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M8 U1 There are stone animals导学案

m8 u1 there are stone animals导学案

(1)知识与能力目标listening, reading and acting the dialogue

              reading the base expressions and sentences:     

there is a camel.  there are stone animals





1.重点:practicing the drills with others, using the sentences:

     there is---.   there are---.

2.            难点:能用英语灵活运用there be 句型


1、            教具:单词卡片、 配套课件、powerpoint课件、教学挂图

2、            学具: 课本、活动手册


step 1 warm up

1、free talk: 师生问答——生生互答

t: do you like animals?   ss: yes, we do.

t: what animals do you like?

s: i like dogs.( rabbits cats pandas tigers---)

  say and point

step 2 presentation and practice


1)教师出示图片look, there is a dog. teacher points to the picture and says:

there is a---.

have the children practice the sentences

2) teacher points to two same animals and says

there are two---.


3) write the two sentences on the boards and find out the difference between the two sentences.

4) watch the video of the animals and have the children say out what’s in the zoo?

ss: there is a---. / there are ---.

1)     learn the new words: camel, stone animals

little teacher teach the words and check.

read the sentences together.

2.  学习对话:

1) t: now we’re having a good time at the zoo. but what about sam and amy? where are they? and what are they doing? let’s watch the video.

watch the video of the dialogue the first time.

teacher asks question: where are they?

learn the new expression: the ming tombs

2) t: what are they doing in the ming tombs? let’s watch the video again.

watch the video the second time. and have some questions for children: what’s in the ming tombs?

 how many stone animals are there? is there a monster?

after the video, discuss the questions in group, then answer the questions.

3) listen, point and repeat the dialogue

4) act out the dialogue. first practice in groups.

then give each section a role in the conversation, either amy, sam, mum, dad. act out the dialogue, with each group saying the corresponding text.

step 3 consolidation and extension2页,当前第112

1) watch and say what’s in the picture?

2) guessing game: what’s in santa claus’s bag?

3) practice: read the article and design your room

step 4 summary

