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新标准英语三年级起始第四册Module7 Unit 2教学设计

module7  unit 2
beijing is the capital of china.教学设计

一、teaching content(教学内容):
外语教学与研究出版社《新标准英语》三年级起始第四册,module 7,unit 2.
二、teaching aims(教学目标):
(一)knowledge objectives(知识目标)
1、learn the new words:(掌握词汇)
2、grasp the target sentences:(掌握句型)
beijing is the capital of china. …is a famous city. it’s in the north/south/west/east.(描述个别城市的方位。)
(二)ability objectives (能力目标):
(三)affective objectives(情感目标):
三.teacher methods:(教学方法)
1.situational approach 2.group work 3. competition
四、teaching focus: (教学重点):
五、teaching difficulty (教学难点) :
the east与 the north/ the south/ the west的“the”不同发音
六、teaching aids教具准备:
七.analysis of learning(学情分析):
八、teaching procedure:(教学过程)
2、warming up
(1)播放歌曲《down by the station》
t: sit up straight  ss: “one,two,three.”
 t: who’s sitting nicely?   ss:“i’m sitting nicely. ”
3、divided the class into groups and describe the evaluation tools.(分组及介绍评价手段)
将全班学生分为四个小组开展比赛,由四座城市分别命名四个小组: group 1/ group 2/ group3 / group4.制作一张精美的坐标图,画上刻标,每组起点都有一辆火车,终点分别以上四个城市的名称命名,给纪律好,读书大声,积极回答问题,回答正确等的组前进的机会,看哪组开得快哪组就获胜。

(1)t:do you like travelling?
      s: “yes, we do. ”
(2)we have known many places. they are beijing/london/washington d.c/san francisco…(复习已学城市名。)
t:where do you want to go ?
ss:“beijing. ”
t:everyone want to go to beijing.
because beijing is the capital of china.(此时点出本课课题)
5.knowledge representation.
(1)talk about some places. eg.beijing.
(where is beijing?you don’t know.
so let’s learn how to read the map.)
(3)let the ss  tell the teacher  where beijing/sanya /shanghai is…?新课标第一网
t: where is beijing/sanya /shanghai …?
ss:“it’s in the north/south…”(可用中文回答)
(4) learn the new words .
(通过带读the north, the south, the west与 the east,从语音上让学生注意到“the”的发音:元音前发[ ði ],辅音前发[ ðə ] ,突破了难点。)

     (5)look the picture on the screen, ask and answer.
a:where is beijing/ lasa/ sanya /shanghai?
b:it’s in the north/west/south/east.it’s a famous city(in china). it’s(beijing is) the capital of china.
5、practice and consolidate the new words and drills.(巩固和操练单词句子)
(2)学生操练对话where is beijing/sanya… ?
it’s in the…(评价)
(3) 课件呈现歌曲。根据教学内容,用学生熟悉的旋律自编歌曲,琅琅上口。(两只老虎的旋律)
where is beijing?   where is beijing?  it’s in the north. it’s in the north.
where is sanya?    where is sanya?   it’s in the south. it’s in the south.
where is lasa?     where is lasa?    it’s in the west. it’s in the west.
where is shanghai ? where is shanghai? it’s in the east. it’s in the east.

(4)ask ss turn to p28 and come to the text.
(5)play cd-rom about the text on p28 and the ss answer the questions below.
where is washington d.c/san francisco of america?
(6)show the picture of america on screen,the ss answer the questions and the teacher check the answers.
(7)ss read the text after the teacher and then ss read the materials together loudly.

7、extension and application of knowledge(知识运用与拓展)
…is a famous city in hainan.
it’s in the north/south/west/east.
8、summary and rating:(小结并评比)
(1) summarize the new words and sentence patterns of this lesson..
which group is the best ? …group is the best. congratulation!
but all of you are good today.
introduce some famous cities to your parents.
九、evaluation and blackboard writing (评价与板书设计)
1.评价的运用:将全班学生分为四个小组开展比赛,由四座城市分别命名四个小组: group 1/ group 2/ group3 / group4.制作一张精美的坐标图,画上刻标,每组起点都有一辆火车,终点分别以上四个城市的名称命名,给纪律好,读书大声,积极回答问题,回答正确等的组前进的机会,看哪组开得快哪组就获胜。3页,当前第2123
2. blackboard design . 新课标第一网
module 7 unit 2
         beijing is the capital of china.
             north、south、    …is the capital of…
west、east、city    …is a famous city.
       it’s in the…

2.坚持大量的输入下进行表达,新标准教材是以在大量的输入而达到规定语言容量输出的教学思路,注重已有知识和新知识结合在一起,坚持词不离句,句不离篇原则。如教授beijing is the capital of china. 从旧的知识london is the capital of england.引入,并结合新的知识washingtond.c.is the capital of america.
词汇教学,不是孤立的教学环节,而是要与课文对话联系在一起。首先,要着眼课堂教学,注意激发学生学习词汇的兴趣的同时巧设情境。课堂是小学生学习英语的主渠道,在实施词汇教学时,尽量把词汇置于能听、能看、可触摸、可感受的情境中去,使学生不至于感到词汇学习单调乏味而失去兴趣。如学了north和south后,在地图上看到某个首都或城市后要能够自然而然的表达出it’s in the north./ it’s in the south….

