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Lesson 5 How old are you?

lesson 5 how old are you?
  (3 periods)
learning aims:

1、 掌握字母pp    qq    rr  ss的读音及大小书写形式。
2、 能够听说认读单词pen  quilt  ruler  school how old nine eight  happy  birthday.
3、 能听懂指令性句子show me… 并做出反应,.
4、 熟练掌握问答年龄句型 :- how old are you?
                          - i’m nine/eight.
   及祝贺生日用语:happy birthday!
important points:
  1 字母pp qq rr ss的读音与书写。
  2 - how old are you?
    - i’m nine/eight.
difficult points:
  1 qq rr的读音,按语音将所学字母归类。
  2 happy birthday!的准确运用。this的发音及对话的灵活运用。
step ⅰ review and introduce
  1 let’s sing: nice to meet you!
  2 dictation: aa – oo
  3 a: hello. how are you?
b: i’m fine, thank you. and you?
a: i’m fine, too.
step ⅱ presentation
  1 the letters’ pronunciation and writing.
pp       qq       rr      ss
  2 new words:
pen  quilt   ruler   school
listen, look and repeat.
  3 dialogue:
- how old are you?
- i’m nine / eight.
  happy birthday!
step ⅲ practice
  1 dictation:
capital letters: p  q  r  s
little letters: p  q  r  s
  2 read and spell the new words.
  3 act the dialogue in pairs.
  4 let’s practice. do a survey.
    - how old are you?
- i’m nine / eight.
  5 let’s sing. how old are you?
step ⅳ homework
  1 write the letters and new words.
  2 recite the dialogue.
  3 preview lesson 6.