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Unit 3 Things I like to do 第五课时

unit 3  things i like to do浦东教育发展研究院  车建琴  南码头小学          朱  黎第五课时(5th  period) 一、主要新授内容(new contents)let’s act --- come and … with me.  二、学习目标(objectives)1、 本课学会用and连接两个动作, 使用come and … with me.来发出邀请共同做一件事。2、对于同学的邀请,学生能听懂并在不同的情景中学会做出不同的回应。3、在交流中了解彼此的爱好,培养同学之间互相团结友爱和合作的精神。 三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(pre-task preparation section   pre-task preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:input。在这个环节主要让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知。 activity 1 (rhymes )(引入11、教学辅助(aids)1)    字母卡片 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1say the rhymessay two rhymes about the letters “ee” and “ff”.elegant elephants,  e  e  e“e” is the sound of “e”.five fish,           f  f  f,“f” is the sound of “f”. 通过首字母含有此发音的单词组成词组,以儿歌形式让学生复习字母及其发音,在反复吟读中语音辨别能力得到提高。2read the lettersclap and read the letters (aa—ff)拍手朗读字母,帮助低年级学生注意力集中。3make the new rhymesencourage students to make the new rhymes using the letters they have learned在前面学习儿歌的基础上,学生根据发音将已学单词归类,并自编儿歌,学会活用。 activity 2 find the same hobby(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1)单词卡片 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1find the same hobbyinvite a student to say a chant about one of his/her hobbies. then some students may invite him/her: … with me. the student can choose which classmate(s) he/she wants to … with. e.g. s1: i like to eat. s2: i’ve got an apple. eat with me. s3: i’ve a sweet. eat with me. s4: …
s1: i like to eat sweets and apples.   在游戏中帮助学生进一步了解自己同学的具体爱好,也让学生养成把话说具体的习惯。2work in groupslet students work in groups and make the invitation.  activity 3 a competition(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1)磁带2)录音机 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1divide into groupswho likes sports/ music/ art/ toys/…?  根据学生的爱好来分组。2sing songs and competefirst let two groups have a competition. students from sports groups sing a song (according to page 16) to challenge art group. e.g. run with me. i like to run very fast.then ask two students from two groups to have a race to see who runs fast. 以擂台的形式,促使学生思考多样、完整的语句表达。在学生学会的同时,也需要创设机会让他们去运用语言。  4页,当前第112342、任务中期实施阶段(while-task procedure section while-task procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。其中分为机械性操练和意义性操练两部分。机械性操练可以让学生准确地模仿、复说新授的语言,让他们经过从模仿到识记的过程,使新知识由感知、理解、模仿直到储存。 activity 1 read a story(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1)    电脑(2a-u3-13)2)    屏幕   2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1read a storyread a story about the bird.让学生在故事的情境中学习新句型。2act the storyencourage students in groups of four and act the story. story: bird: miss. rabbit, i’ve got a new toy. play with me. rabbit: that’s great. i like toys. bird: my house is in the tree. come with me.rabbit: the tree is too tall. sorry, i can’t fly. bird: mr. fish, play with me. fish: sorry, i can’t swim in the tree. bird: who can play with me? miss bee, do you like to play with my toy?bee: yes, i do. bird: come and play with me. bee: ok.  activity 2 quick response(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids) 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1quick responseteacher gives instructions: come and … with me. to individuals, groups, girls, boys and the whole class. students should response quickly and act it out. 让学生先从听懂指令入手,在下面环节逐渐学会表达活用。 activity 3 (animal contest)(引入11、教学辅助(aids)1)图片 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1talk about the animalswhat animal can run fast/ swim in the water/ jump very high/ …?从了解不同动物的所长,到扮演动物来选择并邀请自己的对手比赛,在这过程中学生不仅操练句型,并逐步养成英语思维习惯。2animal contestask students to act different animals and make an invitation to have a contest. who is the winner?___(animal), come and … with me.  activity 4 say and act(引入11、教学辅助(aids)1)        电脑(2a-u3-14)2)        屏幕 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1say and act teacher shows a picture( there is a fire. a girl is in the house.) and guess what a fireman will say. then discuss which is the best way.  e.g  s1: come and run with me. s2: come and jump with me. … 让学生在不同的情景中学会运用新句型,并给学生充分发挥想象的空间,随后根据生活实际与学生一起分析最合理的解决方法。2work in groupsgive some situations and let students work in groups to act different people.  activity 5 the super star(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1)      电脑 (2a-u3-15)2)      图片 2.活动过程(process)4页,当前第21234stepscontentsmethodspurpose1talk about the famous peopleshow some photos of famous people and more details (age, hobby, height, weight, etc.). ask some questions: who’s he/she?how old is he/she?what do you think of him/her?what does he/she like to do? etc.  从学生喜欢的明星入手,激发学生学习兴趣,并与已学知识进行整合,更为详尽地了解并介绍明星。2act and guessteacher acts a famous person and students guess his/her name.e.g. hello, i am very tall but i’m not very fat.    i like to play basketball and i can play basketball very well.    i like to eat macdonald’s.    come and play basketball with me. come and eat hamburgers with me. (yao ming)then encourage students to act and guess.   在前面问题的铺垫下,让学生来扮演明星,并多角度地进行介绍,在活用知识的过程中学生的语言综合能力能得到提高。  3、任务后期完成阶段(post-task activity section   post-task activity,这是指经过机械性操练和意义性操练,引导学生运用他们所获得的知识与技能来完成一个交际性的任务“task”,也就是语言的输出:output。学生通过前两个阶段的学习,在知识和能力上已具备综合新旧知识进行交际的能力,教师可以根据学生的实际水平设计或选用提供的活动,使学生在相应的尽可能贴近生活的语境中,正确有效使用习得语言,完成交际性的任务。 activity 1clean the classroom(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1)      电脑(2a-u3-16)2)      屏幕 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1talk about the classroomshow a picture of an untidy classroom. what do you see? is the classroom clean?do you like your classroom?how can you clean it clean?以问答形式了解教室的情况,并从中讨论大家如何一起大扫除,为下一环节做铺垫。2clean the classroomlet students invite their friends to clean the classroom together. --- the … is dirty. _____(name), come and … with me. --- ok. / all right. / that’s a good idea. 在大扫除的情景中运用新句型来沟通,并学习更多方法回答,培养学生合作精神,并懂得如何用行动来热爱班级。 activity 2have a lesson(引入11、教学辅助(aids) 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1act a teacherinvite students to act teachers teaching different subjects. come and …(read, write, draw, sing, dance, run, etc.) with me.   师与生角色的大反串,通过换角度来思考如何成为一名好老师、好学生。2act a studentthe teacher acts a student in class. ---come and …(play, talk, sleep, etc.) with me. --- sorry, i can’t.  activity 3 playtime(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)(1)    电脑(2a-u3-17)(2)    屏幕 2.活动过程(process)4页,当前第31234stepscontentsmethodspurpose1free talk what do you like to play? (show some pictures with classification: toys, sports, musical instrument, etc. )通过将playtime的主题分类,使学生能够有选择地表达自己喜欢做的事。2make an invitationencourage students to invite their friends to play together. ---___(name), come and play …. with me. --- ok. i like to …/ sorry, i don’t like to … 学生学会根据自己的喜好,来对别人发出的邀请做出回应。 activity 4 (a party)(引入11、教学辅助(aids) 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1make the dialogues divide the class into three (before the party: make an invitation during the party: play and eat timeafter the party: clean the room)encourage each group makes a dialogue and act. 让全班以分组形式来对聚会的三个场景分别通过自编的对话表现出来。   附件:媒体制作说明·2a-u3-13  用动画形式表述故事,并配有声音。·2a-u3-14  用动画形式或图片来出示4个场景。·2a-u3-15  出示几位名人的照片,点击任何一张照片,出现这位名人的相关信息。·2a-u3-16  出示一张脏教室的照片,任意点击一处脏的地方后,此处变干净。·2a-u3-17   出示:play toys: (图片)sports: (图片)musical instrument: (图片)
unit 3 things i like to do 第五课时 来自皮皮范文网。 4页,当前第41234