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牛津小学英语2A Unit4 Going about

2a unit4 going about let’s learn, let’s play, let’s enjoy
1、能听、说、认、读词汇“train, plane, ferry, taxi, bus”。
2、能听、说、认、读句型“how do you go to… we go to (the)…by…”
1、能听、说、认、读词汇“train, plane, ferry, taxi, bus”。
2、能听、说、认、读句型“how do you go to… we go to (the)…by…”
step1. warming-up
1. sing songs: “the wheels on the bus”, “down by the station”, “i love shanghai”
2. free talks: clean the desk, please.
may i have a …?
i like to sing. what do you like to do?
i live in wuxi. where do you live?(看图说话)
step2. presentation and practice
1. t: i live in shanghai. i love shanghai. sam and may live in shanghai. let’s go to shanghai together, ok?
(learn: go to shanghai, go to beijing / hainan / qingdao / hongkong…)
2. t: how do you go to shanghai?
t: we go to shanghai by train.
(learn:we, train---by train)
chant: train, train, choo, choo, choo…
train, train, here it comes.
let’s say: we go to shanghai by train.
pair work: ask and answer
3. t: we go to shanghai by train. but how do you go to hainan? …we can go there by plane.
(learn: plane---by plane)
let’s say: we go to hainan by plane.
let’s make: a paper plane
pair work: other students ask and answer with the paper plane.
4. t: boys and girls, let’s think, how do you go to qingdao? … we go to qingdao by ferry.
(learn: ferry---by ferry)
chant: ferry, ferry, woo, woo, woo…
ferry, ferry, here it comes.
let’s say: we go to qingdao by ferry.
let’s make: a paper ferry
ask and answer: how do you go to…? we go to … by…
5. guessing game:出示打乱顺序的字母让学生猜单词
6. t: i love shanghai, hainan and qingdao. we can go there anytime. there are many beautiful things. what do you see?
s: i see the…
t: today i will tell you a story. sam and may go to the park with their mothers. let’s go together.
(learn: go to the park, go to the aoo / snack bar)
s: hello, hello, how do you go to the park?
7. watch the cartoon
8. repeat the sentences
listen and judge: 听音辩物
(learn: bus---by bus---we go to the park by bus, car---by car---we go to the park by taxi)
let’s say: we go to the park / snack bar / zoo by taxi / bicycle / bus
chant: shngahai, shanghai, go to shanghai,
park, park, go to the park,
bus, bus, boop, boop, boop…
taxi, taxi, di, di, di…
9. watch again and read after the tape
10. read the passage together
step3. consolidation
1. game: best memory
match the right places
2. make new dialogues2页,当前第112
3. make paper things together
4. enjoy songs
step4. homework
1. review the new words.
2. ask your parents how do they go to somewhere.
3. make a paper plane or ferry.
这堂课主要围绕日常出行而展开教学的,主要教授地点类及交通工具新单词及句型how do you go to …? we go to (the) …by…因为歌曲童谣大都可以配合手指及肢体动作,不但增加趣味性,同时也符合孩子好动及爱玩的心理。更重要的是,这些肢体动作可以帮助孩子记忆和理解,对语言学习有事倍功半的效果。