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Unit 5 On the farm

1.能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词和词组did, taste, pull up, milk, cook及其中动词的过去式。
2.能听懂、会说、会读单词carrot, film, cow, pick, volleyball。
3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型what (else) did you do…? i …
1.词组pull up carrots。
step 1. greetings. (会话导入)
1. t: hello, what’s your name? s: my name is …
t: nice to meet you. s: nice to meet you, too.
2. t: hello, what’s your name? s: my name is…
t: how are you? s: fine, thank you. and you? t: i’m fine, too.
3. t: nice to meet you. s: nice to meet you, too.
t: what day is it today? s: it’s tuesday.
t: oh, today is tuesday. let’s sing a song <days of the week>.
4. sing a song together.
这一步骤主要是通过询问学生姓名,互问身体情况等与学生拉近距离,并且通过日常对话引出一周七天的单词:sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday. 为所教句型what did you do on …?做铺垫,并且通过演唱英语歌曲<days of the week>让学生做好上英语课的准备,调动学生说英语的积极性。
step 2. learn the new words in part b. (新授b部分单词)
1.t: today is tuesday. the national day was on sunday. please look at the picture. what did he do on sunday? 一学生回答。
write the word ‘water’ on the blackboard. students read the word after teacher.
show the phrase ‘water flowers’ and read it.
t: she watered flowers on sunday.
write the word ‘watered’ on the blackboard, read the word after teacher. pay attention to: ed pronounce /d/.
2. t: what did she do? s: she cooked.
write the word ‘cook’ on the blackboard. read and spell the word.
show the phrase ‘cook food’ and read.
write the word ‘cooked’ and read. pay attention to: ed pronounce /t/.
3. t: what did he do? he picked oranges.
write the word ‘pick’ on the blackboard and read the word. show the phrase ‘pick oranges’ and read. write the word ‘picked’ and read. pay attention to: ed pronounce /t/.
4. t: please look at the picture. the girl milked cows on sunday.
write the word ‘milk’ on the blackboard. read and spell the word. show the phrase ‘milk cows’ and read. pay attention to: ed pronounce /t/.
5. t: the girl milked cows and the cows say moo moo. let’s sing a song <moo, moo>.
sing a song.
让学生在特定的情境中展开对话而不是进行机械的无意义的对话,这样比较符合小学生的学习特点,因此我采用用国庆节这个情境带出what did he/she do?这个句子,并由这个句子引出water, cook, pick, milk 四个单词及它们的过去式watered, cooked, picked, milked。在学习单词的同时也让学生对这个句型有个粗步的印象。由于water, cook这两个单词是学过的,学生较容易掌握它们的用法,因此我就让学生自己说出答案,用学过的单词引出动词过去式的用法。由于b部分有七个单词,相同的形式太过无趣,所以在学习了四个单词后让学生一起唱首英文歌曲<moo, moo>既可以让学生不觉得枯燥,又能让他们记住milk cows这个词组。3页,当前第1123
6. t: oh, the animals were very lovely and mike was very happy on the farm. what did he do?
show a picture. t: he pulled up carrots.
write the phrase ‘pull up’ on the blackboard. read and spell the word ‘pull’, read the phrase.
show the phrase ‘pull up carrots’, read the word ‘carrot’ after teacher. read the phrase.
write the phrase ‘pulled up’ and read. pay attention to: ed pronounce /d/.
7. t: what else did he do? s: he collected eggs.
write the word ‘collect’ on the blackboard’ and read it. show the phrase ‘collect eggs’ and read. write the word ‘collected’ and read it. pay attention to: ed pronounce /id/.
8. t: please look at this lovely girl. what did she do? she tasted oranges.
write the word ‘taste’ on the blackboard. read and spell the word. show the phrase ‘taste oranges’ and read. write the word ‘tasted’, read and spell the word. pay attention to: ed pronounce /id/.
9. read all the words on the blackboard together.
10. let’s chant.
11. t: you pulled up carrots just now. i tasted some fruits yesterday. now let’s taste some fruits.
students taste the fruits.
12. t: i tasted apples, what about you? ss: i tasted oranges/ pears/ bananas/ …
13. please make phrases. 出示连线题学生口头做,并且在连好词组后读一遍。
step 2. ask and answer. (句型问答)
1. t: you watched tv a moment ago. i watched tv on sunday.
show picture one.
t: what did you do on sunday? show the sentence and read.
t: i watched cartoons. show the sentence and read.
t: what else did you do? read.
t: i visited the zoo. read the sentence.
students read the dialogue together. work in pairs and act.
在学习完了单词后很自然的引出这节课的四会句型 what did you do on …? 在教师说出这个句型的同时将这个句型出示在学生眼前并且跟读,这样学生马上就记住了。通过同桌练习及表演大部分学生能掌握这张图上的对话。
2. show picture two.
t: what did you do on monday? show the sentence and read.
s: i watered a tree. t: what else did you do? s: i pulled up carrots.
read the dialogue. work in pairs and act.
3. show picture 3, 4, 5 and 6. students choose one to work in pairs and act.
4. play a game.
t: i will give you one minute. you ask and answer using the sentence structure ‘what did you do’ one by one. let’s see how many you can ask.
make an example. students work in groups.
这是个以比赛形式进行的游戏,学生在熟练掌握了what did you do?这个句型后用一个接一个问的方式来比赛,问答次数最多的一组获胜并且获得老师的奖品。学生的积极性非常高。
step 4. consolidation. (巩固练习)
1. listen and judge.
2. look, read and write.
step 5. say goodbye.
t: today i’m very happy. are you happy, too?
ss: yes, we are.
t: let’s sing a song <if you’re happy>.
sing the song.
t: goodbye, boys and girls.
ss: goodbye!
课上到这里学生和老师都比较疲倦了,因此我设计了演唱<if you’re happy>这首歌,让学生和老师一起唱起来、跳起来,在轻松愉快的氛围中结束本课。
 unit 5on the farm
 water watered pull up pulled up
 cook cookedcollect collected
 pick picked taste tasted
 milk milked 3页,当前第3123