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U12 Let’s Go Further

 u12   let’s go further
i. teaching aims
 1. to reinforce the vocabulary of furniture
 2. to practice using some prepositions
 3. activity book
ii. processes
 1. revision
   review  u10 & u11
 2. motivation
   t tells a story : p54  where are the mice?
 3. presentation
   p54   listen to the tape
         whole class read after the tape
         read after the teacher
4. activity book  module  4

 1. 抄u10  u11各一次
china     japan    america   australia
germany  canada   france     britain

u12 .let’s go further (第二教时)
i.teaching  aims
 1. to reinforce  u10-12

 2. vocabulary of furniture
 3. activity book
ii. processes
 1. revision
 (1) dictation
 (2) read  u10-u12
(3) words: stool  room  tv  painting  sofa  map  lamp  clock 
beside  behind  in front of
 2. practice
  (1) usage of prep
  (2) activity book
     a. explain
     b. exercise
     c. check

 1. p102  p104  ex.1
 2. (1)(2)抄词

module  5  my  house

i. 1. language skill
(1) can describe what is in the room.
(2) can name rooms in the house.
  2. language knowledge
(1) different between have & there be
(2) usage of downstairs & upstairs
(3) words about rooms in the house
(4) language focus:
there are…..
is there…..?
yes, there is .   /   no, there isn’t.
there isn’t…..
(5) sub-topic: an apartment
            a british house
1. affect:
(1) to help students lean names of different parts of a house in a fun way.
(2) to give opportunities for students to remember expressions for showing.
  4. learning strategy
(1) cognitive strategy
(2) communicative resource strategy.
  5. cultural consciousness
(1) to provide students with the opportunities to see different kinds of house from other
   countries: korea, thailand, germany, japan, china, spain2页,当前第112
ii. 重难点:
1. words about rooms in the house.
2. usage of “there be”
3. u. noun
4. difference between have & there be
iii. schedule:  7. long-sessions
