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新标准三年级上册Module3 Unit2教案

课题: module 3  classroom
unit 2  point to the desk
课题: module 3  classroom 
unit 2    point to the desk.
一、 teaching aims:
(一)knowledge aims
2、能够跟唱本模块歌曲《please stand up》.
(二)ability aims:1、能够听懂指令 point to...并做出正确的反应。
2、能够运用 point to... 来发出指令;
(三)emotion aims:
二、important points:
能听懂会说“point  to  the  …",并能做出正确反应。
三、difficult points:
熟练运用“point to...”句型发出并执行指令
四、teaching tools:cai, word cards, tape,cd -rom.,bird model.
五、teaching ways: tpr,任务型教学方法学法:循序渐进法

teaching process:
i 、warming up
1.game “i say and you do”.
t:stand up,please.listen and do the actions.
请全体学生起立,执行老师发出的指令,point to the door/ window/
2.pair work:one says the orders,the other student does the actions.
ii、presentation and practice
1.t:now, point  to  the  desk. 教师此时指向一张书桌,say:oh, it's  a  desk.  teach: desk.  屏幕出示point  to  the  desk.引出课题。
2.t:our friend “tweet-tweet”comes here again.who wants to act the bird? 请全班
学生看老师的口型对小鸟发出指令,stand up/sit down/point to the desk/chair/desk/window /door…鼓励扮演小鸟的学生为自己的角色设计丰富的
动作。然后请 “小鸟” 向全班同学发出指令,请同学们执行。
chair,chair, chair,point to the chair.
desk,desk,desk,point to the desk.
4.practise in pairs. one sends the orders,one does the actions. then change. stand up/sit down./ point to the door/ window/ blackboard/bird/desk /chair.
5.let’s have a match.( 男女比赛游戏:出示六幅图:chair,desk,door,blackboard,windowt bird.推选一名小老师,请两组各选派一名代表参加各轮的游戏。游戏开始前,请这两个学生在讲台下站好,注意听小老师的指令。小老师发出指令后,最先正确执行指令的学生所在的组得分。)
iii、leading in the text.
1.listen to the tape and think:“上节课飞进教室的小鸟今天又来到了教室里。请同学们边看边听,daming,lingling,amyt sam分别对小鸟说了什么,小鸟又是怎样反应的?
2.answer the questions.
3.now let’s listen and repeat.(链接cd-rom).
4.work in groups.read the text in two minutes.2页,当前第112
5.act the dialogue.
6.learn the song<please stand up>.
a. first, just listen carefully..
b.read the sentences after the tape.
c. do you know the meaning of the song?  tell me with your actions. let's sing  and do the actions.
iv. extension
1. “simon says” game.
2. make a new dialogue.小组之间合作就所学知识编对话,培养学生的团队精神.
b:hello .how are you?
a:i’m fine,thank you.let’s play a game.
a:point to the desk,please.(学生b做动作)
b: point to the blackboard,please.(学生a做动作)
2.完成课堂活动用书unit2 练习1和练习2.
v. summary
can you tell me what you have learned in this class?学生汇报。(屏幕上出示point to the … 和图片,学生练习说句子)
vi. homework
1.listen and read the dialogue five times.
2.say the orders“point to the…” to your friends and do the actions.
vii. blackboard design
                       module 3  classroom
unit 2    point to the desk.
 pint to the        desk. (贴图片)
chair. (贴图片)
