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牛津英语4B Unit 1 A new student第三课时

第三课时一、 教学内容unit 1  d: look and say.   g: fun house.二、 教学目标1、听、说、读、写句型 are you ________? yes, i am. / no, i’m not.
三、 教学重点1、 句型的听、说、读、写。
四、 教学难点 句型的默写
五 、课前准备1、人物职业图
六、 教学过程(一)free talk
1、 how are you this morning?
2 、nice to meet you.
3 、who are you?
4 、who’s that boy (girl)?
5 、are you a student?
6、 are you a new student?
1 、play a game (1)
a: what picture is this?
b: a teacher.
a: yes, you’re right.
can you spell it?
b: yes, t-e-a-c-h-e-r, teacher,
a: are you a teacher?
b: no, i’m not. i’m a student.
2 、play a game (2)
a: excuse me, are you a teacher?
b: no, i’m not.
a: are you a nurse?
b: yes, i am. ( yes, you’re right. i’m a nurse.)
3 、look and say
看图对话, 图见教材,内容略。让学生先同桌准备,然后同桌看图对话。
(三) fun house :  look and read
1、 看图理解课文
2、 听录音,跟读对话。
    3、 自读对话。
    4、 分角色读课文。
(四) exercises
1、听写单词:boy, girl, man, woman, teacher, doctor ,nurse, student, new
2、抄写句型: who’s that boy? he’s mike. he’s a student.
who’s this woman? she’s miss li. she’s a teacher.
are you a doctor? yes, i am.
are you a nurse? no, i’m not.
1、预习 e:read and act
2 、复习抄写的句型,准备默写。