: christmas.
s: 圣诞节!
t: christmas
s: (listen and follow)
3. present a picture of p28
t: what do you see?
s: i see some sweets.
s: i see some presents. (在学生的回答中帮助纠正复数的正确使用)
s: 圣诞老人。
t: he is father christmas.解释并介绍有关圣诞节的一些知识。
t: what are they talking? (explain)
s: 圣诞快乐!
t: merry christmas!
s: merry christmas!
t: (装扮成圣诞老人) here are your presents.
s: …
t: you should say “thank you!”
t: here are your presents.
s: thank you.
[practice in pairs.]
4. listen and do.
t: may i have your pencils/ rubbers/…?
step three: consolidation.
1. read p28 together, then in pairs.
2. try to act out the dialogue.
2. listen and do in pairs.
step four: homework.
1. 听读p28内容15分钟。
2. 预习p30。

the fourth period
1. teaching contents (p30)
new word: find
main structures: is it…in…? / is it…on…? / is it…under…?
2. teaching procedures
step one: warming up
1. greetings.
2. free talk.
t: merry christmas!
s: merry christmas!
t: put … in/ on/ under …
s: ok.
t: may i have …?
s: sure.
t: here are your…?
s: thank you.
step two: presentation and practice.
1. listen and guess.
t: 磁带播放p30内容。
where is may’s present?
is it under the tree?
s: no.
t: is it on the tree?
s: no.
t: so, where is it?
s: it’s in the bag.
2. listen and read the passage.
3. play a game.
t: look, this is my rubber. i’ll hide it.
t: close your eyes, please.
s: …
t: ok.
s1: is it in your hand?
t: no.

4. play the game in pairs.
step four: homework.
1. 听读p30内容并背诵。
2. 预习p31.

the fifth period
1. teaching content (p31)
2. teaching procedures
step one: warming up
1. greetings.
2. appreciate the christmas song.3页,当前第2123
step two: presentation and practice.
1. listen and draw.
t: draw a tree.
s: …
t: draw a yellow star. put it on the tree.
s: …
t: draw a pink present. put it under the tree.
s: …
t: draw a brown dog. put it on the floor.

2. t: let’s look at our pictures.
t: oh, a yellow star, i can see.
s: listen and say.
t: up so high, on the tree.
s: listen and say.
t: a pink present, i can see.
s: listen and say.
t: on the floor, under the tree.
s: listen and say.
3. listen and say the rhyme.
4. 用学过的词语替换star, present, (floor),然后读给同桌听。
5. 读一读自己写的儿歌。
step four: homework.
1. 听读p31内容15分钟。
2. 复习christmas单元。
