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u1 复习



1. 在……岁时at the age of

2. 代替 in place of/ instead of

3. 付出代价  at a price

4. 为某事感激某人be grateful/thankful to sb for sth

5. 电视播放的on television

6. 对某人要求严格be strict with sb

7. 上钢琴课take/have piano lessons

8. 病倒 fall ill

9. 对……负责be responsible for

10. 从那时起from then on

11. 放弃 give up

12. 我们时代的 of our time(s)

13. 获得奖项win/get/receive an award (for sth.)

14. 玩得开心have fun

15. 获得一个机会get a chance

16. 表演,演出 give a performance

17. 例如 such as  

18. 在许多大型活动 at many huge events

19. 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth

20. 西方古典音乐western classical music

21. 钢琴天才piano prodigy

22. 对……感到好奇be curious about

23. an experiment on … 关于…的实验

24. 找寻、思索search for

25. 使发生;导致 lead to (led pt.)

26. 厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired of doing sth

27. 保护……以免…… protect…from sth

28. 被称为……;被称作…… be known as…

29. 因…为人所知be known for

30. 在他的一生中during his lifetime 

31. 使某人/某物怎样make sth./sb. + adj. 

32. 建立;创建 set up

33. 总是、一直is/ was always doing 

34. 同时at the same time

35. 了解learn about

36. 出生在某地be born in

37. 与…无关have nothing to do with 

38. 意味着做某事meaning doing sth

39. 打算做某事mean to do

40. 在做……方面有天赋have a gift for doing sth

41. 坚持做……keep doing sth.

42. 出于热爱for love

43. 不再想某人;不再把某人放在心上forget about sb

44. 得了吧come on

45. 储蓄;攒钱save up

46. 靠某人自己on one’s own

47. 帮助某人give sb a hand

48. 共同的,共有的in common

49. 与……平等be equal to 

50. 足够……以至于能够做某事be adj. enough(for sb) to do…

51. 太…以至于不能做某事be+ too+ adj.+ to do sth.

52. 对……产生兴趣become interested in

53. 总计;总数in total=in all

54. 历史上 in history

55. ……方面的专家an expert on/at/in…

56. 为……而战fight for…

57. 为反对……而战 fight against…

58. 提供帮助offer to help   

59. 被认为是……be regarded as…

60. 从……退休retire from…



responsibility (n.) -- responsible (adj.)

piano (n.) -- pianist (n.)

prodigious (adj.) -- prodigy (n.)

stun (n.) -- stunning (adj.)

west (n.) -- western (adj.)

classic (n.) -- classical (adj.)

music (n.) -- musical (adj.)17页,当前第11234567891011121314151617


compete (v.) -- competition (n.)

succeed (v.) -- success (n.) -- successful (adj.)

sudden (adj.) -- suddenly (adv.)

perform (v.) -- performance (n.)

encouragement (n.) -- encourage (v.)

talent (n.) -- talented (adj.)

invent (v.) -- inventor (n.) -- invention (n.)

curiosity (n.) -- curious (adj.)

nature (n.) -- natural (adj.) -- naturally (adv.)

improve (v.) -- improvement (n.)

science (n.) -- scientist (n.)

equip (v.) -- equipment (n.)

find (v.) -- finding (n.)

actual (adj.) -- actually (adv.)

develop (v.) -- development (n.)

efficiency (n.) -- efficient (adj.)

include (v.) -- including (prep.)

pave (v.) -- pavement (n.)

manage (v.) -- manager (n.)

intelligence (n.) -- intelligent (adj.)

confidence (n.) -- confident (adj.)

bravery (n.) -- brave (adj.)

determine (v.) -- determined (adj.)

design (v.) -- designer (n.)



1. i couldn’t agree more. 我再同意不过了。

2. include & including

3. the number of &a number of:

4. win & beat 

beat=defeat 的宾语是人或队伍, 表示“打败……”;

win 的宾语不能是人,而是奖金,奖杯,比赛,战争等, 如win an award, win the competition。

5. 过去进行时

 构成: was / were + doing     用法:过去某个时间正在进行或发生的动作

 常与过去进行时连用的时间状语:

at ten o’clock last night,   then,  this time yesterday,   at that time,  

from 8 to 9 last wednesday…

 when,while?

过去进行时常与when, while引导的时间状语从句连用, 意思是"当……之时"。



 the telephone rang when(while) i was taking a bath.

 all the students were sleeping soundly when the fire broke out. (此句中不可以用while)

 father was preparing a report while i was playing games.

unit 2复习提纲


1. fun (adj.) funny 2. succeed (n.) success, (adj.) successful

3. amuse (n.) amusement 

4. own (n.) owner

5. sleep (adj.) asleep, sleepy 

6. angry (n.) anger 

7. happy (n.) happiness (opp)unhappy 

8. express (n.) expression

9. art (n.) artist 

10. delight (adj.) delighted

11. splendid (adv.) splendidly 

12. possible (adv.) possibly

13. complain (n.) complaint   

14. wonder (adj.) wonderful

15. bore (adj.) boring, bored 

16. frighten (adj.) frightened

17. worry (adj.) worried 

18. close (adj.) closed关闭的, close亲密的

19. open (adj.) open 

20. cheer (adj.) cheerful17页,当前第21234567891011121314151617


21. think (adj.) thoughtful 

22. good (n.) goodness

23. value (adj.) valuable 

24. care (adj.) careful/careless, (n.)carelessness

25. exist (n. ) existence 

26. skill (adj.) skilful

27. true (adv.) truly 

28. fail (n.) failure, (opp.) pass, succeed

29. wisdom (adj.) wise 

30. smart (opp.) foolish

31. humour (adj.) humorous 

32. collect (n.) collector


1. 充满be full of, be filled with 2. 对(某物)很满意 be delighted with

3. 为……工作 work for 4. 同意做某事 agree to do sth.

5. 尽力做 try to do sth. 6. 同(某人)比赛,迎战 play against

7. 二十世纪三十年代末 in the 1930s 8. 射门得分 score a goal

9. 想到 think of 10. 戏弄(某人)play a trick on sb.

11. 使…陷入麻烦 get sb. into trouble 12. 出发,启程 set out

13. 到处跑 run around 14. 救生衣 life jacket

15. 犯事而落到(某人)手里 get in trouble with sb

16. 大量的 plenty of 17. 追溯到,始于 date back to

18. 到处跑 run around 19. 存在,现有 in existence

20. 嘲笑 laugh at 21. 处于良好的状态 in good condition

22. 来自世界各地的 from all over the world 23. 撞倒(某人) knock sb down

24. 一个叫做…的人 a man called/ named… 25. 回答,答复 in reply

26. 有很长的历史 with a long history 27. 不挡某人的道 move out of one’s way

28. 画出…的轮廓 draw an outline of 29. 朝上看 look up

30. 处于困境,有麻烦的 in trouble 31. 熬夜 stay up

33. 想去做某事 would like to do sth. 34. 兴奋的表情  a cheerful expression

35. 灿烂的笑容 a big smile 36. 做…的方法 a way to do/ a way of doing

37. 以多少赢… beat sb. by…to…  38. 活过来 come to life

39. 我们能够做的一切是 all we can do is 40. 处于危险之中 be in danger

41.  为某人准备某物prepare sth for sb




1)放在被修饰的名词前做定语:a cold and windy day;

2)放在连系动词后做表语:feel lonely;


a. be, keep, stay, appear, seem

b. 感官动词:look, sound, taste, smell, feel

c. 表示“变得”:grow, get, turn, become, fall, go

3)形容词修饰不定代词something, anyone, nobody等时,应放在不定代词的后面:something interesting


wide(宽阔的)widely(广泛的):five metres wide, widely used;

deep(深度)deeply(深深的):five metres deep, deeply moved;

hard(努力的/地)hardly(几乎不):work hard, hard work, hard understand

near(附近)nearly(几乎,大部分):near the school, nearly everyone

5)只能做表语的形容词:afraid, alone, asleep, awake, alive, well, ill, frightened;

6)ly结尾的形容词:lonely, friendly, lively, lovely;17页,当前第31234567891011121314151617



2、it is+adj.+ (for /of sb.) to do sth形容词常表示事物的特征特点    

eg: it is necessary for them to get an electrician to do the work for them.

 = they are necessary to get an electrician to do the work for them.

it is +adj.+ of sb. to do sth. 形容词表示人物的内在评价(人的本质)。

eg: it is very clever of you to work out the math problem in such a short time.

 = you are very clever to work out the math problem in such a short time.

unit 3复习提纲



1. …之旅the trip to… / the tour of…

2. 电影制作大赛a film-making competition 

3. 游乐场 an amusement park

4. 作为娱乐for pleasure/fun

5. 从…中得到乐趣 take pleasure in

6. 拍摄电影shoot (shot~) films

7. 吓一大跳jump out of one’s skin

8. 朝…大吼roar at

9. 闻起来像…  smell like…

10. 给…留下深刻印象

make/leave a deep impression on sb

11. 剧烈地震动shake violently

12. 被淋湿    get wet

13. 看起来像真的   look real

14. 似乎  seem to do

15. 电影明星 film / movie star

16. 扮演角色 act / play a role

17. 根本不    not…at all

18. 担任……工作  work as…

19. 以…作为背景be set (in)

20. 尽力做某事try to do

21. (飞机等)起飞,脱下(衣服)take off

22. 与……交朋友make friends with

23. 清理clean up

24. 关闭(电/水龙头)turn off

25. 撞到…..bump into

26. 一定是  must be 

27. 赚钱 make money

28. …的一个方面one aspect of…

29. 长大 grow up

30. 一两周a week or two /one or two weeks

31. 不断做某事 keep doing sth.

32. 一直  all the time

33. 不再 not…any longer / no longer

34. 手机 mobile phone

35. 值得做 be worth doing

36. ……的部分  part of…

37. 一会儿 for a while

38. 打算做某事be planning to do/ be going to do

39. 考虑做某事think about/of doing sth.

40. 对…惊奇be amazed by / at

41. 上演  be on

42. 宁愿(不)做某事would rather (not) do 

43. 开车接送某人pick sb up

44. 社交活动 social event

45. 几个  a couple of

46. 对某人有不良的影响have a bad influence on sb

47. 有做…的时间have time to do sth 



set (v.) -- setting (n.)

music (n.) -- musical (n./ adj.)

lone (n.) -- lonely (adj.)

romance (n.) -- romantic (adj.)

enjoy (v.) -- enjoyable (adj.)17页,当前第41234567891011121314151617


move (v.) -- moving / moved (adj.)

extreme (adj.) -- extremely (adv.)

fun (n.) -- funny (adj.)

friend (n.) -- friendship / friendliness (n.)

colour (n.) -- colourful (adj.)

amaze (v.) -- amazing / amazed (adj.)

power (n.) -- powerful (adj.)

wonder (n.) -- wonderful (adj.)

excite (v.) -- exciting (adj.)

tradition (n.) -- traditional (adj.)

sudden (adj.) -- suddenly (adv.)

fantasy (n.) -- fantastic (adj.)

act (v.) -- action / actor / actress (n.)

horrible (adj.) -- horror (n.)

introduce (v.) -- introduction (n.)

lead (v.) -- leading (adj.)

end (v.) -- ending (n.)

conclude (v.) -- conclusion (n.)

society (n.) -- social (adj.)

completely (adv.) -- complete (adj./v.)

imagine (v.) -- imagination (n.)

feel (v.) -- feeling (n.)

luck (n.) -- lucky (adj.) -- luckily (adv.)

direct (v.) -- director (n.)



1. both…and 谓语复数

not only…but also, neither…nor, either…or   就近原则

as well as, with, along with  与前面的名词保持一致

2. too much, much too & too many

3. try to do & try doing 

4. make的用法    使…成为…make sth./sb. + n.   使…怎样/做某事make sth./sb. +adj. / v.

5. see sb sth doing & see sb/sth do

6. no one & none

7. whether & if

8. so &such

9. 语法重点:直接引语变为间接引语,


1) 确定连词&语序

 陈述句: (that) 可以省略,语序不变。

主句的谓语动词可直接用引语中的said, 也可用told来代替,注意,可以说said that, said to sb.that, told sb. that,不可直接说told that

 一般疑问句: if/whether, 语序是陈述句的语序


he said, “do you have any difficulty with pronunciation?”

→he asked (me) whether/if i had any difficulty with my pronunciation.

 特殊疑问句: 使用原句疑问词 when, where, who等, 语序改为陈述句语序


 祈使句: 把句子改为以下句式:ask/tell/order sb. (not) to do sth.

2) 转换人称


主格:i you he she it we they

宾格: me you him her it us them

形容词:my your his her its our their

名词性物主代词:  mine yours his hers its ours theirs

反身代词:myself yourself himself herself ourselves yourselves themselves

3) 时态的转变

主句: 现在时或将来时,从句:不变

she says, “i’ll never forget the days in the country.”

she says that she’ll never forget the days in the country.

主句: 过去时,从句: 对应的过去时态


the geography teacher said, “the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”17页,当前第51234567891011121314151617


→the geography teacher told us that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.


直接引语 间接引语

一般现在时 am / is / are                   do / does 一般过去时 was / were


现在进行时 am/is/are doing 过去进行时 was / were doing

现在完成时 have / has done 过去完成时 had + done

一般过去时 was / were did 一般过去时

过去完成时 was/were/did

had + done

一般将来时 am/is/are going to do

will do 过去将来时 was / were going to do

would do


4) 指示代词和时间状语的变化

this----- that         these----- those      here----- there

now-----then         today-----that day    tonight---that night

tomorrow-----the next day/the following day

next week-----the next week   two days ago-----two days before

yesterday-----the day before   last night-----the night before

the day before yesterday ---- two days before

the day after tomorrow ---- in two days

注意个别趋向动词的变化:come----go, bring----take 




1. 教育访问 educational visit (to)

2. 当地人  local people

3. 我首先想到的一点my first thought

4. …的一部分 part of

5. 教育交流 educational exchange

6. 寄宿家庭 host family

7. 交流生  exchange student

8. 被要求做某事be required to do

9. 随身携带某物take sth with sb.

10. 做…方面的演讲give a talk about/on

11. 做菜;烹饪 do some cooking

12. 获知,了解 learn about

13. 全世界     throughout the world

14. 被…深深地感动be deeply affected (by)

15. 改善  improve the situation

16. 获得奖学金 win the scholarship

17. 去观光旅行go on sightseeing tours

18. 与…某人交朋友make friends with sb

19. 与…呆在一起stay with sb.

20. 也;还  as well as 

21. 从那时起 since then(用于完成时)

22. 与…保持联系keep in touch with sb 

23. 进行交流 go on an exchange

24. 允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth.

25. 出国  go abroad

26. 参加  take part in

27. 远离  be away from

28. 一点点      a bit (of)

29. 名胜  place(s) of interest

30. 四处观光 do much sightseeing17页,当前第61234567891011121314151617


31. 给某人拍照 take pictures of sb.

32. 少于 less than

33. 与…相似be similar to

34. 一直呆在…have been in

35. 大声说出shout out

36. 向…表达自己的看法give one’s opinions to

37. 起初 at first

38. 与…开始聊天start a conversation with

39. 即使 even if/though

40. 在咖啡厅in a cafe

41. 向某人询问关于…的建议 ask sb. for advice on sth.

42. 乐于做某事 be ready to do sth

43. 同学们  fellow students

44. 开始喜欢take to

45. 想家 get homesick

46. 文化冲击culture shock

47. 过了一会儿after a while

48. 习惯于(做) 某事 get /be used to (doing) sth.

49. 一直  all the time

50. 与…不同 be different from / to

51. 与…相比  compare to…

52. 中学 high school

53. 感到不安feel uneasy

54. 便服 casual clothes

55. 中学    high school




1. host (opp.) – hostess

2. educate(v.)-education(n)-educational(adj)

3. think (v.) - thought (n.) – thoughtful(adj)

4. patience (n.) - patient (adj.)

5. confidence (n.) - confident (adj.)

6. arrangement (n.) - arrange (v.)

7. organize (v.) - organization (n.)

8. deep (adj.) - deeply (adv.)

9. improvement (n.) - improve (v.)

10. govern (v.) - government (n.)

11. situate (v.) - situation (n.)

12. value (v.) - valuable (adj.)

13. fortunately (adv.) - fortunate (adj.)

14. scholar (n.) - scholarship (n.)

15. realization (n.) -- realize (v.)

16. simple (adj.) -- simply (adv.)

17. comfort (v.) -- comfortable (adj.)

18. strange (adj.) -- stranger (n.)

19. converse (v.) -- conversation (n.)

20. familiar (adj.) -- unfamiliar (adj.)

21. organization (n.) -- organize (v.)

22. use (v.) -- used (adj.)

23. proper (adj.) -- properly (adv.)

24. apart (adv.) -- apartment (n.)

25. easy (adj.) -- uneasy (adj.)



1. a bit &a little

2. “疑问词 + 动词不定式”的转换

    “疑问词 + 动词不定式”结构相当于一个名词性从句,常常可用同等成分的从句代替。改写后的句子需要在疑问词后加上相对应的主语,并要注意主谓语单复数的一致性。如:

      the question is where to put it. →the question is where we should put it.


      we can't decide when to start. →we can't decide when we should start.

3. have gone to/have been to/have been in:

 have gone to+地点“已去了…(还未回来)”17页,当前第71234567891011121314151617


 have been to+地点“去过…(原来去过,现在已回)”句尾常接次数或多个地点或before,或句中常有ever, never等。

 have been in+地点,“已在…(多久了)”句尾常接for+时间段,或since +时间点/一般过去时的句子。

4. don’t think… 认为…不… (否定前移)

i think it is impolite to say so.= i don’t think it is polite to say so.

当主句谓语动词是think, believe, feel, guess, suppose等表示“观点、信念、推测”等心理活动时,常常使用这种结构。

i believe he is guilty.= i don’t believe he is innocent.


 i think lucy can do well in the exam, can’t she?

    i don’t think he will come here on time, will he?

5. though和although都可以表示“虽然;尽管”,但不要根据汉语习惯,在后面使用连词but, 不过有时它可与 yet, still 等副词连用。例如:他虽然年纪很大了,但还很强壮。

误:although he is very old, but he is quite strong.

正:although he is very old, (yet) he is quite strong.


用作连词,引导让步状语从句,两者大致同义,可换用,只是 although 比 though 更为正式:

though (although) it was raining,we went there. 虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿。

we are still happy, though (although) we are poor, 我们虽然穷,但仍然很快乐。


1) although 一般不用作副词,而 though 可用作副词,且一般放在句末(不放在句首),意为“可是、不过”:

     it’s hard work. i enjoy it, though. 工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干。

     he looks fit, though. 但他看起来很健康。

2) 在 as though(好像,仿佛),even though(即使,纵然)等固定短语中不能用 although:

     you look as though you know each other. 你们看起来好像互相认识。

even though i fail, i’ll keep on trying. 即便我失败了, 我还会不断尝试。

3) though 可用于省略句(省略从句的主语和谓语), although 不能.

    though (he is) alone, he is happy. 尽管他一个人,但他却很快乐。(though在这里可看作副词,修饰形容词alone)




1. 完全清醒 be wide awake

2. 数目可观的a generous amount of

3. 零花钱 pocket money

4. 毕竟;归根到底 after all 

5. 买某物给某人buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.

6. 被允许做某事 be allowed to do sth. 

7. 几乎从不 hardly ever

8. 付款给某人做某事 pay sb. for doing sth.

9. 替某人付款 pay for sb 

10. 期望某人做某事 expect(sb) to do sth. 

11. 最新的时尚物品the latest fashions

12. 在预算之内 within a budget 

13. 代沟 a generation gap 

14. 对…认真;当真be serious about

15. 依赖某人/某物be dependent on sb./sth.17页,当前第81234567891011121314151617


16. 不依赖,脱离…..而独立be independent of sb./sth.

17. 对…负责take/have the responsibility for=be responsible for

18. 某人的责任 the responsibility of sb. 

19. 流行音乐 pop music 

20. 对…担心/忧虑 be concerned about 

21. 信任believe in 

22. 幸福的童年 a happy childhood 

23. 总经理 a senior manager 

24. 对…感到遗憾/难过 be/ feel sorry for…

25. 因某事和某人争论argue with sb about sth. 

26. 独生子女 an only child

27. 同甘共苦share one’s happiness and sadness

28. 给某人关于…建议give sb. advice on sth

29. 抚养;养育 bring up 

30. 到…的旅游 a visit to…

31. 狂热的粉丝 a big fan of 

32. 关心 care about

33. 让某人为某事烦恼…bother sb. about sth 

34. 对…感到不满be unhappy with/about…

35. 洗衣机 washing machine

36. 洗衣服/碗 wash the clothes/ dishes

37. 用手的,手工的by hand   

38. 不同意disagree with  

39. 提出建议make a suggestion

40. 得到自控能力gain self-control 

41. 在…方面浪费金钱waste money on

42. 帮忙做家务 help with the housework 

43. 学会做某事 learn to do sth.

44. 为…工作 work for 

45. 周末 at weekends

46. 在工作日 on weekdays 

47. 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth.

48. 艰难的工作 hard work 

49. 努力地工作 work hard

50. 客厅、起居室living room/sitting room

51. 让某人做某事have sb do sth 

52. 被提供一份…的工作 be offered a job as…

53. 改变主意 change one’s mind 

54. 愿意做某事 be willing to do sth.

55. 坚持做某事 insist on doing 

56. 盼望做某事 look forward to doing sth.

57. 试着做某事try doing sth. 

58. 尽力做某事 try to do sth

59. 向…道歉apologize to sb=give an apology to sb.

60. 平均总数 an average total of


1. argument (v.): argue 2. advantage (opp.): disadvantage

3. fair (opp.): unfair 4. concerned (v.): concern

5. happy (n.): happiness (opp.): unhappy 6. behavior (v.): behave

7. suggest (n.): suggestion 8. regulation (adj.): regular

9. important (n.): importance 10. pack (n.): packing

11. apologize (n.): apology 12. culture (adj.): cultural

13. agree (opp.): disagree 14. latest (adv./ adj.): late

15. independent (n.): independence 16. responsibility (adj.): responsible

17. sad (n.): sadness 18. care (adj.): careful (opp.): careless

19. tire (adj.): tiring/ tired 20: express (n.): expression17页,当前第91234567891011121314151617


21. advertising (v.): advertise 22. decide (n.): decision

23. will (adj.): willing 24. immediately (adj.): immediate

25. attract (n.): attraction 26. revise (n.) revision

27. insist (n.) insistence (adj.) insistent          28. law (n.): lawyer

29. unfortunate (adv.) -- unfortunately          30. belong (n.) : belongings

31. neighbour (n.) -- neighbourhood (n.)        32. happy (n) :happiness

33. complain(v.) --- (n.) complaint    



1. 英语中很多动词后都可以接两个宾语,sb.(间接宾语),sth.(直接宾语)

eg: take sb. sth. = take sth. to sb.如果直接宾语放在动词后的话,大多数都是用介词to把sth.连接起来,但是有些动词确实接for

eg: cook sth. for sb. make sth. for sb. buy sth. for sb. order sth. for sb. draw sth. for sb.

2. 宁愿做某事:prefer to do sth. =  would rather do sth.

  宁愿做a不做b:prefer doing a to doing b = would rather do a than do b = prefer to do a rather than do b

3. 宾语从句(关于祈使句与感叹句的转换,其它部分见u3复习提纲)

  当直接引语是祈使句时,转换成间接引语时通常转换为ask sb. to do sth.或者tell sb. to do


  用ask sb to do sth:

1) 直接引语的祈使句含有please

2) 直接引语用比较委婉的疑问句,eg: could/ can you open the door for me?

用tell sb. to do sth.

1) 直接引语的祈使句不含please 

2) 直接引语用语气较为强烈的陈述句,eg: you should/ must open the door for me.


eg: 1)what a beautiful lady she is!

      he said that what a beautiful lady she is!

   2)how fast the horse is!

      he said that how fast the horse is!

unit 6 复习



1. 在周六上午on saturday morning

2. 文学著作works of literature

3. 休息一下have/take a rest

4. 过来,出现come along

5. 想到一个好主意have a wonderful idea

6. 捡起pick up

7. 回去工作go back to work

8. 嘲笑laugh at

9. 经过;路过come by

10. 继续做某事 go on doing

11. 过了一会儿 after a while

12. 粉刷一下do some painting

13. 干得好 do a good job

14. 等等 and so on

15. 各种各样的all sorts of 

16. 对…越来越感兴趣get more and more interested in…

17. 想要某事被做want sth. to be done

18. 一脸忧虑的表情with worry on one’s face

19. 心里暗自高兴with joy in one’s heart

20. 向某人提供某物 offer sth. to sb.= offer sb. sth.17页,当前第101234567891011121314151617


21. 在午夜at midnight

22. 挖出 dig up

23. 吵架;争论have an argument

24. 打昏某人    knock sb. out

25. 用某物刺伤某人 stab sb. with sth.

26. 醒来 wake up

27. 知道真相know the truth

28. 把某人关进监狱   put sb. in prison

29. 被绞死;被处死刑 be hanged

30. 在最后时刻 at the last moment

31. 大声叫出call out

32. 释放某人set sb free

33. 集中(注意、关心)于focus on

34. 注意…pay attention to (doing)sth

35. 热衷于;喜爱be keen on(doing)sth

36. 担任…的职位work as…

37. 盼望;期望look forward to(doing)sth

38. 实现某人抱负achieve one’s ambition

39. 来回航行sail up and down

40. 养家support one’s family

41. 四处旅游travel around

42. 银矿工人silver miner

43. 美国南北战争the american civil war

44. 某人的有生之年the rest of one’s life

45. 发表演讲give lectures

46. 被认为是be considered to be

47. 受骗be cheated

48. 抽出…给某人spare sb. sth. = spare sth. (for sb.) 

49. 捉弄某人play a trick on sb

50. 嘲笑laugh at

51. 走上前; 走近come up

52. 有自己的一套;随心所欲have one’s own way

53. 说服某人做某事persuade sb to do sth

54. 鼓舞某人做某事inspire sb to do sth

55. 在…的末端on the end of

56. 找出;查明find out

57. 向某人致敬pay a tribute to sb

58. 到处;各处here and there

59. 使某人迅速离开hurry sb. away

60. 扑灭put out

61. 尽可能…as… as one can=as…as possible 



literary (adj.) -- literature (n.)

adventurous (adj.) -- adventure (n.)

include (v.) -- including (prep.)

proper (adj.) -- properly (adv.)

paint (v.) -- painting / paint (n.)

kill (v.) -- killer (n.)

scare (v.) – scared/scaring (adj.)

joy (adj.) -- enjoy (v.) -- joyful (adj.)

-- joyfully (adv.) -- joyless (adj.)

argue (v.) -- argument (n.)

true (adj.) -- truth (n.)

print (v.) -- printer (n.)

achieve (v.) -- achievement (n.)

ambition (n.) –ambitious (adj.)

mine (n./v.) -- miner (n.)

history (n.) -- historical (adj.)

simple (adj.) -- simply (adv.)

-- simplify (v.) -- simplified (adj.)

pave (v.) -- pavement (n.)

measure (v.) -- measurement (n.)

tradition (n.) -- traditional (adj.)

engineer (n.) -- engineering (n.)

inspire (v.) -- inspiration (n.)

explore (v.) -- exploration (n.)

freeze (v.) – frozen/freezing (adj.)

novel (n.) – novelist (n.)

consider(v.)- consideration(n.)

romance(n.) – romantic (adj.)

solution (n.) – solve (v.)

三. 句型/语法

1. with + n. + 介词短语,表示伴随状况

2. you have to work, don’t you? (反义疑问句)17页,当前第111234567891011121314151617