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unit7—unit8复习归纳:(词语和词组)食物:玉米corn南瓜馅饼pumpkin pie火鸡turkey饺子dumpling地瓜yam蔬果汁juice蔬菜vegetable可乐coke茶tea汉堡hamburger热狗hot dog 节日:感恩节    thanksgiving 圣诞节      christmas day元旦      new year ‘s day教师节      teachers’ day地球日    earth day春节        spring festival儿童节    children ‘s day五一劳动节  may day国家:中国china澳大利亚australia美国america英国england中国(人)的chinese澳大利亚(人)的australian美国(人)的american英国(人)的english年份:1620年sixteen twentyXX年two thousands and  eight19xx年nineteen hundredsXX年two thousands形容词:足够的enough多风的windy艰苦的hard 动词:参加join烤(面包)bake邀请invite航行sail传;递pass闻到smell种植grow品尝taste其他:人;人民people模型model收成harvest“五月花”号the mayflower上帝god话;单词word一顿丰盛的家庭大餐a big family dinner 邀请朋友来参加invite friends to join us 包饺子make dumplings看春节晚会watch the new year programs拜年say happy new year得到一些压岁钱get some pocket money逛庙会go to the fair美国食物american food在1620年9月in september 1620一些英国人some english people乘船xk b 1.c omin a boat到达美国get to america建造他们的新家make their new home足够的食物enough food种植玉米grow corn一艘模型船a model boat一个大餐会a big dinner party有一个大丰收have a very good harvest重点句型:1.11月的第4个星期四。the 4th thursday of november.2.你是怎样度过的?how do you spend it ?3.感恩节你通常吃些什么?what do you usually have for thanksgiving. 4.你想要来点火鸡吗?是的,请来一些。/不,谢谢。would you like some turkey? yes ,please./no,thanks.5.请把地瓜递给我。please pass me the yams.6.你最喜欢的美国食物是什么?what is your favorite american food?7.我很高兴你喜欢它。i ‘m glad you like it.8.他们感谢上帝赐予他们食物。they thanked god to giving them food.9.这是一艘模型船。this is a model boat.10.多么漂亮的船啊!what a beautiful boat! 11.他们在海上航行了两个月。they were at sea for two months.12.海上又冷,风又大。it was cold and windy at sea.公式:1.感叹句:what+a/an+形容词+名词+!多么…啊!2.would like+some/a/an+名词(食物)?你想要…吗?回答:yes,please.是的,请来一些。/no,thanks.不,谢谢。