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Unit8 In class复习资料

r ---/ r /        right              rabbit           running write             red
s ---/s/          seven            sofa              small             sit                  six
1. i’m late.我迟到了。                                  2. you’re late.你迟到了。
3. that’s all right.没关系。                    4. sit down坐下
5. stand up起立                                             6. open your books打开你们的课本
7. boys and girls孩子们                                 8. the new words生词(新单词)
9.read english 读英语                                  10. read the storybook看故事书
11. draw in your book.在你的书上画画   12. open the door开门
13. open the window开窗                              14. close that book合上那本书
15. eat the apple吃苹果                                16. drink the juice喝果汁
17. drink the water喝水                                 18. do the puzzle做拼图2页,当前第112
19. good night晚安                                        20. look at this看这个
21. give me the cap把帽子给我                    22. go to bed睡觉
23. sit on the chair 坐在椅子上                     24. stand on the desk 站在课桌上
25. write the new words写生词                     26. copy the new words抄生词
don’t(完整式)____________               right(同音词)____________
eat(对应词)____________                      they(单数)____________
1. i’m late. / he’s late. / nancy is late. / nancy and helen are late.
2. that’s all right.=that’s ok.=not at all.       that’s right.   you’re right.
没关系/不用谢。                          完全正确。   你是正确的。
3. don’t draw in your book.                    don’t sit on the desk.
不要在你的书上乱涂乱画。        不要坐在课桌上。
4. don’t be late again.
5. draw a pair of gloves for me.
6. write the new words in your notebook.
7. ----don’t close that book. close this book, please.----all right.
8. ----don’t drink the juice. drink the water, please. ----all right.
9. shall we do the puzzle now?
10. seven rabbits are running on the sofa.