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Unit 8 Review and check-牛津小学英语6B教案



1        通过复习,要求学生掌握四会单词、词组和句型。

2        通过本单元的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。





step 1  review unit 5

1.      read unit 5 together.

2.      分别归纳总结单元中重点部分的重难点。

part a  learn to say 

要求会读并理解课文意思。掌握be going to, next week, the best season, in the countryside, make snowmen, have snowball fights等词组。what’s the weather like in summer? it’s very hot. sounds good!  does it often rain in spring there? yes, it does.等句子

part b  look, read and learn


part c  look and say

重点掌握句型which season do you like best? i like … why? because it’s … i can ….学会用这些句型询问别人喜欢的季节及原因。

part g  listen and repeat


step2 practice.


(   )1、a. young      b. cousin      c. shout      d. countryside

(   )2、a. shirt       b. turn        c. world      d. doctor

(   )3、a. great       b. sweater     c. weather    d. heavy

(   )4、a. cool        b. bedroom    c. whose     d. glue

(   )5、a. machine    b. much       c. child      d. chair


1、擅长于___________________ 2、get to the place ______________________

3、去散步_____________________4、run out of _________________________

5、上课;有课___________________6、ask for penfriend _________________

7、比我强壮_______________________ 8、divide … into … ______________

9、参加______________________ 10、wait for spring ____________________


(   )1、which school bag is _________, yours or yang ling’s?

          a. heavy       b. heavier      c. heavyer      d. heavies 3页,当前第1123

(   )2、_______ the girls jump as _______ as the boys?

          a. are; high   b. do; farther   c. are; higher  d. do; far

(   )3、--where _______ he _______ from?

          -- he _______ from australia.

          a. does; come; comes         b. is; come; comes

          c. does; /; is                 d. is; /; /

(   )4、how about _________ with me now?

          a. going for a shopping       b. go shopping

          c. going a shopping          d. going shopping

(   )5、-- would you like ______ orange juice? -- yes, i’d like ______.

          a. any, some   b. some, some   c. any, any   d. some, any

(   )6、_______ is no.2 middle school? and _______ can i get there?

          a. which, how              b. where, which

          c. where, how              d. how, which

(   )7、helen _______ a nice dress, but it’s ________.

          a. have; too small           b. has; too small

          c. have; small too           d. has; small too

(   )8、the days get _______ and the nights get _______ is spring.

          a. short, long             b. shorter, longer

c. longer, shorter          d. long, short

(   )9、it _________ in spring here.

          a. is raining     b. is rainy    c. rains    d. raining 3页,当前第2123

(   )10、it is __________ colder in winter in harbin than in kunshan.

          a. much        b. very       c. a little      d. very much

(   )11、_______ jim swimming faster than the other boys?

          a. do          b. does       c. are       d. is

(   )12、can i have _______ apple juice?

          a. some        b. a          c. an         d. /

(   )13、i would like ________ your good friend.

          a. to be      b. being      c. to being      d. am

(   )14、-- what’s his e-mail address?  -- it’s ________.

          a. 41-205-88443259         b.

c.         d. jimgreen@.com

(   )15、there are four ___________ in the classroom.

          a. woman doctor           b. woman doctors

          c. women doctor           d. women doctors

step3 assign homework
