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Unit1 I like dogs第二课时教案

( 四 )年级(   英语  )备课组   

教学内容unit1 i like dogs




第( 2 )课时

教学目标1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey, panda,tiger2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型do you like…?并且会用yes, i do.和no,i don’t 来回答。3.能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数形式4.能理解would you like 和do you like两个句型的使用方法5.明白cartoon time 的幽默之处

教学重点1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey, panda,tiger2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型do you like…?并且会用yes, i do.和no,i don’t 来回答。3.能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数形式4.明白cartoon time 的幽默之处

教学难点能理解would you like 和do you like两个句型的使用方法

教学疑点学生能否理解并且区别would you like 和do you like两个句型的使用方法?



三备step 1 greeting and warm up1.    greeting (单词和句子默写)2.    happy timet: let’s enjoy our english lessons now. can you sing or say rhymes?通过这个环节让学生提前进入学习英语的氛围中。可以引导学生说一些关于本课内容的小诗:five little monkeys
歌曲:seasons song.3.游戏----举一反三游戏规则:根据老师说的词组或句子说相同结构的内容、例如:my father----your mother, her brother…      i have a toy car.…      i’ d like a hamburger.…     this skirt is for you.…     i can dance.…

 i like dogs… 通过这个游戏激起学生记忆里的知识,帮助学生归纳 总结。  step 2 revision    1.guessing gamet:i love animals .they’re lovely .they’re cute .now,let’s play another game----guessing game.游戏内容:复习上节课所学动物类的单词。游戏环节:a.出现遮住部分的图片,猜猜是什么。          b.出现单词填空,让学生完成单词拼写。问题预设:what can you see?   i can see …          what’s this/that?   it’s a/an…          what are these/those? they’re…2.free talk----fun timedraw and say教师出示上节课布置的作业内容----draw an animal出示教师所画的图片,一只熊猫t:i love animals.this is my picture. what’s this?s: it’s a panda. t: what colour is it?s: it’s black and white.t: do you like pandas?s: yes, i do. they’re cute and fat.(提示学生回答)t:what about your pictures?   where is your picture?3页,当前第1123s: it’s here.教师出示对话练习内容a: do you like…? b: yes, i do. they’re…   no, i don’t.i like…they’re…(1)师生对话(示范)(2)生生对话    3.revision ----story timet: i think you like animals very much.   our friends like animals too. look, they’re       coming.(1)跟读(教师注意语音和语调的指导与纠正)(2)自读(任选一种方式读)a.自己单独读b.跟伙伴扮演角色读c.跟伙伴齐读 (3)比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。 当学生表演完后,教师奖励印有本课单词和图片的小纸片,在奖励地时候用下面的句子,为cartoon time的学习做铺垫。例如:t:would you like a cat/dogs?s: yes, please.   no, thank you. i’d like…step 3 cartoon time1.lead int: oh, i’m hungry now.(做动作,便于学生理解)   can you ask miss zhang‘hello, miss zhang. would you like a …?’s: hello, miss zhang. would you like a …?t: yes, please./no,thank you.2.cartoon time(1)出示图片t: our old friends are hungry,too.where are bobby and sam?s: they’re at a snack bar.(2)true or falsebobby: i would like a pie.(×)bobby: i like cakes.(√)sam  : i don’t like cakes.(×)sam  : i have a cake.(×)教授i have …这个句型。这个句型学生二年级已经学过,大部分学生能够熟练表达。让学生说说这个故事的幽默之处。(3)read after the tape逐图跟读,注意语音语调。让学生可以加上自己的表情和动作。thanks=thank you 谢谢i have a cake here. 我这里有个蛋糕。(4)read by yourselfa.自己单独读b.跟伙伴扮演角色读c.跟伙伴齐读(5)比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能。  step 4 consolidation  1.对话填词sam: would you like a pie, bobby?bobby:no, thanks.bobby:i like cakes.do you like cakes,sam?sam: yes, ido. i have a cake here.sam: look! do you like it?2.summary本课所学内容回顾与总结  do you like…?         would you like …?          yes, i do.             yes, please.     no, i don’t.i like…    no, thanks/thank you.让学生理解这两个对话句型的区别让学生说说:你是怎么理解的,这两个对话分别用来问什么的?  step 5 homework    1.准备默写单词表单词和划线句子2.recite cartoon time after class.


2.recite cartoon time after class.

                          板书设计                          unit1 i like dogs3页,当前第2123            do you like…?                      would you like …?          yes, i do.                                            yes, please.     no, i don’t.i like…                 no, thanks/thank you.    3页,当前第3123