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六年级英语下册Module 7、8、9导学案(外研社)

六年级英语下册module 7、8、9导学案(外研社)

module 7
unit 1 shenzhou v flew into space.
teaching content:  module 7 unit 1 shenzhou v flew into space.
teaching objectives
1. words and phrase:
flew  became  spent  hour  son  proud
   fly -- flew   become -- became  spend -- spent
   see -- saw   make -- made
2. sentences:
a: shenzhou v flew into space with yang liwei.
b: yang liwei spent about twenty-one in space.
c: he made a video and now he is very famous.
grammar: 一般过去时态及动词的不规则变化。
teaching properties:  tape-recorder  cards   pictures
teaching procedures:
  a: sing
  b: free  talk:讲述过去发生的事情。
c: new concepts:
1. warm-up
t:good morning, girls and boys.
ss: good morning, ms fan.
who is he? what do you know about him?”
2.listen to the tape.
  fly -- flew   become -- became  spend -- spent
 do more oral exercises and the activity book.

module 8
unit 1 helen keller
teaching content:  module 8 unit 1 helen keller
teaching objectives:
1. words and phrase: born  child  as later drew  letter  herself  all over  world mode
2. sentences: helen keller became blind and deaf. she couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear. 
later she could read and write. she wrote a book about herself.
teaching properties: tape-recorder, cards, pictures
teaching procedures:
a: song: look up at the spaceship
b: free talk: what did you do at the weekend?
c: new concepts
一. 把全班分为a,b两队,老师准备一些图片,其中包括蒙眼写字,塞耳听录音的图片,为的是能让学生体验helen keller的艰难。一名学生出示图片另一名学生用can/can’t造句
s1: 出示图片
s2:i can \ can’t….
复习以前学过的单词的同时,并为本节课要学习的could\couldn’t 做铺垫。
二. 再出示几张自己小时候的照片并介绍
  i was born in huan ren 1980. can you guess what i could \ couldn’t do?
  ss: you could\couldn’t….
三. 出示一张海伦的图片,并让学生根据自己查阅的有关她的一些资料介绍她,并问同学们你们想知道海伦小时候的一些事情吗?今天让我们一起走进module8 unit 1,走进海伦,播放cai。第一遍让学生们边听边划出重点单词,如“born ,  world,  all over…”可以请学生根据上下文猜单词的意思,也可以教师讲解生词,请学生模仿跟读。听第二遍时让学生带两个问题听并试着找出答案。4页,当前第11234
q1:what could helen do?
q2:  what couldn’t helen do?
四.homework: tell the story of helen to your friends and parents.

module 8
unit 2 his name was louis braille.
teaching objectives:
1.words: 识别并书写was  born
2.sentences: 学习并能口头运用when was he born?
he was born in 1809.
4.grammar: the past tense
teaching procedures:
step1 warm-up
a: chant: humpty dumpy sat on a wall.
b: free talk: talking about one’s experience in the past.
c: let the students describe their young.
for example:  in this photo, i was 5 years.
                        i could dance.
                        i couldn’t speak english.
step 2 presentation
    t: now i will introduce a blind man to you. he was born in france. he became blind in 1812. he was very famous.
     who is he? what is he? what happened to him?
     now, let’s listen to the tape. (让学生圈出生词)
step3  listen again then answer the questions(老师把关键的疑问词写在黑板上,运用 “对答如流”的游戏回答本课的问题)如: where -- france
               where -- in 1809
               who -- louis braille

module 9
unit 1 what’s the matter?
                  function: dealing with misunderstandings.
teaching points:
1. integrated recycling: why and because.
2. vocabulary and phrases: laugh  cup  understand  mistake  baseball cap  lots of
3. sentences: what’s the matter?
           why are you laughing?
           it’s easy to make mistakes with english.
4. looking for the words that their pronunciations are almost the same.
teaching aids: pictures   tape   recorder   cups   caps4页,当前第21234
teaching process:
一. warming up.
1. greeting.
2. sing an english song.  and recite the last lesson’s chant.
3. find out the differences of the words.
the teacher is going to write pairs of words on the board. the teacher is going to say the words and the students have to listen to carefully and decide which words the teacher is saying.
         leek-----lick               pan----pin
         tap------tip                cup-----cap
         big------pig                head---had
 have the students read the words and, if necessary, the teacher can say and explain each word and have the students repeat them after the teacher.
       go through the words and say one word in each row. the students should write down the word.
on completion, have the students compare their answers with a partner before the teacher corrects the exercise.
ask the students if it was difficult to distinguish which words were being said (yes). ask them if they know why (the vowel sounds were very similar).
      the teacher says:
 lots of english words pronunciations are very similar. so we are easy to make some mistakes (learn the word “mis-take=mistake”). and there is the same joke in the today’s text. now let’s look at it together.
二. new concepts:
        part 1. listen, point and find “why”
1. solve the important words:
          laugh大笑      smile 微笑
2. the teacher shows the colorful pictures on the board. questions:
   who are they?
   what are they going to do?
   why are they laughing?
have the students to read the text by groups. then answer these questions.
3. listen to the tape carefully.
the students pay more attention to the important words.
4. the students follow the teacher to read the text. then have the students to study the main meaning of the text by themselves. and answer the questions:
(1) are they going to have a baseball team?4页,当前第31234
(2) what are they laughing?
(3) what did lingling hear?
(4) what did amy say?
(5) what has sam got in his bag?
5. now the students and the teacher read the text together. have the students to recite the important sentences.
6. finally, close the students’ books.  play the tape again sentence by sentence. have the students to follow the recorder.
7. do the exercise book: p34, 1. lister to the questions. look and write the answers.
8. have the students to use the cups and caps to act the text out.
     part 3. learn to say.   
the teacher finds one student to stand at the front of the class. then the teacher gives him/her a card. the student acts it out according to the content of the card. the teacher leads other students to ask:
     what’s the matter?
why are you….?
the student answers:  i’m….
1. remember the new words well.
2. read the text.
四. retrospection:
