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拓展教材七--2A Unit 7 Weather

一、 单词和词组:
hat帽子 gloves手套 scarf围巾 winter冬天 cold冷 wind风
snow雪 spring春天 summer夏天 autumn 秋天 warm温暖 cool凉爽
补充会说:make a snowball做雪球 make a snowman堆雪人 go skiing滑雪
put on your hat戴上你的帽子 play with the snow玩雪
put on your scarf戴上你的围巾 put on your gloves戴上你的手套
1) look at the clock.看钟listen to the clock.听钟声
(当你想让别人看某样东西时,可用look at …的句式,当你想让别人听某种声音时,可用listen to …的句式。)
look at the car. listen to the car. look at the snow. listen to the wind.
look at the dog. listen to the dog. look at the bird. listen to the bird.
2) do you like winter?你喜欢冬天吗?no, i don’t.不,我不喜欢。
do you like the snowman?你喜欢雪人吗?yes, i do.是的,我喜欢。
(do you like …?的句式可以用来询问对方是否喜欢某种事物,如:你问对方是否喜欢冬天,可以问:do you like winter? 对方如果喜欢可以回答:yes, i do. /yes, i like winter. 对方如果不喜欢可以回答:no, i don’t./no, i don’t like winter.)
do you like spring? yes, i do. no, i don’t.
do you like summer? yes, i do. no, i don’t.
do you like autumn? yes, i do. no, i don’t.
do you like fish? yes, i do. no, i don’t.
3) the wind blows. 风吹 it blows on my face.它吹在我的脸上
it blows on my nose.它吹在我的鼻子上
1) let’s ……让我们……
let’s make a snowman. let’s swim in the water. let’s go skiing.
let’s make a snowball. let’s play basketball. let’s walk on the sidewalk.
let’s play with the snow. let’s dance and sing. let’s go to the bund.
2) what’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?
it is sunny. 晴朗,阳光灿烂 it is rainy. 下雨 it is cloudy. 阴天,多云
spring is warm. in spring, i can see many flowers. the trees grow and grow. i like to go to the park and fly a kite.
summer is hot. in summer, i can swim in the water. i like to eat ice-creams and watermelons.
autumn is cool. in autumn, i can go about with my family. i like to pick up the fallen leaves.
winter is cold. in winter, i can make a snowman and go skiing. i like to play with the snow.