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牛津英语2B Unit 3 第六课时

第六课时6th period金山区教师进修学院     许建华                      金山区朱行小学          干勤红一、主要复习内容( revision)words: close  open    window  door  bed  room  sofa table  lamp  floorsentences: 1. close/ open/ clean the …, please.          2. there is / are … in/ on/ under the ….  二、学习目标(objectives)1、学生能熟练背诵字母aa---ss,及其在单词中的发音,并能正确书写。2、学生能结合本单元及前几个单元的句型熟练表达和运用单词,并能熟练拼读。3、学生能熟练运用祈使句close/ open/ clean the …, please.并在不同情景中简单会话。4、学生能够运用句型there is / are … in/ on/ under the …来对事物简单地进行表达,并结合所学内容对自己的房间、教室等进行描述。5、学生能够朗读、背诵儿歌并新编儿歌。 三、教学建议(teaching suggestion)1、任务前期准备阶段(pre-task preparation section  activity 1 sounds of the letters1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑2)屏幕2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1 alphabet trainingdrive the alphabet train and recite the  sounds and the words from aa to ss. aa ↗aa↙, / / / /  apple↗ apple↙bb ↗bb↙, /b/ /b/,  bag↗ bag↙ ……rr↗rr↙  /r/ /r/ rubber↗ rubber↙ss↗ss↙ /s/ /s/ sweet↗ sweet出示字母卡片,学生齐背发音规则。    aa---ss的发音规则节奏朗读,排除上节课的干扰,营造英语氛围,同时为后面语音训练作铺垫。2 listen and fill in the missing letters.1. show the letters and read the sounds.  n  b  m  s  g  f  l  t  d  h2. show the words . listen and fill in.sofa  desk  table  fan  light  classroom  blackboard  clean 电脑出示字母和单词,让学生根据发音规则填入所缺字母。 要求学生见字母说发音,同时引导学生根据发音规则拼读、记忆单词。3 choose the words.listen to the teacher and choose the words. raise your left hands or right hands.1) desk  duck   2) sofa  sweet3) table  tiger   4) clean  close5) classroom  blackboard 6) light  little 1.      电脑出示单词。2.      学生听音选择单词。以举左右手这种游戏化的形式来加强对本单元单词的辨读和巩固,学生乐于参与。 activity 2 (look and say)1、教学辅助(aids) 1)电脑2)屏幕2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1.look and say. close/ open/ clean the …,please学生根据教室内的情景操练句型。以教室内的实物,边做动作边操练句型,通过真实的复习环境,既增强语言活动的趣味性,又提供給学生语言活动内化的机会。 2 make a dialogue-hello, .-hello, .-look! the blackboard is dirty.clean the blackboard, please.-o.k. oh, it’s clean now. 根据教室内东西编对话。通过自编对话,既提供了小组合作交流的机会,又增强了学生运用语言的能力。 3页,当前第1123activity 3 exercises1、教学辅助(aids)   1)练习纸2)铅笔2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1. look and choose1. a. open the window, please.  b. close the window, please.……4. a. clean your room, please.b. clean your classroom, please.  看图选择正确的句子。听说领先,读写跟上,加强了句子的认读,又检查了学生对上面复习内容的掌握情况。2. look and read.all the students read the sentences with their deskmates.朗读句子。通过练习中句子的朗读来巩固句型,同时加强对句子的认读。2、任务中期实施阶段(while-task procedure section activity 1 rhyme1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑: 2)屏幕2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1. say a rhyme show two pictures of p16.look and say the rhyme.电脑出示图片,根据图片说儿歌。儿歌调节气氛,舒缓学生紧张、疲劳的情绪,同时又为下面复习作了铺垫。 activity 2 look and say1、教学辅助(aids) 电脑   屏幕2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1 talk about the picturesgroup 1 and 2-picture 1.there is …in my room.it’s ….group 3 and4-picture 2.there is… in the zoo.it’s…  分组看图片操练句子。围绕儿歌中的图片进行句型的意义操练,给学生提供把书本知识转化为自己知识的机会,给学生累积语言的空间。  activity 3 exercises1、教学辅助(aids)1)练习纸 2)铅笔2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1. look at the pictures and choose the words.1.      there is a_____(rubber/ ruler) in my pencil-box. it’s _____(long/ short ).……5. there are two balls _____(on/under) the desk. they’re _____(new/old)看图选择正确的图片。 从听说到读写,以书面形式检测学生的理解、掌握情况。增加阅读量。2. make a new rhyme.look at your classroom, bag, pencil-box, desk(..).make a new rhyme according to the rhyme of 2b-u3-16用实物根据儿歌编新的儿歌。 创造机会,让学生自己内化知识,通过个体实践提高语言的能力。 3、任务后期完成阶段(post-task activity sectionactivity 1reading and choosing.1、教学辅助(aids)1)练习纸 2)铅笔2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1. read and choose the best answer1. it’s hot. ____the window, please.a. open b. close c. clean2. it’s____. clean the door, please.a. hot  b. cold  c. dirty3. there are ____ bags on the desk.a. a  b. an  c. two4. a tiger in the zoo. and a panda, ____.a. to  b. too  c. two选择正确的答案。以书面形式检查学生对本单元单词、句型这些知识的理解、认读情况,培养学生的阅读能力。     activity 21、教学辅助(aids)1)练习纸 2)铅笔2、活动过程(process)3页,当前第2123stepscontentsmethodspurpose1. listen and chooselook! this is my _____(room/ classroom). it’s ____(big/ small). but it’s _____(clean/ close). there is a _____ (bed/ bag) in it. it’s ____(blue/ black). it’s ____(old/ new). i like my room. 听音选择正确的答案。将新旧知识融会贯通,增加与课文相关知识的信息输入,拓展学生的知识面,丰富学生的知识量。2. read and describe the room.read and describe your room or your classroom.  根据上面的内容介绍自己的教室或房间。  引导学生综合运用各种语言知识进行语言实践活动,发展学生实际语言运用的能力,给学生创造机会展示知识和技能。
牛津英语2b unit 3 第六课时 来自皮皮范文网。 3页,当前第3123