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Unit2 What’s the matter with you? Class (4)

teaching objectives:
1 listen, say, read, write:
angry tired excited happy sad bored
how does amy feel? she’s tired.
how does lisa feel?
no, sorry.
she’s sad.
she’s happy.
2.describe the feelings of the others.
3.learn to concern the others.
analysis of the teaching
important points/difficult points
angry tired excited happy sad bored
how does amy feel? she’s tired.
how does lisa feel?
no, sorry.
she’s sad.
she’s happy.
analysis of the students:
it is difficult for the students to talk about the health with the drills freely.
teaching aids:
a tape recorder, pictures of the new words,
teaching procedure:   
 step one warm –up and revision
1. sing a song. the way i feel
2. dictation. have a fever, hurt, have a cold, have a sore throat, have a toothache, have a headache.
( teaching intention:  firstly: make the students be interested in english by singing a song, saying a chant. secondly: revise the old knowledge by making dialogues with words and lay a foundation for the new lesson chanting will help the students to learn the words quickly later. ) 
 step two presentation
1.show the pictures in which there are some people. they are happy. angry/sad/bored/excited…
how does amy feel? she is tired./angry/excited/happy/sad/bored…
chant: feel/feel/feel/how does amy feel?
tired. tired. tired.
she is tired.
she is excited.
she is happy.
she is sad.
she is bored.
2. read the new words.
teaching intentions: presentation of the new lesson in the real situation. it helps the students learn to use the language freely. answering the question will help the students to learn to think and
step three practice
4)put the students in groups.
do the following :
turn left, right, go straight, point to east/west/north/south…
5)read after the tape.
6)learn to spell the words by heart.
 ( teaching intention:  firstly: make the students grasp the new lesson .  secondly: revise the old knowledge
thirdly: make the students to learn the new words in the sentences.) 
step four  consolidation and extension    
1. show a picture with some people with different feeling such as: angry tired excited happy sad bored
2. talk about with the following:
how does amy feel? she’s tired.
how does lisa feel?
no, sorry.
she’s sad.
she’s happy.
( teaching intention:  firstly: have the students develop
freely. secondly: understand we should obey the rules of doing things.)
   lity to study on their own. )
home work:
listen to the tape 5 times.2页,当前第112
change the chant.
on the black board:   unit two  
angry tired excited happy sad bored
how does amy feel? she’s tired.
how does lisa feel? she’s sad. she’s happy.

teacher’s notes:
    五个单词不难掌握,关键是句型“how does amy feel? she is happy. / …”的初步理解与运用。
