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Unit7 Would you like a pie 第三课时

凤凰小学备课笔记(母案)(  三 )年级(   英语  )备课组        

教学内容3a unit7 would you like a pie ?




       第(  3  )课时


1.继续巩固单词a cake, a pie, a hot dog,a hamburger,an egg,a sweet, an ice cream。

2.能熟练地会运用句型:would you like…?/what about…?以及应答语yes, please.和no , thank you.

3.能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型what’s this?并能用it’s …来回答。

4.能理解what’s =what is

5.能体会cartoon time 的幽默


1.继续巩固单词a cake, a pie, a hot dog,a hamburger,an egg,a sweet, an ice cream。

2.能熟练地会运用句型:would you like…?/what about…?以及应答语yes, please.和no , thank you.

3.能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型what’s this?并能用it’s …来回答。4.能理解what’s =what is


能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型what’s this?并能用it’s …来回答。

教学疑点拓展what’s that?




step 1 greeting

1.    greeting

2.    say a rhyme----for you and me

step 2 warm up

1.    play a game----follow me

游戏规则:i say a cake,three times.

          look at me.a cake ,a cake, a cake.


2.    出示本单元所有的单词,拼读单词:a cake, a pie,

a hot dog, a hamburger,an egg, a sweet, an ice cream

放在句子里。例如:t:i can see a cake. c-a-k-e, cake. this is a cake.   look at my cake.  c-a-k-e, cake. it’s a  cake.3.    教师出示it’s a …t: it’s a …what can you say?s: (用it’s a …造句)ppt:出示句型it’s a …

板书it’s a … ppt:let’s go to a clothes shop.让学生用it’s a …造句:a jacket, a t-shirt, a skirt…    4.教授句型what’s this?ppt:let’s go to a snack bar.t:this is a cake.this is—this—this读单词thislearning tips:离说话人近用this,离说话人远用thatt: what’s this?教师出示what’s this?全班读(多种读的方式)。learning tips: what’s= what is讲解what’s= what is,复习he’s=he is, she’s =she is, it’s= it is板书:what’s this?提示学生用it’s a …回答t:try to work in pairss1:what’s this?s2: it’s a …让学生用a pie, a cake, an egg…对话练习    step 3 presentation1.教授dogt:can you ask miss zhang.s: what’s this?t: it’s a hot dog. and what’s this?s:it’s a dog.  教师出示单词dog,并且教授。2页,当前第1123.    cartoon timea.介绍故事人物

t: what’s this?

s: it’s a dog.t: it has two good friends. who are they?教师出示bobby和sam的图片。b.对话单词和句子的理解t:they are having a picnic.let’s wathch the cartoon.the little dog has a question for you.dod: would i like a cake?     yes.     no.t: would bobby like an egg?s: yes.c. read the dialogue.跟录音读。分角色读d.让学生说说这个故事的幽默点是什么?e. retellone day(一天),     ,      and the little       go to a park. they would like to have a picnic.bobby      like            .the little dog would not like a      .then, bobby shows a             to him.the little is very afraid.跟老师读。4.    review the rhyme---for you and met: what a nice cartoon. let’s say the rhyme together.step 4 homework1.read cartoon time after class.2.act the cartoon to your parents.作业:1.read cartoon time after class.2.act the cartoon to your parents.                          板书设计

unit 7 would you like a pie?

what ’s this?

it’s a … 2页,当前第212