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Unit1 I like dogs第一课时

( 四 )年级(   英语  )备课组        

教学内容unit1 i like dogs




第( 1 )课时

教学目标1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey, panda,tiger  2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型do you like…?并且会用yes, i do.和no,i don’t 来回答。3.能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数形式4.情感教育:动物是人类的好朋友,要保护动物

教学重点1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey, panda,tiger2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型do you like…?并且会用yes, i do.和no,i don’t 来回答。3.能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数形式4.情感教育:动物是人类的好朋友,要保护动物

教学难点1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey, panda,tiger2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型do you like…?并且会用yes, i do.和no,i don’t 来回答。3.能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数形式




三备step 1 warm up1.    greetingorder game: stand up,boys and girls.            open your books, boys.2.    free talkt:welcome back to school.   are you happy now?s: yes, i am.t: let’s enjoy our english lessons now. can you sing or say rhymes?通过这个环节让学生提前进入学习英语的氛围中。可以引导学生说一些关于本课内容的

小诗:five little monkeys
歌曲:seasons song.step 2 presentation 1.play a game----根据老师说的例句或者词组,举一反三t:i have a toy dog.s: i have a …t:i like dogs .s: i like……出示课题:unit 1 i like dogst:today,let’s learn unit 1 i like dogs.t: i like dogs .do you like dogs?s: yes, i do./no, i don’t.t: what do you like?s: i like …出示句型: do you like…?           yes, i do.           no, i don’t.i like…    这些句型是学生学过的,通过这一环节激起学生的记忆,让学生尝试着回答老师的问题。根据学生的回答教授单词:cat ,dog, monkey, lion, panda, tiger, bear。cat[kæt]      dog[dɒɡ]   monkey['mʌŋkɪ]lion['laɪən]          panda[ˈpændə] tiger[ˈtaɪgə(r)]    这些单词是学生一二年级学过的。从本学期开始,教授新单词时都会出示音标,让学生感受发音规律。在回答问题的过程中,时刻注意学生是否注意了like后面使用可数名词的复数形式,如果出现错误及时纠正。虽然这一课没有bear这个单词的教学要求,但是因为是学过的单词,学生肯定会提起。所以教师也要根据学生的接受能力试着复习这个单词。3页,当前第11232.教授单词animal/animalst: look, the cat is an animal.it’s an animal. how lovely.

   出示单词animal,拼读单词。[ˈæ niml]出示音标。t:they are all animals.they’re animals.   出示单词animals,拼读单词。t:do you like animals?s: yes, ido.     2.listen and guess t:i like animals too.now, let’s listen to the sounds. guess, what animal is it.听声音猜猜是什么动物。3.story time 出示课文图片t:look,they are our friends. they are talkingabout animals.(1)listen and circle(把所看到的动物圈出来)what animals can you see in the story?          cats  dogs elephants horses          lions  monkeys  pandas  tigers在看动画之前,先读单词(复习单数和复数),并且教授本课的新单词:an elephant,a horse(elephants ,horses)elephant[ˈelɪfənt]    horse[hɔ:s]check the answers: cats , dogs, pandas(2)true or falseyang ling: i like cats. they are cute.(√)教授单词cute(可爱的,机灵的)su hai: i don’t like dogs. i like horses.(×)mike: i don’t like dogs. i like pandas.(√)check the answerst:do you like pandas?s: yes, ido . t:are they cute?s: yes, they are.t: and they are fat.出示单词fat cat at, 让学生自己拼读单词。(3)listen to the tape again.fill in the blanks.对话内容填空look at these  toy   animals , boys and girls.wow.look at this cat.i like cats. it’s cute.i like dogs. do you like dogs, su hai?yes, ido.do you like dogs, mike?no, i don’t.i like pandas. they’re cute and fat.通过这一环节加深学生对课文的理解。(4)read story timea.注意语音语调,播放录音,学生跟读t:let’s read after the tape.t:let’s read it together.b.角色扮演模仿语音语调,比比谁读的好,角色扮演。step 3 consolidation(1)magic eyest:now,let’s have a rest.let’s play a game.游戏规则:快速闪现图片、单词、词组、或者句子例如:单词: a cat , an elephant, a duck…       dogs, butterflies, tigers, pandas…词组: a toy animal , a small potato, would like,       like spring, like monkeys…句子: i like dogs. i have two books, walk up and down, what colour is it?…(2)work in pairst: i have some pictures here. choose one to work in pairs.(3)summary让学生说说这节课学了什么,让学生自己来总结。a.复习单词b.复习句型c.复习课文d.复习知识点like后面使用可数名词的复数形式step 4 homework     1.copy the new words four times.2.recite story time after class.3.draw an animal3页,当前第2123

作业:1.copy the new words four times.

2.recite story time after class.

3.draw an animal                          板书设计                          unit1 i like dogs             do you like…?                 yes, i do.                                 cats       dogs     elephants     horses                no, i don’t.i like…                                                                             lions     monkeys   pandas     tigers3页,当前第3123