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(新标准)小学英语一年级起始第6册Module 7Unit1 They were very young教案

(新标准)小学英语一年级起始第6册module 7unit1 they were very young教案

unit1 they were very young.

使学生能熟练掌握生词was\were\weren’t\wasn’t\ young\grandparents.能熟练并能在真实情景中运用本课的重点句型  they weren’t… then.\ they were very…\...wasn’t…then.\ … was…
      学具: 学生自己小时候的照片
step 1 warm up
1. greeting: say hello to the students.
2. look at the cai. read the adjectives and say the opposite words. 复习学生已经学过的形容词,为新课做准备。
step 2 presentation and practice
1. 通过第一个环节中的最后一个词old从而引出本课的新词young.
read it one by one and do the action.
2. 电脑出示教师小时候的照片。
t:look. can you guessing who she is?   ss: she is miss zang.
t: yes. i was very young then. i was 5 years old. i was very very naughty, right?
t: please look at my hair, how about my hair now?
ss: it’s very long. 板书:my hair is very long.
教师走到自己照片的旁边: how about my hair then? was it very long? no, it was very short.引出重点词was ,was 是is 的过去式,表示的是过去是 …当你要描述过去发生的动作的时候,要把is 变成was.板书it was very short. 并教读。
3. t: my hair was very short. was it long? no. so it wasn’t long then. wasn’t means was not. 过去不是…板书my hair wasn’t long then.并教读。
4. 出示lingling小时候的照片:t:who is she? do you know? watch the video.
5. 解决问题:who is that girl?  how old was she?
6. what other photos do they talk about? her grandparents.引出新词grandparents.(grandpa, grandma, grandparents.边说边配动作)
7. 出示祖父母现在的照片,引导孩子说出:they are very old.并板书。
 用同样的方式教授were和weren’t。板书they weren’t old then. they were very young.
8. a little chant. were, were, they were very young;2页,当前第112
             weren’t, weren’t, they weren’t old then.
             was, was, it was very short;
             wasn’t, wasn’t, it wasn’t long then.
8. listen, point and repeat.  
step 3 consolidation and extension
1. do the exercises 1 on activity book p26. then check the answers.
2. show some pictures of the students; let others describe them using the sentences they have learnt today. then let them guess who they were in the pictures?通过描述先运用本节课所学的知识,然后让学生根据特征来猜一猜自己的同学,从而引起学生的兴趣。
step 4 homework
1. listen and repeat the test for three times.
2. copy the words and sentences they learnt today.
3. describe the old pictures to your parents and your friends after school.
step 5 blackboard design
          module 7  unit 1 they were very young.
my hair wasn’t long then.           they weren’t old then.
it was very short.                  they were very young.
