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1. /pen/   pen钢笔
2. [naif]knife 小刀
3. [i'reizə]eraser橡皮
4. /’kreɪən/crayon蜡笔
5. /’sɪzəz/  scissors剪刀
6. /ɡluː/ glue胶水
7. /stɪk/ stick棒
8. /’peɪpə(r)/paper纸
9. use [juːz]  使用
10. find   [faɪnd]  vt. 发现
11. information centre   [ɪnfə'meɪʃ(ə)n]  ['sentə] 咨询中心
12. phone   [fəʊn]  n. 电话;
13. hamburger [‘hæmbɜːgə] 汉堡
14. [pliːz]  please请  
15. [‘ru:lə]ruler尺
16. excuse me 对不起打扰一下
17. [dæd] dad爸爸
18. pencil[‘pɛnsl]铅笔
19. [’sku:lbæɡ]schoolbag 书包
20.  shop [ʃɒp]  . 商店
21. circle   ['sɜːk(ə)l] 圆;圈子
22. sir   [sɜː] 先生;老师
23. first [fɜːst] 第一
24. dirt [dɜːt] 泥土;灰尘
25. 女孩girl
26. 短裙skirt
27. 第一first
28. 鸟first
29. lost[lɒst]  迷路
30. building [‘bɪldɪŋ]  建筑;建筑物
31. fire   ['faɪə]  火
32. carefully['keəfəlɪ] 小心地
33. call[kɔːl] 呼叫
34. [mu:v]move移动
35. should[ʃʊd] 应该
36. check[tʃek] 检查,核对
37. dial [‘ dail]  拨号
38. quick [kwɪk]  快的=fast
39. quickly   ['kwɪklɪ]  adv. 迅速地;很快地
40. [sez] v. 说(第三人称单数)
41. ['reskju:] vt. 营救;援救
42. ['sʌdnli] adv. 突然地;忽然
43. [kræʃ] v. 碰撞;崩溃;坠落
44. ['pailət] n. 飞行员
45. [‘mauntins] n. 山脉 山
toy shop 玩具店
on fire着火
quickly dial 110  如何迅速拨打110
how to ask for help请求帮助
can i use your pen?
sure . here you are.
can i use your glue stick,please?
sorry . i am using it.
that’s ok.
你要求什么? what do you ask for?
他要求什么? what does he ask for?
steven goes to the park with his father. they have a lot of fun, but now he can’t find his father.
he goes to the information centre.2页,当前第112
“excuse me . can i use your phone? i can’t  find my dad.”
the man in the centre says: “ sure. here you are.”
he calls his father. his father says , “i’m at the hamburger shop.” steven thanks  the man. now he can’t find his dad.
首先,我想要一件衬衫。然后我想要一条裙子。谢谢你,先生! 谢谢先生!
first , i want a shirt.then i want a skirt.
thank you,sir!thank you  sir!
thanks for the shirt and the skirt.
哦不,遥遥!,建筑着火了!快,我们拨打119 !我们迷路了。我们能做些什么?别担心。我们可以110。警察可以帮助我们。怎么了,奶奶?我不能移动。妈妈,请拨打120。小心!噢,不!我打了那辆车!我们应该拨打122。警察会来检查。如何迅速拨打110请求帮助
oh no, yaoyao !
that building is on fire!
quick ,let’s call 119!
we are lost. what can we do?
don’t worry. we  can 110.  the police can help us.
what’s the matter,granny?
i can’t move .
mum, please call 120.
be carefully!
oh no ! i hit that car !
we should call 122.  the police  will come and check.
how to ask for help
quickly dial 110
mary and her mother are flying over the mountains in a small plane.玛丽和她的母亲在一架小型飞机飞过高山。
  suddenly there is a loud noise.突然有个很大的噪音
the plane has problem !飞机有问题了.
 it crashes.飞机坠落了.
her mother is hurt.她的妈妈受伤了.
mary's mother says:玛丽的妈妈说:
i can't move.我不能动.
we need help.我们需要帮助.
mary has a good idea.玛丽有一个好主意。
mary carefully writes sos with her feet in the snow.
the pilot sees the sos and calls for help.飞行员看到sos并叫帮助。
finally,a helicopter rescues mary and her mother
they are safe.她们安全了.2页,当前第212