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unit 7 Would you like a pie? 第一教时导学案

unit 7 would you like a pie?  第一教时导学案
教学内容 story time
1.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型nice to meet you. would you like…?    no, thank you.what about…?   yes, please.
2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇pie, ice cream, sweet, hot dog, what, what’s=what is
3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇a, this, sister, meet, no, cake, an, egg, look, blue, brown, white.
4. 能欣赏、听懂、跟读歌谣for you and me
1. 句型:would you like…? yes, please. no, thank you. what about…?
2. 词汇:ice cream, sweet, cake, pie, hot dog.
1.日常用语和句型:would you like…? yes, please. no, thank you.以及what about…?的语调和用法。
2.词汇:ice cream, sweet, pie, hot dog等食品类单词的读音。
1. 多媒体、挂图,本单元学习的食品类单词卡片。
a. free talk
b. watch a cartoon播放unit 6 cartoon time 部分的动画,再次引导学生理解would you like an egg? yes, please.
c. say a rhyme  for you and me
1.多媒体播放歌谣for you and me, 教师根据图片的展示,反复领读cake,pie,egg, ice cream
2. 再次播放歌谣,教师通过手势引导学生初步理解歌谣内容。
3.   领读歌谣。
4.  就歌谣中的图片,师生对话
t: look, this an ice cream. is it nice?  ss: yes, it’s nice.
t; what colour is it?   ss: it’s white.
t: look, this is a cake. it’s brown, it looks nice. would you like a cake?
ss: yes.
t: say “yes, please.”   ss: yes, please.
d.     presentation
1.    出示准备好的包.
t: look at the bag. what’s in it? can you guess?将cake的图片帖在黑板上并带读单词。
t: look, this is a cake. cake.  ss: cake.
t: would you like a cake?  s1: yes, please.
教师引导学生如不要,说no, thank you.
s2: no, thank you. 同法教ice cream, egg, sweet, pie, hot dog
2. 展示story time 的内容,引导学生理解
t: (出示mike头像)look,who’s this?   ss: it’s mike.
t: look, who’s this?   ss: it’s su hai.
t: who’s this?(出示helen头像)she’s helen. she’s mike’s sister. say hello to helen.
ss: hello, helen.
t: good. what do the children say to helen?
引导学生找出孩子们刚见到helen说的话,领读nice to meet you.
ss: nice to meet you.
t: helen is a new friend. su hai and yang ling are very happy to see helen. what do they give her?(教师通过手势引导学生明白问题)
ss: a pie and a cake.
引导学生看图,师生分角色朗读对话,理解would you like a pie? no, thank you. what about a cake? yes, please.
3.    播放动画,学生跟读,要求模仿语音、语调。
4.   学生分组分角色朗读。
e.   consolidation
1.    出示story time部分中句子卡片,学生认读2页,当前第112
2.     复习歌谣for you and me, 鼓励学生替换单词改编新歌谣。
f.  homework
1.     听录音,跟读story time,  模仿语音、语调。
2.    抄写单词a, this, sister, meet, no, cake, an, egg, look, blue, brown, white.