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六年级英语下册Unit3 Last weekend A let's read教案

unit 3 last weekend  a let’s read
1. 能听说会读let’s read部分的内容,并完成相应的活动。
2. 能补充对话后的问题并能书写答语。
3. 能够就课文内容进行问答练习。
1. 教学重点:理解短文内容,掌握过去式的用法。
2. 教学难点:课文的阅读。
1. review the words.
2. free talk.
a:what did you do las weekend ?
b:i ……
1. t:you did so many things. do you know what i did last weekend?(引导学生提问:what did you do las weekend?)
t: (指着简笔画) i went to a park, i played football, flew a kite and went swimming. then i went back home and cooked noodles. i was busy last weekend.(板书句型i was busy last weekend/ cooked noodles并练习读)
3. let’s chant : busy, busy; i was busy. i was busy lat weekend.(学生操练一遍后替换人称练习)
t:i was busy last weekend, and i was happy, too. i had a lot of fun. (板书had a lot of fun并练读。)
1. general reading.
t: last weekend, wu yifan was busy too. please turn to page 30. read the passage quicly and answer the question: what did wu yifan do staurday evening?(生回答师板书)
2. read and circle the past form of the verbs.(圈出动词过去时,了解文章内容)
a: read and circle.
b: read the sentences
3. read and finish the sentences.
a: read and finish he sentences
b: check together.(请学生讲答案写在黑板上,已备复述课文)
4. read the passage.
a: read after the tape.
b: read in groups
c: read together.
1. ask and answer.(根据课文内容问答)
 a: what did wu yifan do…….?
 b: he……
2. retell the passage(根据板书复述课文)
3. 拓展阅读:(pep8 unit4 a le’s read)
a) t: john was busy too. from monday to thursday he had a lot of fun. but he misses his dad and mom, so he wrote a letter to his parents . (板书miss,练读) please read the letter on page 42 and answe:
how many days are there in john’s holiday?
b) read the letter again and finsh the sentences.
 on monday, john___________________________
 on tuesday, he_____________________________
 on wednesday, he___________________________
 on thursday, he_____________________________
 on friday, he_______________________________
4. let’s write.
根据wu yifan的上周末活动,写一写你的上周末活动
1. read the two passages frequently.
2. finish your writing.