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Oxford English Book 2A Unit1

class______ name ___________ no. ____ mark __________
1.listen and circle(圈出你听到的单词) 10%
(1) floor desk (2) street tree
(3) park pink (4) ball doll
(5) road read (6) shanghai guangdong
(7) where what (8) love live
(9) house hot (10) sweep mop
2.listen and circle(圈出你听到的句子)10%
(1) a. i love guangdong. b. i live in guangdong.
(2) a. where do you live? b. where does he live?
(3) a. clean the classroom. b. clean the classroom, please.
(4) a. i use the bin every day. b. i use the desk every day.
(5) a. sweep the floor. b. mop the floor.
(6) a. this is shanghai. b. this is pudong.
(7) a. it’s a road. b. it’s a park.
(8) a. like may and sam. b. like sam and may.
(9) a. clean the desk. b. clean the chair.
(10) a. that’s an apple. b. that’s a bird.
3.listen and write(写出你听到的单词及它的中文)10%
(1) _________ (    ) (2) _________ (    )
(3) _________ (    ) (4) _________ (    )
(5) _________ (    )     
4. listen and match(听音,连接人名和地名,将数字填入前面的括号内)10%
()mingming 1. puxi
()miss li 2. beijing
()tom 3. shanghai
()mingming’s grandfather 4. pudong
()tom’s mother 5. sichuan
5. listen and judge(听短文,作判断,用“t”或“f”表示)10%
() (1)may has got a sister.
() (2) (2)may is ten years old.
() (3)may lives in shanghai.
() (4)may’s sister is lily.
() (5)may likes dancing. 
1.write the neighbours(写出所给字母的左右邻居)8%
(1) __ __ f __ (2) __ __ j k (3) __ m  _ (4) o __ q __
(5) a __ c    (6) op __ r (7) i  _ k    (8)h
2.complete the words(填入所缺字母,并写出中文意思)6%
⑴   ook   ⑵ ro   d   ⑶ a   t  
⑷ bi   d   ⑸   ark   ⑹ b   ilding  
3. circle the different word(圈出一个不属于同一类的词)10%
(1) apple ball lemon melon
(2) book ruler ball rubber
(3) shanghai park guangdong  beijing
(4) bee bird rabbit butterfly
(5) desk milkman policeman driver
4. read and choose(选择填空)10%
(  ) 1. ________ do you live?
    a. what b. where c. what colour
(  ) 2. i _______ in shanghai.
    a. live b. love c. life
(  ) 3. ______ the floor, please.
    a.  sweep b. sweet c. map
(  ) 4. close ________ mouth.
    a. i b. you c. your
(  ) 5. what do you    ? i see a bin.
    a. hear b. smell c. see 2页,当前第112
5. read and choose(根据所给情景,选择正确的句子)10%
(  ) 1 告诉你的好朋友你住在浦东,可以说:
a.i live in pudong. b.i love pudong.
(  ) 2 桌子脏了,你可以对你的同桌说:
a. clean the desk, please. b. sweep the floor, please.
(  ) 3 做值日生,你叫小明扫地,可以说:
a. sweep the floor, please. b. mop the floor, please.
(  ) 4 当你想知道别人住在哪里时,可以说:
a. where do you live? b. where do i live?
(  ) 5. 你想知道我几岁,可以怎样问我?
a. how are you? b. how old are you? 
6. read and write “t” or “f”(阅读短文,对的写“t”,错的写“ f”) 6%
my name is linda. i am a girl. i am 9 years old. i live in guangzhou. i love guangzhou. there are many tall buildings in guangzhou. and it is big and clean. i like sweets. but i don’t like noodles. i like to read and dance. but i don’t like to run.
(   )1. linda is eight years old.
(   )2. guangzhou is not small.
(   )3.she likes noodles.
(   )4.linda is a boy.
(   )5.she likes to dance.
(   )6.she likes to read.2页,当前第212