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为了使本学期牛津英语教学工作的顺利进行,在上学期的教学实践和考查情况的基础上,经过认真研讨, 对本学期3b牛津教材每个unit 划分为如下要求,供教师们参阅:

module 1  using my five senses
unit 1  looking and seeing
一、 主要内容:
1、 四会词汇:hair,  eye,  nose,  mouth,  pink,  brown,  grey,  can,
can’t,  your,  my,mirror, make, draw, cut, colour, toothpick, spin, spinner,paper,use
2、 重点句型:
(1) what can you see?  i can see…i can’t see…
(2) is this your/his/her…?  yes, it is. / no, it isn’t.
(3) what colour can you see? i can see…
3、 熟悉字母a在重读开音节单词中的发音。
二、 教学建议:
1. p2中,可增加如下句型: what can you do with your eyes/ears......?
                         i can see/hear with my eyes/ears.
2. p4中,老师可这样引出: what do we need to make a spinner?    可让学生操练we need…  并能达到如下效果:
a :are you free?
                b: yes, i am.
                 a: let’s make a spinner and play it.
                 b: ok.
                 a: one, let’s draw a circle .
                  b: two, cut the circle.
                  a: three, colour the circle.
                  b: four, we need a toothpick./take a toothpick.
                  a: now, let’s spin the spinner. what colour can you see?8页,当前第112345678
                  b:i can see…
三、 参考词汇:
light灯      fan风扇    flag旗     felt pen毡头笔
eraser橡皮   knife小刀  sharpener卷笔刀   gel-ink pen水笔

unit 2  listening and hearing
一、 主要内容:
1、 四会词汇:hear,  listen,  aeroplane,  bus,  car,  drill,  telephone, street,  tree,  roof,  cage,  cup,  dot,  paper, hole, string, join
2、 重点句型: (1) what can you/he/she hear? you/he/she can hear…
(2) can you/he/she hear…?  yes, i/he/she can. / no, i/he/she can’t hear…
(3) 祈使句listen to…, take…, make…, join…, draw…
3、 熟悉字母a在重读闭音节单词中的发音。
二、 教学建议:
1、 p6的小诗中,可尝试让学生自己编小诗,如 listen to the boy in the classroom.
2、  p9 的内容放在p8前教
3、 p8中,运用如下句型 take two paper cups. take a pencil. we need a string …
4、 p8中,教打电话的习惯用语。
三、 参考词汇:
bee---buzz,    mouse---squeak,       sheep---baa-baa,
cow---moo,    pig---oink,            duck---quack,
hen---cluck,    rooster---cock-a-doodle-doo,  dog---bow-bow / woof
tiger—roar,    snake---hiss,              
unit 3  touching and feeling
一、 主要内容:
1. 四会词汇:soft,  hard,  rough,  smooth,  touch,  feel,  hot,  cold, toy,  pineapple,  does
2. 重点句型:
1).---how does it feel?
2).touch this/the desk/the apple……
3). is this…?     yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.
3.sound: 字母e和字母组合ee在单词中发[i:]的音。
二、 教学建议:
分两个教时上.period 1.重点放在词汇,引出句型即可. period 2.重点放在对话,能表演对话,并可加入部分练习.
三、 参考词汇:
slippery  油腻的  shiny  光亮的    wet  湿的   dry  干的
fluffy    蓬松的  chilly  凉飕飕的  sticky 粘的 ice cube 冰块
cushion  靠垫     lichee   荔枝    board  木版
unit 4  tasting and smelling
一、 主要内容:
1. 四会词汇:lemon,  sweet,  sour,  pineapple,  prawn,  taste, 8页,当前第212345678
smell,  flower,  nice,    strawberry,  lime,  fish,  fruit shop,  help
2. sound: 字母e在闭音节单词中发[e]的音。
3. 重点句型:taste/smell…
what is it?
is it a…? / is it…?
二、 教学建议:
1. p13.14.15合成两教时交.
2. p16中,要丰富购物的语言.
三、 参考词汇:
salty咸的   bitter苦的  crispy脆的    hot 辣的
stinking臭的  sweet芳香的,甜的      fishy 腥的

module 2  my favourite things
unit 1  animals i like
一、 主要内容:
1、 四会词汇:like,  lizard,  snake,  tiger,  lion,   zebra,   monkey,  zoo, panda, giraffe, pet ,bat, lot
2、 重点句型:
-do you like…?
-yes, i like…  yes, i do./no, i don’t like…  no, i don’t.
i like/i don’t like…
 what are they? they’re…
 3.sound: 字母i在重读开音节单词中的发音。
二、 人文教育:
三、 教学建议:
1、 教本单元内容时,可用主题教学的形式,如at the zoo,  spring outing,用日常对话形式,如  新#课标#第一#网
a: hey, jack, look at the dog, it’s my pet.
               b: how lovely.
               a: i like dogs very much, do you like dogs?
               b: no, i don’t like dogs.
               a: what do you like?
               b: i like birds. they are beautiful, and they can sing songs.
               a: do you have a pet at home?
               b: no.
goldfish金鱼  turtle海龟  pigeon鸽子 kangaroo袋鼠 parrot鹦鹉
dragon龙     ox公牛    peacock孔雀 tortoise乌龟   bear熊   
sheep绵羊   koala树袋熊  goat山羊  eagle鹰  dove和平鸽
wolf狼      crow乌鸦    whale鲸   hippo河马  dinosaur恐龙 
dolphin海豚  shark鲨鱼 seal海狮  leopard豹   crocodile鳄鱼8页,当前第312345678
unit 2  toys i like
一、 主要内容:
1、 四会词汇:doll,  bicycle,  bear,  super,    these,  we  beautiful,  skateboard,  robot,  foil,  glue,  button,  stick
2、 重点句型:
(1)--i/we like…    i/we don’t like…
(2)--do you like…?
--yes, we like…/ no, we don’t like…
  (3) these/ this…
 4.sound: 字母i在单词中发[ ]的音。
二、 人文教育:
三、 教学建议:
1、 p20的对话中,加入买东西的情景,增加售货员的角色,使用句型i want…      how much…? 等。
2、 p21中,要讲出喜欢与不喜欢的理由,老师提问可使用如下句型:what do you like ? what don’t you like?  what does your father/mother like?
frisbee飞碟    jigsaw/puzzle拼图  transformer变形金刚
yo-yo溜溜球   hoop呼啦圈       jack-in- the-box玩偶盒
brick积木     dominoes多米诺骨牌

unit3  people i like
1.重点词汇:how old,  have,  has,  name,  who,  friend,  his,  her,  new, hand,  teeth,  come here,  wolf,  go away,  go to bed,  take, where,  too, all right,
1)how old are you?  i’m …
2)how old is …?  he’s/she’s …
3)what’s his/her name?  his/her name is …
4)who’s this? who are they?
5) i have…, he has…

1.p24的对话中复习问候语如:  how are you?  glad to see you .
   nice to see you.  where are you going?  have a good day.
2.p26加入阅读材料 the red riding hood,体会完整故事情节。
3.学习名词性的所有格 your sister’s /brother’s name。
slim 苗条的    skinny 瘦骨嶙峋的   pretty 漂亮的  strong 强壮的
weak瘦弱的  handsome 英俊的  good-looking好看的  lovely 可爱的 clever聪明的  smart 聪明的  ugly丑陋的      foolish愚蠢的
silly 愚蠢的  common 普通的   humorous幽默的   stingy吝啬的
mean 凶恶的   frank坦率的     kind 善良的     generous慷慨的

module3  things around us
unit1  colours
1.四会词汇:sky, cloud, dress, blouse, t-shirt, shirt , rainbow, purple, violet, mountain, sea

1)what colour is the …?  it’s …8页,当前第412345678
2)what colour the …?  they’re …
3) who’s he/she?
4)he/she has …
2. p31补充句子 who’s that girl in blue/green…… ? he’s /she’s in …
the boy in red is ben.
vest 背心   shorts 短裤  pants 裤子   sock 短袜 
stocking 长袜 shoe 鞋子   trousers 裤子 skirt 短裙
sweater 羊毛衫 pullover 套衫 jacket 夹克衫   coat 上衣
tie 领带      belt 皮带      gloves 手套  uniform制服
scarf 围巾    hat 帽子     cap 帽子    jeans 牛仔裤
tuxedo(男)燕尾服         suit 西服  mitten 连指手套   slipper 拖鞋  pajamas 睡服sandal 凉鞋 sunglasses 太阳镜           raincoat 雨衣

unit 2  noises
1. 四会词汇:wave,  parrot,  loud,  lorry,  quiet,  raindrop,  radio,  television,  fall down,  noise,  truck
2. 重点句型:新课#标@第一$网
1) what’s that noise?  it’s…
2)  what are those noises?  they are waves…
3) is this noise…?  yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.
4) can … hear…?
3. sound: 字母u的元音发音。
4.  注意noise并不代表吵闹声,只是代表一种声音,相当于sound,但含义更广一些。
5.  p34中要进行复数句式的教学,如what are those noises?  they are waves.
6.  p 32,33可选择性的挑些图片进行情景对话如:
a: can you hear the raindrops?
b: no, i can’t.  is it raining?  let’s go and have a look.
a: wa. it’s raining. do you like raindrops?
b: yes, i like raindrops.
(sing a song together)i hear raindrops...
四、 参考词汇:
train 火车  taxi 出租车  motorcycle 摩托车,
truck 卡车  subway 地铁 helicopter 直升飞机
glider 空中缆车 motor boat 汽艇
unit 3  the seasons
1.重点词汇: season, spring, warm, cold, wet, grow, nest, summer, hot, cool, shine, shell, hat, coat, autumn, dry, fall, slide, scarf, winter,  blow, wind, glove, today, but, photograph
1).what season is it?  it’s …
2). where’s…?    where are…?
3.sound: 字母u的短音发音。
教学中可加入句型what can you see in spring/summer...?
what’s the weather like in spring/summer...?。
四、 参考词汇:
air空气          thunder雷    falling leaves落叶 sunny晴朗的
cloudy多云的  windy刮风的 rainy下雨的  snowy下雪的
foggy有雾的  blossom开花  turn green变绿   turn yellow变黄
fresh 新鲜的  bright明亮的  golden金色的   harvest收获       

附两篇阅读材料:xkb1. com
1. the red riding hood
   once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a village near the forest.  whenever, she went out, the little girl wore a red riding cloak, so everyone in the village called her little red riding hood.
one morning, little red riding hood asked her mother if she could go to visit her grandmother as it had been awhile since they'd seen each other.
"that's a good idea," her mother said.  so they packed a nice basket for little red riding hood to take to her grandmother.
   when the basket was ready, the little girl put on her red cloak and kissed her mother goodbye.
"remember, go straight to grandma's house," her mother cautioned.  "don't dawdle along the way and please don't talk to strangers!  the woods are dangerous."
"don't worry, mommy," said little red riding hood, "i'll be careful."

   but when little red riding hood noticed some lovely flowers in the woods, she forgot her promise to her mother.  she picked a few, watched the butterflies flit about for awhile, listened to the frogs croaking and then picked a few more.  
little red riding hood was enjoying the warm summer day so much, that she didn't notice a dark shadow approaching out of the forest behind her...

   suddenly, the wolf appeared beside her.
"what are you doing out here, little girl?" the wolf asked in a voice as friendly as he could muster.
"i'm on my way to see my grandma who lives through the forest, near the brook,"  little red riding hood replied.
then she realized how late she was and quickly excused herself, rushing down the path to her grandma's house. 
the wolf, in the meantime, took a shortcut...
   the wolf, a little out of breath from running, arrived at grandma's and knocked lightly at the door.
"oh thank goodness dear!  come in, come in!  i was worried sick that something had happened to you in the forest," said grandma thinking that the knock was her granddaughter.8页,当前第612345678
the wolf let himself in.  poor granny did not have time to say another word, before the wolf gobbled her up!
   the wolf let out a satisfied burp, and then poked through granny's wardrobe to find a nightgown that he liked.  he added a frilly sleeping cap, and for good measure, dabbed some of granny's perfume behind his pointy ears.
a few minutes later, red riding hood knocked on the door.  the wolf jumped into bed and pulled the covers over his nose.  "who is it?" he called in a cackly voice.
"it's me, little red riding hood."
"oh how lovely!  do come in, my dear," croaked the wolf.
when little red riding hood entered the little cottage, she could scarcely recognize her grandmother.
"grandmother!  you voice sounds so odd.  is something the matter?" she asked.
"oh, i just have touch of a cold," squeaked the wolf adding a cough at the end to prove the point.

   "but grandmother!  what big ears you have," said little red riding hood as she edged closer to the bed.
"the better to hear you with, my dear," replied the wolf.
"but grandmother!  what big eyes you have," said little red riding hood.
"the better to see you with, my dear," replied the wolf.
"but grandmother!  what big teeth you have," said little red riding hood her voice quivering slightly.
"the better to eat you with, my dear," roared the wolf and he lept out of the bed and began to chase the little girl.

   almost too late, little red riding hood realized that the person in the bed was not her grandmother, but a hungry wolf.
she ran across the room and through the door, shouting, "help!  wolf!" as loudly as she could.
a woodsman who was chopping logs nearby heard her cry and ran towards the cottage as fast as he could.
he grabbed the wolf and made him spit out the poor grandmother who was a bit frazzled by the whole experience, but still in one piece.

"oh grandma, i was so scared!"  sobbed little red riding hood, "i'll never speak to strangers or dawdle in the forest again."
"there, there, child.  you've learned an important lesson.  thank goodness you shouted loud enough for this kind woodsman to hear you!"
the woodsman knocked out the wolf and carried him deep into the forest where he wouldn't bother people any longer.
little red riding hood and her grandmother had a nice lunch and a long

2. rainbow
 boy1: what do we do today?
 boy2: i want to see a rainbow.
 boy3: i like rainbows.8页,当前第712345678
 boys: where’s the rainbow?
 boy1: let’s go and see it.
 boy2: it’s there.
 boy1,2,3: rainbow, rainbow, don’t go away. come down, join us, let us play.
 boy3: look, it’s beautiful.
 boy1: let’s climb up.
 boy2: good.
 boy1: i like orange.
 boy2: i like green. boy3: i like blue.
 boy1: we’re on the rainbow.
boy2: we’re on the rainbow.
boy3: we’re on the rainbow.
boy3: how many colours?
boy2: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
boy1: yes, it’s seven.
boy1,2,3: i like red. i like yellow. i like blue. i like purple, i like orange, i like green. i like indigo. i like all the colours of the rainbow!
boy1: let’s slide down.
boy2: this is good.
boy3: i love it.
boy1: let’s do it again!
boy2: where’s the rainbow? it’s gone.
boy3: the rainbow is gone.
boy2: look, that’s a red ribbon.
boy3: yes. it’s a long ribbon.
boy1: we can make a rainbow!
boy2: this is a yellow ribbon.
boy1: good, let’s take it.
boy3: we have two now.
boy1: look, this is a green ribbon.
boy2: yes, take it.
boy3: we’ve got three now.
boy3: look, that’s a blue ribbon..
boy1: yes, it’s a blue ribbon.
boy2: now, we have four.
boy1: that’s a purple ribbon.
boy3: we have five.
boy2: we have five.
boy1: we have five ribbons now.
boy2: but we still need two more.
boy3: wait a minute! my mum’s got a scarf.
boy3: this is an indigo ribbon.
boy1: my mum’s got one, too. wait here.
boy2: this is a ribbon.
boy3: very good!
boy1: good!
boy1: i have two ribbons.
boy3: i have two.
boy2: i have three.
boy3: let’s make a rainbow.
boy3: i like this colour.
boy1: i like blue.
boy2: i like yellow.
boy1, 2,3: we are on the rainbow. this is our rainbow.
boy1: oh, it’s getting dark.
boy3: let’s go home.
boy2: let’s take the rainbow.
boy1,2,3: one, two, red and blue, purple and yellow, we have got a rainbow. orange, green, indigo. let’s go! let’s go!
